Falasturian Methodism

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The Falasturian Methodist Church is an offshoot of the Methodist Church established by John Wesley in the mid-18th Century, becoming the official religion of Falastur in the year 1762. The Church is largely the same as Wesley's Methodism - a liberal and decentralised form of Protestantism, noted for its members' resolution to abstein from drinking alcohol - however, with King George I's conversion in 1761, it was distanced and eventually seperated from its mother denomination by King George's free hand, essentially working Methodism into Falastur according to his wishes, and not necessarily those of Wesley.

Given the fractious and fragile nature of Protestant Christianity, the Falasturian Methodist Church is regarded as having done considerably well for itself, having seen only one schism in its history. The schism occured in 1932, whereupon a fair portion of the Falasturian Methodist Conference - the highest institution of the Falasturian Methodist Church - suffered a near-chaotic disagreement over doctrinal policy. In debating the ethics of nulling the doctrine of absteinance from alcohol, the Conference reached a point at which neither those for or against were willing to back down from their argument, nor give way to the other, and with neither side enjoying a 2/3 majority, (as needed to press reform in the Conference), the issue was found near unsolvable. Upon the intervention of King William I - nominally the Lord Governor of the Church of Falastur - in favour of the resumption of absteinance, the anti-absteinance side promptly resigned from the Falasturian Methodist Church, declaring their opinion to be the ethical opinion, and accumulating around 11% of all Falasturian Methodists upon the announcement of the Methodist Church of Terila. The MCoT proved to be short-lived, owing to a heart-felt and well-researched plea injected with numerous Biblical passages made by King William I nearly 15 years on. The plea, somewhat controversially, declared that belief in alcoholic absteinance was not a doctrinal value but a personal commitment, thus offering all Falasturian Methodists the opportunity to consume alcohol if they so wished, without fear of infringing doctrine. The plea was, however, successful at reunifying the Falasturian Methodist Churches. It is this move that is widely blamed for causing the rise in alcoholic consumption amongst Christians, adding to the decline in morality that is feared by many, although how much the plea was to blame has become a topic of hot debate in recent years.

Today, around 23% of Falasturians claim to be Falasturian Methodists, and a surprisingly high number of those are active, given common apathy around the world for devout religious practise amongst religions persons, in modern times. In addition to this figure, around 31% of citizens of the Empire claim to be Falasturian Methodists, and Falasturian Methodism is present in many other countries of the world, even becoming the official religion of 36 non-Falasturian-affliated countries.