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The People's Democratic Republic of Chitzeland

Benevolent Dictatorship

Year of Independence: 918
Government type: Republic
Region: Chaotica
Motto: Working together for a better future!
Map: [1]
Official Language(s): English
Capital: Providence
Population: 1.96 billion
Currency: Plume
Currency Code: PLU
Leader: President Leonard Copeland
Major Religion(s): Christianity
Time Zone: AOTC +600
Internet TLD: .ch
Phone Code: 664
Stats: NSEconomy Pipian XML

The People's Democratic Republic of Chitzeland is nation in western Helia situated on the Chitzi Peninsula between the North Sea and the Chitzi sea. The people of Chitzeland are descendants of native peoples and of the Hohgoan colonizers of the region. Chitzeland is bordered to the east by Yehtra. At 286,202 sq. mi., it is the smallest nation on the continent.


The first Chitzis were migratory hunters that followed herds across the southern plains of Chitzeland. It is thought that they came to Chitzeland from the Helian Archipelogo to the west, although not much is known about these people or their civilization.

Muslim traders were the first people to arrive in Chitzeland after these native peoples. The first traders are thought to have arrived twelve hundred years ago near what is today Belschar. The traders quickly lost interest in Chitzeland due to the hostility of the natives, and settled in the more friendly lands to the south in what is today Yehtra.

Colonial Chitzeland

Hohgoan colonists from the Holy Empire of Hohgo followed just a hundred years after the first Muslims arrived. Unlike the Muslims, the Hoghoans brought armies to assert their claims, and the primitive Chitzis were easily defeated by the iron and later steel clad Hohgoans. After about thirty years of fighting, the Chitzi tribes gave up and became peaceful towards the colonists. The peace treaty signed between 30 Chitzi tribal leaders and Lord Monshar of the Hoghoans marks the beginning of the Chitzeland Calendar.

Many were converted to Buddhism in missions set up by the Hohgoans, but others, seeing it as a bad foreign influence, refused to live in the missions. Much conflict occurred between the Chitzis and the Hohgoans over the use of Chitzi forced labor in building towns and settlements. The greatest uprising came in the year 6, when the Hohgo Empire went to war with the now consolidated Islamic Yehtran Empire over the land to the east of Chitzeland. The Hohgoans forced Chitzis to fight in their army, and many Chitzi uprisings sprung up across the colony. These uprisings were successful, and many parts of Chitzeland were autonomous for two to three years before being brought back into the Hoghoan Empire.

In the year 78, the Emperor and his family converted to Christianity, and a new wave of missionaries swept over Chitzeland. Like the first incidenence of this, the Chitzis rejected the missionaries' messages in favor of their own tribal beliefs. Another wave of uprisings came over Chitzeland. Although these uprisings were less successful than the ones in the past, the Emperor decided at last to give the Chitzis some autonomy. The Kingdom of Chitzeland was created, with its capital at the previous colonial capital of Zarzor. The King was given some power, although most was still held by the Hohgoans.

The Yehtran Muslims, whom the people of Chitzeland have had problems with since before colonization, invaded Chitzeland and briefly captured the capital of Zarzor in 218. The Empire, which had lost its war with the Yehtrans because of the Chitzi uprisings back in year 6, sent its armies to liberate its colony. With the backing of the King of Chitzeland, the Hohgoans marched into Yehtra and claimed it as another colony of the Empire. The Emperor treated the Muslims as slaves because of the war, which increased the animosity between Yehtrans and Chitzis because the Muslims did not like that they were getting treated worse than the Chitzis. Frequent fighting occured between villages on the border of the two colonies.

