Dorsa Brevia

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Dorsa Brevia
Nation: Ecopoeia
Function: none
Population: ~60,000
Leader: none

On the north-western coast of Viriditas sits Dorsa Brevia, a community that, for many in the nation, encapsulates exactly what it means to be Ecopoeian. Home to numerous factions of the revolutionary movements from the 1960s and 1970s, heart of a thriving black market even today and technically in breach of both national and UN law, the town is run on matriarchal lines, with men barred from standing for positions of influence within the community, denied any claim over children and allowed only minimal stakes in cooperative enterprises. It is a testament to the town’s influence and the respect it commands that this state of affairs is allowed to continue. Around two thirds of the sixty-some thousand residents are female; women are in the ascendancy in all regards.

Amenities are basic, though the town is one of the better connected in terms of transport - both land and sea - and is famed for its kavajava-fuelled nightlife. In the central town square stands the Constitution Stone, site of the signing of the Cloud-Water constitution.