Fbreni Football Association

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The Asociación Fbreni del Fútbol (AFF) is the semi-official body governing the Fbreni national football team. In practice, it consists solely in the fourteen players of the team itself.

As the situation in lawless Fbrenia is chaotic, the AFF is based in Rêvane, Ariddia. Being a national Fbreni organisation, it is fully distinct and independent from the Ariddian Football Association and the Ariddian government. Its president is Marcelo Pachi - who, perhaps confusingly, is not actually the captain of the national team.

National Football Associations
Ariddia | Bedistan | Casari | Crna Gora Liv Eng | Daehanjeiguk | Del Riso | Fbrenia | Liverpool England | Nova Britannicus | Oliverry | Starblaydia | The Islands of Qutar | Trotsgrad