Commonwealth Defense Council

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The Commonwealth Defense Council, based in Agwenstadt, the Resurgent Dream, is the central body for commanding the Commonwealth Defense Force and coordinating the independent activities of the armed forces of Commonwealth member states. The Commonwealth Defense Council is subject to the Commonwealth Commission and its Secretariat for the Common Defense on operational matters as well as to the votes of the Commonwealth General Assembly on more general matters of war and peace.

At any given time, five nations have officers serving on the Council. Nabarro Abarca, the Resurgent Dream and Laneria each have a permanent seat on the Council while other Commonwealth members hold the other two seats on a rotating basis. The current rotating members of the Council are Hipolis and Marlund. Each member's representative on the Council must be an officer of rank OF-6 or higher. The chair of the Council and Supreme Commander Commonwealth Defense Force is appointed by the Commonwealth Secretary for the Common Defense. The current Supreme Commander is General James Tomkin.