Constitution of Aberdeen

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Second Constitution of Aberdeen. Used by Aberdeen between November of 2005, and January of 2007 when that region merged with Charis to form the United Regions of Charis and Aberdeen (Uroca). Uroca's interm-government used Aberdeen's Constitution, with some minor modifications, from its formation in January of 2007, until it was dissolved in July of 2007.

I. Preamble

The Member States and the Citizens of Aberdeen,

RESOLVED to share, in creating an ever-closer union among them, a peaceful future based on common values,

CONSCIOUS of their history and their common spiritual and moral heritage, of the indivisible, universal values of human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity;

CONFIRMING their attachment to the principles of liberty, democracy and the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, tolerance and for the rule of law,

DETERMINED to place the individual at the heart of the activities of the region by establishing the citizenship of the region and by creating an area of freedom, security and justice,

DETERMINED to preserve and to develop these common values while respecting the diversity of the cultures and traditions of the peoples of Aberdeen as well as the national identities of the Member States and the organization of their public authorities at national, regional and local levels,

In View of the urgent need to render the process of integration and to organize politics and the political area in a united region on the basis of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality and to develop the region into a stabilizing factor and a model in the new, multi-polar world,

IN REMEMBRANCE of the original purpose of the foundation of the Aberdeen Communities, namely to substitute for age old rivalries the merging of their essential interests; to create, by establishing an economic community, the basis for a broader and deeper community among peoples long divided by bloody conflicts; and to lay the foundations for institutions which will give direction to a destiny henceforward shared,

RECALLING the historic importance of the ending of the division of the region and the need to create firm bases for the construction of a permanently united Aberdeen

HAVE DECIDED to unite the peoples and to found one single region which is to be called the UNITED NATIONS OF ABERDEEN (UNA).


Article 1 (Human dignity)

Human dignity is inviolable. It must be respected and protected.

Article 2 (Right to life)

2.1 Everyone has the right to life.
2.2 No one, including the state or its officials, has the right to kill. Therefore no one shall be condemned to the death penalty, or executed.

Article 3 (Right to the integrity of the person)

Everyone has the right to respect for his or her physical and mental integrity.

Article 4 (Right to liberty, security, and property)

4.1 Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person.
4.2 Everyone has the right to private property. This right can only be temporarily suspended if actions by the proprietor threaten the Bill of Rights, the Articles of Unity or any law that complies with the regional or national constitution.

Article 5 (Respect for private and family life)

Everyone has the right to respect for his or her private and family life, home and communications.

Article 6 (Freedom of thought, conscience and religion)

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right includes freedom to change religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or in private, to manifest religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.

Article 7 (Freedom of expression and information)

7.1 Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.
7.2 The freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected.

Article 8 (Freedom of assembly and of association)

8.1 Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association at all levels, in particular in political, trade union and civic matters, which implies the right of everyone to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his or her interests.
8.2 Political parties at Union level contribute to expressing the political will of the citizens of the Union.

Article 9 (Freedom of the arts and sciences)

9.1 The arts and scientific research shall be free of constraint. Academic freedom shall be respected.
9.2 Member States may limit the freedom of science by law only to the point of where it may threaten human dignity and the existence of life.

Article 10 (Right to education)

10.1 Everyone has the right to education.
10.2 The education provided needs to be well-funded and of high quality. Good Education must be a top priority of the individual national governments within the UNA.

Article 11 (Equality)

11.1 Everyone is equal before the law.
11.2 Men and women are equal. No gender may be discriminated.

Article 12 (Non-discrimination)

Any discrimination based on any ground such as sex, race, color, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited and deemed illegal in the eyes of the law.

Article 13 (Healthcare)

Everyone has the right to receive free healthcare, to be paid for by the Government of Aberdeen and by the Governments of the Member Nations of the UNA.


Article 1 (Principle of the UNA):

The UNA is a free, democratic region in NationStates. All Member Nations will have take on oath to comply with the Constitution of the UNA. All members are encouraged to sign this Constitution by replying to the Constitution thread.

