Equality For All (failed)

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Equality For All
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights Strength:  ??? Proposed By:  ???

Description: My nation is host to many different types of races and civilizations, all of whom live symbioticaly and respect eachother's cultures and right of existence. We ask that all member states of the UN adhere to that policy as well.

  • All living beings no matter who or what they may be, have the inherent right of existence.

That they may live as they see fit as long as they do not cause harm to another. In simpler terms "Live and let live." If a nation employs slaves for labor for example, we submit that they must end the practice or leave the UN voluntarily.

That the aparthied inspired classification of sexual preference be erradicated from being used within the confines of government terminology.

We propose that all nations under the UN charter respect the very essence of life and vow to preserve and protect it, in all its many forms whether human, or otherwise.

Votes For: 7582
Votes Against: 11888
Voting Ended: Wed Nov 19 2003

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