Citizenship and immigration in Ariddia

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This article deals with the facts and policies pertaining to immigration, citizenship and nationality in Ariddia.

Immigration: overview

The People's Democratic Social Republic of Ariddia witnessed a significant inflow and outflow of people in the years that followed the implementation of socialist policies by the Democratic Communist Party. Many fled, before the government could seize their savings, but many others immigrated, drawn by the promise of better living conditions, free health care and education, and guarenteed housing.

When the island of Limea seceded from the Republic and became the Sovereign State of West Ariddia, a new two-way flow of massive proportions was witnessed. At first, all travel between the two countries was all but blocked by both sides, then gradually opened up with the creation of Fraternity Sealines, and finally opened up completely. Ariddians aspiring for a return to capitalism crossed over to Limea, while millions of West Ariddians fled the new economic order, its inequalities and hardships, and settled throughout the nineteen islands still under socialist control.

Today, emigration has slowed to a trickle, and is dwarfed by the importance of immigration. Most immigrants are welcome, and most are granted citizenship, on the basis of various criteria:

Acquisition of citizenship

Under Ariddian law, there is a distinction between nationality and citizenship. A citizen is any person of Ariddian nationality, aged 16 or above (1), residing in Ariddia on a permanent basis. Ariddia recognises dual nationality, but does not grant citizenship to persons living abroad.

Nationality is acquired in several ways:

Persons born in Ariddia and of Ariddian descent

Any person born on Ariddian territory - including overseas provinces and dependencies - automatically acquires Ariddian nationality, provided one of the child's parents at least has Ariddian nationality.

Persons born in Ariddia of foreign parents

A person born in Ariddia of two foreign parents acquires Ariddian nationality if one of his or her parents subsequently acquires Ariddian nationality, provided the child is still on Ariddian territory at that point.

If the child is still residing in Ariddia three years after his or her birth, but his or her parents have, for whatever reason, not acquired Ariddian nationality, the child may be granted Ariddian nationality at its parents' request.

Persons born abroad and of Ariddian descent

Any person born abroad and who has at least one Ariddian parent automatically obtains Ariddian nationality.


Any person who can prove he or she is Wymgani may obtain Ariddian nationality automatically upon request, even if that person was born abroad, is residing abroad, and/or was born of parents who did not have Ariddian nationality. Proof of Wymgani identity entails proof of ethnic descent, and recognition by a Wymgani community in Ariddia.


Any person settling in Ariddia may obtain Ariddian nationality and citizenship after three years of residence, provided he or she has not broken any laws within that timeframe. Committing an offence prior to acquiring nationality may lengthen the waiting time by as little as three months, or, in the most serious cases, be grounds for immediate expulsion from the country.

Prior to obtaining Ariddian nationality, candidates must undergo a simple "cultural test", in which they are seen to have understood and to accept the basic tenets of Ariddia's communist, vegetarian, ecologically-minded society. As Michelle Selva, Secretary for Education, once explained:

If you come here, and you want to settle and make a living here, it means you want to adopt our way of life. It means you believe in the same essential principles and values as we do. If you settle here, you will work freely, for the benefit of the community, without pay - like any other Ariddian. You will behave in a responsible manner towards your fellow citizens and towards the environment that nurtures you. You will leave behind selfishness and greed. They have no meaning here. We don't ask that you agree with us, but we demand that you abide by our laws. And if you come here, we assume that you do agree with what we believe in.
We are not asking for you to give up your own way of life. Ours is an open, multicultural society, which values its cultural diversity. It's our strength, our richness. We welcome you with open arms, and we hope to learn from you, from your culture, your beliefs, your traditions and your way of life. You can respect our laws and values and be an Ariddian, while still being more than that. You can be an Errinunderan-Ariddian or a Vegan-Ariddian, a Biotopian-Ariddian, a Pacitalian-Ariddian, a Burungi-Ariddian or a Knootian-Ariddian, or whatever you are and wish to be, and we will welcome you and respect you as you are.

