Cunedda Dynasty

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The Cunedda Dynasty encompasses all the High Kings of Dana and all the Danaan Grand Dukes and Princes descended from High King Rhygyfarch. Recently, the dynasty has come to hold the crowns of numerous other Confederal Members, reigning in all those Members which practice monarchy except for Hipolis and Finara. The Cunedda Dynasty reigned in the Danaan High Kingdom from 947 until 1381, from 1478-1511 and from 2005 until the present.

Beginning of dynasty

The Cunedda Dynasty is so named because its founder, High King Rhygyfarch was descended from the ancient Welsh king Cunedda, as well as several other prominent historical figures from ancient Britain. The dynasty was founded when Rhygyfarch, a prince by birth, landed with a band of followers on the shores of Shieldcrest, founding the settlement of Narich and proclaiming himself the king thereof.