Erlangen-Ansbacher Intelligence Agencies

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The intelligence agency administration

The two chief intelligence agencies LfV and LND are direct subordinates of the Minister of the Interior, although they're fairly free in their daily business (These issues are regulated by the GeheimdienstGesetz/Secret Service Act). Whereas the MAD has a very special status, as you can learn from its brief profile.

Landesnachrichtendienst (LND)/ National Intelligence Agency

The LND is Erlangen-Ansbach's largest intelligence agency and responsible for foreign espionage: In each nation that is of national interest the LND maintains a branch, whose size depends on the importance and relevance of the nation.

Furthermore, it operates the three espionage satellites Falke I, II and III: However, their data is also provided to the two other services.

Administratively the LND is a subdivision of the Ministry of the Interior: Its Generaldirektor and Direktoren are directly picked by the Minister of the Interior.

Landesamt für Verfassungschutz (LfV)/ National Office for Constitutional Protection

What the LND does abroad, the LfV fulfills all over the United Kingdom: It ensures domestic safety, gathers intelligence on harmful elements and takes care knocking them out.

The headquarters lies in Erlangen, but the LfV operates offices in each regional capital of Erlangen-Ansbach.

Like the LND it is subject to the Ministry of the Interior.

Militärischer Abschirmdienst (MAD)/ Military Secret Service

The MAD is probably the United Kingdom's most mysterious secret service: It is smaller than the two aforementioned agencies and isn't subject to the Parliamentary Control Committee.

De iure it is a subdivision of the KSK and its "public" department is responsible for protecting military operations of the Royal Armed Forces. The second department, the so-called Guglmänner or Kingsmen, are not publically confirmed as entity.

The Guglmänner are said to answer directly to the King and act at his pleasure: Moreover, they are also said to have the lincense to kill. Another duty of them is additional protection of the Royal Family.

Eversince its establishment the MAD has been a stronghold of the monarchists fiercly loyal to the House of Gründlach.