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Flag of Desinfectistan
Motto: thinking makes unhappy
location is millitary secret
Region lesser antilles
Capital Cleanedbrain
Official Language(s) esperanto
Leader our dear democratic president Zorg the butcher we all love ,long life to him.
Population 20% cleaned 80% in brain-hygiene-camps
Currency Ear 
NS Sunset XML

Desinfectistan was founded by a passionate KGB agent who had already devoted his life to the cleaning of brains Here he decided would raise a nation where the brains would be clean from all dirt of reflexion and thougth only the saint publicity and the wery holy doctrine shall flood the sterile brains of desinfectistan's people

no analyses where made to determine if president Zorg is a human being, anyway he was a good president for already 290 jears. writer of article in desinfection-camp for unendoctrined tougth about president