Current Kylesburgher Government

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The current Kylesburgher government was in office since 2006, when Conservative Party candidate Chester T. Knutsen defeated President Lance T. Fulghum of the Liberal Party.


The new Knutsen administration was voted in with a supermajority in October 2006. The Conservative Party also won five of the six Council seats at stake for that year.

The new administration vowed to undo many of the changes from Fulghum’s administration, such as the increase in the tax deductions to be diverted to social welfare, legalization of prostitution and pornography, and most notably, the hated introduction of the value-added tax and the environmental tax.

However, the administration was stymied by the Liberal strength in the Kylesburgher Council, who still make up 11 of the 24 seats, (The lone Green Party councilor caucuses and frequently votes with the Liberals) and was able to block the passage of many bills. Of Knutsen’s campaign plans, only the repeal of the vale-added tax was successful.

First Knutsen cabinet

The first Knutsen cabinet was composed of the following secretaries:

Department Secretary
Agriculture and Food Michelle N. Vanderburgh
Commerce and Trade Corinne G. McDowell
Defense Hendrick D. Kryszewski
Education & Culture Camille H. Jensen
Environment and Resources Joanna B. Courland
Finance Malcolm J. Burlbaugh
Foreign Affairs Erin Sarah L. MacKinnon
Health Tyler C. LaManche, MD
Industry Austin F. Primeau
Justice Adam L. Nygaard
Labor and Welfare Daniela N. Guerrero - Amarillo
Public Works Myron C. Kyriacou
Public Safety Derrick N. Holtz
Science and Technology Adrian W. Heinke
Transportation and Communication Justin R. Carrillo

On September 2007, Finance Secretary Malcolm Burlbaugh and Food and Agriculture Minister Michelle Vanderburgh announced that they would be resigning to seek seats in the Kylesburgh Council for the Conservative Party.