===The Sin Wars===
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Allied troops marching
into Providence
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When the Empire collapsed in 918, Chitzeland, Yehtra, and the other Hohgoan colonies on the continent of Helia (Ardainea, Escheles, Jofel, Orwin, Aoesin, Erdinkel, and Omance colonies were left to fend for themselves and became independent countries. In 920, Yehtran warlords coordinated a massive invasion of Chitzeland, and overwhelmed the defenses. Yehtra, a predominately Muslim state, was larger than the other eight former colonies combined. Once the Yehtran warlords announced intentions to invade its neighbors, the other nations and Chitzeland formed an alliance. This alliance would later be called the Allied Powers. The war that ensued would be known as the Sin Wars. (Although Chitzeland was a primarily atheist nation, most of the other nations, except Yehtra, were Christian, and the term "Sin Wars" was coined by these Christians.) They quickly set up defenses, and when Yehtra invaded neighboring Erdinkel in 922, it was halted. A grueling trench war ensued for five years. In 927, Yehtra’s military began to weaken due to disorganization and lack of funding. It’s lines crumbled in late 927. The Allied Powers quickly mobilized for an offensive, with the Yehtrans scurrying back to their borders. Chitzeland was liberated first, and then the Allies invaded Yehtra. They managed to push far into the country, but had much difficulty holding occupied cities due to the fanatical and militant civilians. Finally, a ceasefire was signed in 934, ending the war that had killed over a hundred million people.

===Modern Chitzeland===
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President Copeland
President 945-995

Although Chitzeland had been victorious in its war with Yehtra, it still had a long and painful reconstruction to go through. One in every seven Chitzis were killed in genocides by the Yehtrans, and as the Yehtrans had retreated in 927 and 928, they burned the fields and towns to the ground. Very few leaders were willing to step up and try to repair a nation that seemed to be without hope, and those that did were not in power for long. Finally, in 939, a group of scholars and military leaders assembled and had drawn up a draft of a new Chitzeland constitution. The constitution met tremendous public support, and was put into place in 940. The first President, Niko Vermatoff, moved the national capital to Providence and imposed an isolation policy to ensure that nothing as catastrophic as the Sin Wars ever happened to Chitzeland again. He also brought into effect plans for reconstruction and modernization of Chitzeland. Despite these achievements, he only lasted one term before being beaten by Louis Copeland in the 945 election, who had 52% of the vote behind him. Louis Copeland, an ex-general who was the Supreme Allied Commander in the last five years of the Sin Wars, went on to serve an amazing ten terms as president. Louis Copeland died in 995 of congestive heart failure at the age of 109. He was replaced by his Vice President and son, Leonard Copeland.

Leonard Copeland quickly repealed the isolationist policy set forth by Vermatoff. In the 995 election, Copeland won the the presidency. Copeland's first year as president is notable because of several small military actions taken to fight Islamic Terrorism, which was begining to threaten Chitzeland from increasinly radical Yehtra.

Christianity, which had been growing enormously in Chitzeland beginning in 986, combined with nationalism caused the Catholics in Chitzeland to split from the Catholics in Rome. On October 7, 995, the Church of Chitzeland was formed, and just a week later its first Pope, Rolland, was crowned.

Government and Politics

Politics in Chitzeland is a very intersting issue. Because of the fact that the country has been ruled by war heroes such as Louis Copeland for most of its modern history. Much government dissent has happened in other places, however, most notably university campuses. Opposition groups to the government claim that it has overstepped the ammount of power given to it by Chitzeland's constitution. They also claim that the government tries to silence its critics and even commits election fraud in order to stay in power. There is no conclusive proof of any of this happening.


The President is the chief executive in the government of Chitzeland. In addition to serving as the highest the highest ranking official in the armed services, the president is also the head of the Congress. Presidential elections are held every five years, and presidents may serve an unlimited ammount of terms. Only three presidents have served in the 55 years of the offices history: Niko Vermatoff (940-945), Louis Copeland (945-995), and Leonard Copeland (995-present)

In the event of the president dying while in office, the Vice-President takes over the office. After the Vice-President becomes President, he appoints a new Vice-President. This has only occured once, in 995, when President Louis Copeland died. The new president, Leonard Copeland, appointed Pierre Copeland as his Vice-President.

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A view of Congress before a session
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The Congress is the central lawmaking body of the government. Laws are proposed and then ratified by vote. A law must receive a two-thirds majority if it is to pass and be put into Book of Laws, which is the term used for all of Chitzeland's laws. Its members, called congressmen and congresswomen, are elected every two and a half years and serve two and a half year terms.

Whenever a region of Chitzeland becomes populated enough, it can apply to become its own district. Upon becoming a district, it is awarded a member of congress. There are currently 1067 districts in Chitzeland, making 1067 congressmen. Each congressman gets 1 vote, and the president gets 20 votes.

Notable congressmen are Dmetri Welson, who fought for military reform in the 40's and 50's, Arnold Dornell, who passed revolutionary laws in safety and infrastructure construction in the 50's, and Compan Filius, who passed education reforms in the 70's and 80's.

