General Lars Winnear

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Lars Winnear
General of Cafundeu's army; Governor of the Central State; Counselor-Minister of Security
61 years old

Lars Winnear was the commander of the 5th Battalion of Central City. At that time he was colonel of the army. But, in the begining of 1993, his soldiers were called to fight against the rebels in the Rebellion of Jaçanã, where he helped a lot the government. After that, the emperor started to trust him.

After helping the emperor many times, he was awarded the title of Counselor-Minister of security. He now is the most important soldierly of the country. He is also the leader of the national army, and has good relationships with many allied countries.

This year he defeated Carlos Novais in an election and is now the governor of the Central State.


  • Commander of the 5th Battalion of Central City (1982-1995).
  • Commander of Central City's headquarters (1995-1998).
  • Commander of Cafundeu's army (1998-present).
  • Counselor-Minister of Security (1995-present).
  • Governor of Central State (2006-present).