Commander Lazarus

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Commander Lazarus
Field Commander of the Free Virginia Liberation Army
Political Role
Chairman of the FVLA Cental Committee
Founded the FVLA in 2000 along with Uldis Marko

Not much is known about Commander Lazarus. He first appeared in 2000 as one of the organizers of the Free Virginia Liberation Army. Together with Uldis Marko, Lazarus recruited a core of committed revolutionaries that included former Upper Virginian network TV anchor Athene Blaumena. This core forms the Central Committee of the FVLA.

The FVLA first made its presence known in Upper Virginia through a campaign of bombings in and around the capital of Courtland. Following the so-called Massacre of Courtland, in which Dominion Army forces turned their guns on a surging, but peaceful workers demonstration in the central business district, the FVLA escalated its bombing campaign, culminating with the successful bombing of the Directorate of Education.

With new recruits swelling their ranks, Commander Lazarus decided to take the FVLA into the field and to engage the Dominion Army in direct combat. His unexpected move to the northern city of Harrington caught the Dominion by surprise and allowed his guerillas to seize the city.

Lazarus then installed Marko as Chairman and administrator of the Liberated City of Harrington and took his troops back into the field.

Some comments made by Lazarus have led many to believe he is a former Dominion Army officer and possibly a contemporary and former acquaintance of General Craig Altman, the dictator of Upper Virginia.