Upon obtaining Ariddian nationality, new Ariddians must undergo free courses in one of the three national languages (Wymgani,French or English), the choich of which being up to them. Any person already speaking one of these languages, of course, is exempt. New Ariddians must also hand over all their money to the National Treasury; immigration is thus one of the country's main sources of income.


An immigrant may claim refugee status on arrival, and request Ariddian nationality. If the person is recognised as a refugee, he or she will usually be granted nationality after eight months of residence.

A refugee, under Ariddian law, is any person fleeing persecution or "intolerable living conditions". Thus, any person immigrating from a brutal dictatorship or from a country suffering from war or famine will almost inevitably qualify as a refugee. A person immigrating from a capitalist country will be deemed a refugee if he or she can prove they suffered socio-economic hardship from living under a capitalist regime. In general, the Ariddian authorities are sympathetic towards those denouncing the horrors of capitalism in their country of origin.

The same general provisions apply to refugees as to immigrants.

Renouncing Ariddian nationality

There are few restrictions on renouncing Ariddian nationality, for oneself and for one's legal dependents. The child of a person having renounced Ariddian nationality may reclaim Ariddian nationality upon reaching adulthood, if the child had Ariddian nationality prior to his or her parent(s) renouncing it.

Visiting Ariddia

Short-term visitors and temporary residents are mostly tourists and students. To these two groups correspond visas. Refugee visas are mostly issued on arrival.

Not all visitors require a visa, however. The PDSRA categorises foreign nations according to several “types”, and visitor or temporary residence requirements vary accordingly.

Types AA, AB & A

An AA-type country is a member of the Uhuhland Union. Citizens of these countries (West Ariddia, North-West Ariddia, Uhuh-Topia, Uhuh-Ropa, San Adriano, ESAT) are covered by the Uhuhland Council’s Freedom of Movement Act 2119, and may enter Ariddia and settle there as they wish. They are required only to show proof of identity upon arrival.

An AB-type country is a member of the Communist International. Citizens of these countries (H-Town Tejas, Zwangzug) are required only to show proof of identity in order to enter Ariddia. They may stay indefinitely, and obtain Ariddian nationality and citizenship after 15 months of residence, subject to the same conditions as other immigrants.

An A-type country is a country whose citizens are allowed to remain in Ariddia for up to four months without a visa. This currently applies only to Errinundera and Tanah Burung. Citizens of these countries are required only to present a passport upon arrival, valid for the duration of their stay.

Type B

Visitors from B-type countries may remain in Ariddia for six weeks without a visa, upon presentation of a passport valid for the duration of their stay.

At present, Kelssek, Zwangzug, Bashenk, Knootoss and Pacitalia are categorised as type-B.

Type C

By default, any country with which Ariddia has formal diplomatic relations will be categorised as C-type. This currently includes countries such as Gruenberg, Ubundi, Omigodtheykilledkenny, Zaire, and many others.

Visitors from these countries may remain in Ariddia for up to twenty-five days without a visa, upon presentation of a passport valid for the duration of their stay.

Type D

This category is that for countries with which Ariddia has formal diplomatic relations, but which the PDSRA considers to be “inimical at the present time”. This category is currently empty.

Visitors from these countries require a visa to enter Ariddia even for a very brief stay. Application for a visa must be made at least five weeks in advance. Tourists will generally not be permitted to remain in the country more than ten weeks.

Type E

The default category for countries with which Ariddia has no formal diplomatic relations.

Visitors from these countries require a visa to enter Ariddia even for a very brief stay. Application for a visa must be made at least three months in advance. Tourists will generally not be permitted to remain in the country more than seven weeks.

Type F

Visitors from countries categorised as type-F are barred from entering Ariddia, except with special exemption, or as refugees. A request for a student visa must be made at least five months in advance, and has some hope of being accepted. A request for a tourism visa must be made at least seven months in advance, and is usually rejected almost immediately. These are countries which the PDSRA considers to be “strongly inimical”.

This category is currently empty.


1. Under Ariddian law, in villages, towns and districts of cities where a majority of the population is Wymgani (i.e., Indigenous), traditional Wymgani customs apply, and inhabitants may vote in local elections upon reaching puberty, instead of having to wait until the age of 16. This also applies to immigrants settling in those areas.