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National Motto: Peace? What is this peace you speak of?

National Animal: Many Tailed Rat

Currency: Confederate mark

National Sport: Civil War

Capital: Depends on who you ask - used to be Danteri City, but that got nuked. Now, the Loyalists have their capital in Westgate, and the rebels have theirs in the part of Freiburg that's still standing.

Languages: English (about 90% speak english as at least a second language), German (about 40% speak at least "some" German), Turkish (about 20% speak at least "some" Turkish)and Elvish (about 2.5% speak at least "some" Elvish)

Religions: Catholicism (36%), Protestantism (15% Lutheran, 15% Calvinist), Islam (22%), Atheist (8%), Other (4%)

Races: White (65%), Arabic (25%), Other (8%), Elvish (2%)

Danteri used to be the Kingdom of Danteri, under the kings. Then, it was the Confederacy of Danteri, under the Supreme Leader (deceased), General Krieger (deceased), Paul Von Easthaven (deceased) and Juliete Von Easthaven (deceased). Now, no one is really in charge, although Danteri Government Security is trying to "maintain order" while the rebels have a "People's Commitee on Revolution"...

Old History: Back in the really far back past, present day Danteri was four different distinct nations: Nord-Lund, Westfall, Easthaven and Southhaven. King Danteri the First, also known as "Danteri the Conqueror", came out of nowhere and turned his native Westfall into the regional power, conquering Easthaven and Southhaven, and beating up a bunch of Elves who lived in the southern Archipelago (although they held on for another few centuries before leaving for "greener pastures"). His grandson, King Danteri the Third, went on to conquer Nord-Lund.

Time passed, and then along came King Frederik the First, who was totally incompetant and lost Nord-Lund... and was a sort-of Nero figure for Danteri. After him (and a few other not-so-significant Kings), along comes King Danteri the Seventeenth. This guy is a sort-of Napoleon who retakes Nord-Lund, then declares war on everyone around Danteri... leading, inevitably, to the complete and total defeat of Danteri as a nation. However, Danteri reached its height under him, and so he is remembered as a "good" king... although whther he deserves that distinction is often disputed...

Finally, along comes "King Danteri the Last", in almost the present day. He is a fairly middlig king, but gets overthrown by his general - who becomes the Supreme Leader. After he rules the Confederacy of Danteri for about thirty years, a civil war occurs - the first Danteri Civil War - which results in his dieing, his hand-picked successor General Krieger dieing, General Krieger's successor dieing, and Juliete Von Easthaven earning the distinction of being one of only a very few national leaders to nuke their own capital while in it.

At present, peace negotiations are ongoing.

Race Relations: No major ethnic violence has occured in Danteri during the last civil war, although "pogroms" against the Islamic arabic population were common during the era of the monarchy. No elves hold positions in the government or civil service, no elves are allowed to serve in the military, no elves can own property, no elves can own or be proficient in weapons, and all elves who live in Danteri must live in the Archipelago (which has so far escaped major damage from the civil war). Also, all elves must attend schools where the language of instruction is English, and no classes in elvish are offered. Also, even in the archipelago, discrimination against elves is common - they are a minority, and are feared as being without souls.

In the past, elves were burned at the steak... nowadays they're just discriminated against. Still, most of the elves in Danteri would gladly leave if they could...