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Flag of Cosmorita
Motto: When it's 50/50, go with your common sense
Region New Mactopia
Capital Centauri
Official Language(s) Russian, English, German
Leader Marth Zeitvolke
Population 20 Million
Currency Emblem 
NS Sunset XML

The country of Cosmorita, founded in the New Mactopia region, is populated by the early citizens of Astrorita, a large country in the former Tajitu region. Astrorita was ravaged by war and riots, caused by bad diplomatic tactics and massive tax rates. Eventually, the country collapsed, exiling it's survivors. The remaining few lived a nomadic lifestyle, traveling for nearly 100 years, before finally reaching the coast of New Mactopia. The land, which appeared to be recovering from nuclear war, was uninhabited, so the survivors finally settled, dubbing their new nation Cosmorita. The current capital is the coastal city of Centauri, but that is slated to change in the next few years.

The people of Cosmorita, known before for their fishing and hunting expertise, were unfortunately undermined by the lack of any wildlife in the region, so they resorted to farming. Luckily, the patch of land the capital was built on, by a sheer stroke of good fortune, was entirely free of radioactive contamination. Cosmoritans are now the region's key suppliers of grain products. Physically, a typical Cosmoritan is relatively short, at average 5'6, tanned due to it's latitude, and by genetics, grow hair very quickly.

Cosmorita is very active in the region. It's volunteers and expert scientists are working on helping decontaminate the oceans and return wildlife, while it's cartographers work to evaluate any envirnmental changes that have occured in the region, collaborating with fellow nation Forkania. Together, they compare updated and outdated maps, checking for any and all changes in climate, terrain, animal life, and habitablity.

The Crusades

Cosmorita was extremely active during the crusades, sending the most troops of any nation during the crusades. All but a handful of soldiers converted to the barbarian front, making Cosmoritans the largest nationality of the barbarians, second only to the home barbarians. The barbarians attempted to attack Cosmorita on the land front, although all attacks have been deemed massive failures.

Battle of Armadilov

A force of about 10,000 barbarians were sent to attack the trading city of Armadilov, located On the Cosmoritan-Romano Cambrian border. The seige lasted for about one week, ending upon the arrival of the Cosmoritan army. An estimated 9,900 are believed to have died, remarkably, only 500 of the casualties on the Cosmoritan military.

First and final offensive on Tamriel

Upon victory, the army went into a full land assault on the barbarian homeland, the recently created region of Tramriel. The march went for about 3 days, when an emergency distress signal was intersepted from Forkania. The march was fragmented, with an approximate 100,000 splintering from the group and marching straight through Romano Cambria into Forkania. Unfortunately, the Romano Cambrian government was almost completely corrupt by the barbarians, and the army was set upon from all side. It is beleived that none survived. This noew reached the main force, which immediately ended it's march on Tamriel and curved around Romano Cambria into Forkania. The Cosmoritan military was almost at the point of liberating the bridge connecting the mainland to the newly established kingdom on the island, when the emrgency hijacked satilite struck. Absolutely no survivers are reported from the Cosmoritan military. This left only Cosmorita's absolute military difense as it's only official military.


The geography of Cosmorita isn't varied much. In the south, steppe like geography rules, while in the north, Pine forests begin to grow, extending out of it's borders. Land is relatively level, and the area is small compared to it's neighbor countries.


Cosmorita is run in a very similar way as it's mother country, Astrorita. It has a dual senate, one with the ability to override the other. Each senate has 50 senators. In one, the various mayors and governors or Cosmorita's regions argue on one case, while in the other, the same arguement is done by a panel of judges and corporation CEOs. This makes for a very democratic form of governments, with all problems being weighted in both houses. All completed bills, laws and the such, are sent to the Chancellor, who gives it final approval with the help of his personal cabinet, made up of 5 delegates. Should the bill at any phase be overridden, it is to be revoted upon. The chancellor, although greatly cowed by the senate, has several exclusive powers, such as trade, financial distribution, and danger levels of the country. The current ruling Chancellor is Marth Zeitvolke.


As previously noted, the people of Cosmorita are almost exclusively from Aastrorita, therefore keeping all it's traits. The offical language, by a 54% speaking rate, is Russian, with the second largest being English, followed by German. Current population stands at 7 million, with a remarkably 82% literacy rate and 79% employment rate. Due to it's post-nomadic state, only about 13% of the population rate is colledge educated, with the rate rising by about 2% a year. This rate is determined to raise to about 7 % a year in about 10 years. There is no offical religion.