Conservative Party (Wuddup)

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The Conservative Party is one of the four main political parties in Wuddup. It is currently the third-most powerful political party in the nation.

Platform and Ideology

  • Economy: Minimal government spending, minimal taxes.
  • Taxes: Flat tax, overall low rate. Tax cuts for wealthiest citizens and big business.
  • Freedom of Speech: Limited ability to criticize the government. Limits on children's access to sexually indecent entertainment. Supports a ban on pornography.
  • Gun Control: Absolute right to bear arms. No bans on any type of firearm.
  • Abortion: Opposes abortion rights. Some make exception for rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.
  • Death Penalty: Supports. Believes more brutal means of execution serve as deterrent to crime.
  • Euthanasia: Opposes.
  • Same-Sex Marriage: Opposes, though some would allow civil unions.
  • Gambling: Opposes any form of legalized gambling.
  • Drugs: Opposes legalization.
  • Prostitution: Opposes legalization.
  • Immigration: Measures to keep out illegal immigrants, strict controls on legal immigration, opposes amnesty for illegal immigrants.
  • Education: Supports school choice, supports vouchers for homeschooling and private schools.
  • Religious Beliefs: Mostly Evangelical Christian, some Catholic.
  • Military: Large military, supports preemptive action. Supports conscription in times of necessity.