Article 2 (Purpose):

The purpose of the UNA is:
2.1 To Unite the peoples of Aberdeen,
2.2 To make a better world,
2.3 To protect human rights on the basis of the United Nations,
2.4 To protect life, freedom, liberty, and property,
2.5 To keep the peace in Aberdeen and all over the world and
2.6 To protect and save the environment for future generations.

Article 3 (Foundation):

The UNA is based on human dignity, the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, tolerance, and the rule of law, principles which are common to the Member States.

Article 4 (Free Choice of Vote)

All member nations, including those countries having government positions, are free to vote for or against any UN resolution or Bill. They are also free not to vote at all.

Article 5 (Government):

5.1 The UNA shall give itself a government.
5.2 The government is founded on the principle of checks-and-balances. There shall be three different branches, each with equal power to check the other two: The Executive, the Legislative, and the Jurisdiction.

Article 6 (President):

6.1 The founder of the United Nations of Aberdeen, the country of “Dundee East”, shall be the President of the UNA.
6.2 The President shall have no active political role or direct political power in daily decisions.
6.3 The President will be similar to the Queen of the United Kingdom, representing the UNA.
6.4 The President shall make sure that all member nations comply with the Bill of Rights, the Articles of Unity, and the laws made by the The House of Members.
6.5 The President shall try to settle arguments between member nations.
6.6 If the President is in “vacation mode,” he must notify the members and the region’s delegate will substitute for the President with all presidential authorities for the time of absence.

Article 7 (Executive Branch):

7.1 The executive branch is made up of the Prime Minister (PM), the secretaries (appointed) and up to 10 Members of Parliament who are to be elected (restricted by regional population). This government is to be called The Parliament of Aberdeen (PoA). Every six months, a new delegate will be elected; the previous delegate will be allowed to stand again but only for a maximum of three times.
7.2 The head of the executive branch is the region’s delegate of the UNA. He is to be elected according to the rules of the United Nations. This representative is to be called Prime Minister (PM).
7.3 The President may authorize the PM to make presidential decisions by granting him access to the regional controls.
7.4 The Prime Minister must appoint member nations representing secretaries for different fields of politics. These appointed Ministers shall be known as The Cabinet (which is headed by the Prime Minister). Each Cabinet Minister will have one vote in Parliamentary affairs.

a. Different Secretaries from the following list MUST be appointed by the PM:
i. Minister of Foreign Relations (Ministry of Foreign Relations)-Contacts other regions, establishes embassies and enters into inter-regional negotiations and generally handles all external matters.
ii. Minister of Internal Affairs (Ministry of Internal Affairs)-Head of the Regional Court - settles disputes between member nations and along with the President upholds constitutional law.
iii. Minister of Immigration (Ministry of Immigration)-Responsible for recruitment of new nations into the region and for helping them to settle in.
iv. Minister of Information and Defence (Aberdeen Ministry of Intelligence and Defence - AMID)-Responsible for gathering information of interest to Aberdeen. Also responsible for regional security.

b. Each Cabinet Minister may appoint a deputy or deputies; this action must be first approved by the Prime Minister.

c. Up to ten Members of Parliament (MPs) shall be elected by the HoM, and at least two should be in service at any time. The purpose of the MPs shall be thus: they shall be elected by the HoM as representatives of the nations of Aberdeen, so that they may have say in Government matters; members of the region may petition to or 'lobby' the MPs if the said members feel an issue must be raised in Government.Also, MPs can be appointed to official Government positions by the Prime Minister.

d. It is highly recommended that the Prime Minister appoint other secretaries: these additional secretaries are selected from the region's elected Members of Parliament.

7.5 All representatives of executive government positions are required to give regular updates relating to their area of responsibilities or recent activities in the case of MPs.