Judicial System

The judicial system is comprised of 1067 district courts, whose members are elected by members of the district. Judges are elected as officials to interpret the law and the constitution. In a trial, a jury made up of 20 volunteers is selected. The jury and the judge will listen to both sides of a case and work together to determine the outcome of the trial. Once a verdict has been reached, it is final and must be carried out.

Political Parties

Chitzeland has two major political parties, the CLP(Chitzeland Libertarian Party), and the Labour Party. Chitzeland's political parties are different from normal political parties in that they do not have any distinguishable platform, and are much less organized than those in other nations. This is often toted as a good thing, as it allows for greater independence among those wishing to achieve political office. A peculiarity that must be noted however is that the Labour Party has not won any presidential elections nor have they won any members in congress.


The education system in Chitzeland is one of the most controversial topics among Chitzeland's politicians. Chitzeland has had a historically low literacy rate, and, although it has improved in recent decades, a genuine disappointment in the public education system remains. Private schools and universities, however, are of considerable higher quality. Notable Universities are the University of Providence, the University of Automati, the Zarzor University for the Arts, and the Bealle Academy.

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Some Army officers in
a marching demonstration
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Chitzeland's militaristic nature and cultural glorification of military service have lead to large recruitment rates. Chitzeland's Armed forces are estimated to be over 70 million, including a standing army of 18 million.

itary Branches and Sub Branches


  • Army Corps
  • Air Force
  • Special Forces


  • Coast Guard
  • Ranger Corp
  • Air Force

TheAir Force is jointly administered by Army and Navy

Army Organization

The Chitzeland Army is broken down into five levels of organization. The lowest level is the squad, which is made up of eleven men. One of these men is the captain. A brigade is the next highest level, with eleven squads: 110 privates led by 11 captains who report to one lieutenant for a total of 122 troops. The next highest level is the regiment, which is 1342 troops led by one sergeant. After the regiment comes the division, which is eleven regiments lead by three senior officers called colonels. The last and largest level of organization is the Army Corp, eleven divisions lead by five high ranking officers known as commanders, and are usually accompanied by the even higher ranking officers, known as field marshals and generals. These number rules are not set in stone, and often fluctuate greatly during a war.

People anad Culture

Chitzeland has a distinguishable culture that combines modern elements with traditional elements taken from their Hohghoan colonizers.

Population Statistics

Age Structure:
0-14 years: 22.6%
15-64 years: 66%
65 years and over: 11.4%

Median Age: 35.9 years

Life Expectancy at Birth: 75 years

Nationality: Chitzi

Ethnic Groups:
Chitzi: 60%
Helian: 35%
Other: 5%

None: 60%
Protestant: 1.2%
Orthodox Christian: 3%
Jewish: 1%
Catholic: 34.5%
Other: 0.3%

Languages: English

Literacy: Definition: age 14 and over can read and write Literacy Rate: 89%


The culture of Chitzeland is based on its colonial roots and the nationalist beliefs of its people. Music in Chitzeland tends to be instrumental and orchestral. Modern composers are based in Zarzor, which is famous for being the musical capital of Chitzeland. Art in Chitzeland is also of a conservative nature, with monuments being the most popular topic for painters and the human figure the most popular subject for sculptors. Scientific and philosophical belief is not widespread because of the poor quality of the public education system, but the private universities compensate by training large numbers of scientists, physicians, and engineers. Sports are very popular in Chitzeland, with the most popular sport being American Football (which is called Chitzi Football in Chitzeland). Other popular sports include basketball, football, and hockey. Chitzeland is a very homogenous society, and foreign cultural imports are considered inferior and do not normally gain popular.


Chitzeland is a land of geographic contrasts. The north is an area of swamps that has almost no inhabitants. The western and southern areas of the country contain vast plains that are the cradle of the country's large livestock industry. In the center of Chitzeland is the towering Terra mountains, which are sparsely populated but are popular tourist destinations. Western Chitzeland is mostly dense forrests, although many large cities such as Zarzor, Locke, and Elfzar have sprung up there. The river that runs through Providence and bisects the southern half of Chitzeland is the mighty Tarbin River, which is featured prominently in Chitzeland's culture and folklore.