Geography of Itinerate Tree Dweller

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Itinerate Tree Dweller Maps

Map of the ITD Homeland [1] Cities (large file): [2]

Map of Hades Cluster [3]

Map of Terrapolis [4]

Map of the Terpaxis region. [5]

Map of Rebel Resistance [map under prodution]

Map of Lord of Mordor [6]

Map of Ivan the Terribly Gr8 [map under prodution]

Map of World of Darkness [map under prodution]

Map of Oompa Loompa Orphans [map under prodution]

Map of Western Hataria [7]

The Homeland's City Names

The sector names are followed by the subsector names. In all accounts the areas can be called by their sector names. There are effectively 16 cities. Deimitrius, Wystus, Icsis, Kemir, Reck, Umbra, Demo, Xerikis, Tol'Lazarik, Loki, Chartek, [B]Tol'Kethis Prime[/B], Hevetha, Tauros, Minos, Forbik.

Sector 1 - Deimitrius A - Deimitrius Prime B - Deimitrius Demus C - Deimitrius Lokus D - Deimitrius Tremus

Sector 2 - Wystus A - Wystus Bellus B - Wystus Velus C - Wystus Z D - Wystus Omega

Sector 3 - Icsis A - Icsis Poc B - Icsis Lokus C - Icsis Zaeus D - Icsis D

Sector 4 - Kemir A - Kemir Blue B - Kemir Red C - Kemir Green D - Kemir Black

Sector 5 - Reck A - Reck Prime B - Reck Secundus C - Reck Tretus D - Reck Quatus

Sector 6 - Umbra Fek A - Umbra Lokus B - Umbra Azus C - Umbra Bezack D - Umbra Felak

Sector 7 - Demo A - Demo Domo B - Demo Treto C - Demo Zeto D - Demo Sato

Sector 8 - Xerikis [encompasses entire sector] [named in honor of Xerik]

Sector 9 - Tol'Lazarik [named in honor of Emperor Lazarus I]

Sector 10 - Loki A - Loki Satis B - Loki Datis C - Loki Solis D - Loki Zeta

Sector 11 - Chartek A - Chartek Z B - Chartek Y C - Chartek V D - Chartek W

Sector 12 - Tol'Kethis Prime [capital city-state]

Sector 13 - Hevetha A - Hevetha Zir B - Hevetha Yir C - Hevetha Wir D - Hevetha Vir

Sector 14 - Tauros A - Tauros Methos B - Tauros Dekos C - Tauros R D - Tauros L

Sector 15 - Minos A - Minos Moraine B - Minos Kel C - Minos Com D - Minos Dak

Sector 16 - Forbik A - Forbik Zate B - Forbik Fet C - Forbik Pok D - Forbik Bez