Article 8 (Legislative Branch):

8.1 The legislative branch is made up of all member nations and it shall be called The House of Members (HoM).
8.2 Each member nation shall have one equal vote in the HoM.
8.3 The HoM may introduce, change, and repeal laws valid in all member nations. This shall happen by simple majority of those countries, which participated in the voting.
8.4 Laws amending the Bill of Rights or the Articles of Unity need to be approved by the President.
8.5 Any change of the Bill of Rights or the Articles of Unity is unconstitutional and illegal. However, the HoM may add amendments to both documents, as long as there will be no conflict with the existing articles. These changes need to be approved by at least 2/3 of all members voting on the issue.
8.6 The HoM may declare war on other regions. For details see Article 13.

Article 9 (Jurisdiction):

9.1 The Minister of Internal Affairs is ' Judge' of the Regional Court and in his/her absence the President may take position of 'Ad Interim Judge'
9.2 The Regional Court is made up of all member nations.
9.3 The Minister of Internal Affairs is the head of the Regional Court.
9.4 The Regional Court may eject member nations. For details see Article 12.
9.5 The Regional Court may resolve matters that are disputed within, or between nations
9.6 This Court can also charge government members with 'negligence' or other crimes should a member nation raise this issue.

Article 10 (Member Nations):

10.1 All member nations must comply with the Bill of Rights and the Articles of Unity
10.2 If Article 10.1 is not complied with, see Article 12.

Article 11 (New Member Nations):

11.1 New member nations are urged to sign, introduce, and comply with the Bill of Right and the Articles of Unity.
11.2 Every country is free to join the UNA, as long as it implements Article 11.1.
11.3 Every country is free to leave the UNA whenever its governing body chooses to do so.

Article 12 (Ejection of member nations):

12.1 The President MUST eject a member state if a simple majority of the Regional Court requests it.
12.2 The Regional Court may eject old members only if the specific country does not comply with the Bill of Rights or the Articles of Unity and only if the country has been warned at least 2 weeks in advance to give it time to improve.
12.3 Article 12.2 applies only in cases in which the UN rating of first degree, i.e. the form of government, is not according to the democratic principles of the UNA.
12.4 Old member nations with unsatisfying results in the second degree of UN ratings (Political freedoms and Civil Rights) must improve these ratings within 3 weeks. The Regional Court must issue a warning to improve those ratings within 3 week. If there is no improvement, the Regional Court may issue one last warning and the country may be ejected one day after the last warning.
12.5 New member nations entering the UNA with a first-degree UN rating (form of government), which does not comply with the Bill of Rights and the Articles of Unity, may be ejected by the President immediately upon the entering of the country without first giving notice to the Regional Court or without first warning the new member nation. 12.6 After a country had been ejected, it can improve the first and second-degree UN ratings and comply with this constitution, it can again apply to join the UNA.
12.7 The President or Prime Minister may allow exceptions to be made for certain countries – especially to those newly founded nations still experimenting with their forms of government.

Article 13 (Currency and Economy):

13.1 All member nations are advised to have the same currency, the UNAD (United Nations of Aberdeen Dollar), as soon as they feel that the economy of each nation will profit by its introduction.
13.2 The UNA shall form the Aberdeen Free Trade Zone (AFTZ). The nations of the AFTZ must try to maximize free trade between the Member Nations. Customs duties between members are eliminated. Joining the AFTZ is optional.

Article 14 (Declaration of War):

14.1 The HoM is the only body of government, which may declare war on other regions on request of the President, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Relations, or at least three member nations.
14.2 The Prime Minister is the Commander in Chief of the Army.
14.3 War between member nations is unconstitutional and therefore illegal. [However, wars for pure role-play purposes or training purposes are acceptable]
14.4 In the case of war between member nations, the Regional Court must investigate the case. The President must try to settle the dispute and must eject the aggressor nation.

Article 15 (Recruitment of New Member Nations):

15.1 The head of recruitment is The Minister of Immigration
15.2 The Minister of Immigration or his/her deputy will have to write telegrams to other nations so that more nations will join the UNA.

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