History of Kaenei

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The history of the Serene^Union stretches far beyond the mere five centuries in which their people have lived upon Earth - Indeed the bulk of their existance spent an unimaginable distance from the western arm of the Milky way and as such, broken down into the three distinct ages of Kaenei as shown below.

Age I: The Utopian Dream

In times long since vanished from memory, of which only the greatest deeds remain known, men of Earth once believed themselves to be at the centre of the universe. They believed the sun and the other eight planets of Sol did revolve around their world. In this sense, did they believe that they were the sum genius of the universe as a whole, and focal point for life.

Now, men are not only more informed, but are joined in reality by the others that were privy to this same genius. Mankind truly realises its place amongst the stars is not only a far cry from the deity like stage they placed themselves on previously, but was indeed nothing more than an intermediate stage of life. Where men had cried, and warred, and murdered each other in cold blood for dozens of centuries, did he learn other life that had truly purged their hatred of each other, and descended to peace amongst themselves.

Also, did they learn of the terrible excesses of violence. Did they see what path they might walk down, of creatures bent over and foaming. Of great, rippled muscle and boring unflinching eyes. Did these creatures, known only as Orcs, stare out from their raging minds as men long since lost to violence? None could say.

Men learned much, as their Earth developed, in the calm. almost sterile clutch of Sol. But Earth was not unique in its learning curve. Just as each star visible to the eye represented a part of the galaxy fantastically far in distance from view, did other worlds prosper.

One such world, was the calm, tranquil orb of Solarri

This small world, barely two thirds the size of the planet Earth discussed previously, was located near the Cithana system, almost eighty one thousand light years from Terra, man and his internal struggles. Solarri was however, far more important than its size and isolated location. For the small blue orb was the seat of ultimate power for an impressively broad federation of worlds and powers.

The Caelistis Gens Empire expanded over near ten thousand light years of space; enveloping dozens upon dozens of individual empires, and hundreds of worlds, the CGE united beyond comparable measurement in the known galaxy at the time. Never before had so many barriers been broken down, and understanding reigned in true as was the case within the borders of the CGE.

The majority of this good feeling was directly down to the work of the then Emperor of the CGE. His full name no longer survives amongst intact Kaeneian records, nor do they continue truthfully in spoken word, but who shall be referred to here as The Droaidh-Emperator. Together with a reliable and knowledged band of loyal followers, did word and deed spread from Solarri to worlds beyond, and more.

Of which Kaenei belongs to, none can say. Memories or deeds do not stretch that far back. It is widely believed and all but established that the people who now come to call themselves Kaeneian are descended from Solarri itself, and thus truly at the hub of the CGE. However with events later to unfold, it is entirely believable a great number of others migrated, or joined those on the home world so that not all are of pure gene stock any longer.

At a time of true peace and understanding, did the frontiers of science fall back without belief. Advancements that would change the course of a single civilisation were the routine, wondrous acts and technologies expected and delivered. The sheer weight of ability carried by the finest minds across thousands of light years of space could not be underestimated. It is in this true way that war was avoided, and conflict not required. Through mutual co-operation, all other targets and aims were met, and surpassed. Of those ancient and fantastical achievements, little remain. The abilities of old have not survived the centuries that later passed, and time took bitter revenge on those that would claim to outshine the passing of a second, or minute or year.

It is supposed, and plausible that current Kaeneian gravimetric technology, being in such an advanced and well based state, is a long diluted side effect of what truly must have been world-changing abilities and stupendous power. Within the deepest, most reclusive vaults of the Aengelistoria Dominica, buried deep beneath oxygen seals, and corrosion resistors, lies the oldest written words of Kaenei. Though they come no closer than a text written yesterday to Solarri herself, it carries the written word of legend, stories of old passed down and despite undergoing dilution, still carrying a significant message.

And did those assembled heave breath, their lungs as one did empty at the sight before. [UNKNOWN] heaved itself with a great strain. Her kilometre long solar tendrils lashed out violently, surely [UNKNOWN] would have vaporized under the apocalyptic energies seething around her. Our strongest materials despite their [UNKNOWN] reputation would hardly survive her death throes. Yet thanks to [TRANSLATION FAILED] advancements within solar- molecular reinforcement, we can remain here, now as I observe and record this momentous event.

She is nearing her final, shuddering, baying loss. Already her core shines an unnaturally bright light. Her [ TRANSLATION PARTIAL- "CORONA"]' dimming consistently with projections. At [COORDINATES ENCLOSED- LOCATION AND SYSTEM OF CALCULATION UNKNOWN] a small strand of fire began to spin. Arching out from the star itself, slowly this thread span at speeds doubling her traditional rotation. This thread thickened, expanded and continued outwards, flicking as though a tongue of some serpentine creature, and not a supposedly simple collection of gases and plasma. [UNKNOWN] will begin [UNKNOWN], most likely when the [UNKNOWN] process is at a sufficiently high yield to [UNKNOWN]. I [UNKNOWN] attempt [UNKNOWN] [UNKNOWN] --[TRANSCRIPT ENDS]--'

For a time, The Caelistis Gens Empire was all powerful -- Surpassing mortal labels and truly ascending to a near perfect state of unity, and evolution. Stagnation was avoided, and pushed back with the constant search for variation. As the empire expanded, and others agreed membership or volunteered, did their own cultural differences integrate into the group. Truly was this a utopian dream.

It was around this early date that the first semblances of what would later become the machine nation of Angelus were founded. Originally designed by the Droaidh-Emperator's son, Aelois as the controllers of the impressive armada that secured the CGE from all aggressors. Their full history can be found elsewhere, but sufficed to say they achieved sentience within two Terran years of activation, becoming a vital and again unique link in the chain of evolution.

Admittedly. with billions united, and technologies unrivalled, the threats that were of note to such an empire were few and far between. It was perhaps this lack of opposition that sowed the smallest, most forgettable seeds that would later fuel the fire that signalled the burning, and total destruction of paradise.

The quest for more was never ending. More knowledge, more resources, more citizens and more experiences. In the majority of cases, it was a simple integration that marked the end of one independent civilisation, and the beginning of another. Occasionally, a little more effort and work were required for unification. Ultimately, all were successful in some form or other. Indeed, many rose to prominent positions within the empire, becoming influential in the fields of economics, production or in individual cases, the attention and patronage of the Droaidh-Emperator himself.

It was one such individual, amongst one such family, amongst one such nation state that would become as well known as anything within Kaeneian spheres. A wealthy and intelligent man, he saw the opportunity the CGE presented the way any sane individual would. However disturbing signs of just how literal he believed in opportunity arose quickly as his prominence diplomatically, and in bringing no less than fifteen other sentient alliances into the fold attracted the Emperator's attention. Within a sort few years, he had been invited, and accepted a place within the personal entourage of the leader of the CGE, and only a few, short steps from ultimate glory and power.

From his lofty perch, the intelligent aide observed and noted all. Nothing of semi-worthy note escaped his attentions as every corner of the empire was in turn watched intently. Even the actions of the entourage he was a member of, open to observation. In this way, information became a key building block of his power base.

years passed without further incidence. The Caelistis Gens continued as they always had. Nothing of note occurred nor failed to pass without expectation. Beneath this glass of ordinary existence, a single speck of rain, heralding a storm of unbelievable fury, fell. For in the time passed, the one Aide had grown to crave, and lust all. His greed reached heights not known in ten thousand years of existence and development. In a society where literally every single individual was totally, and utterly trusted in their position, where an order from a high ranking office carried out without hesitation, he was a dangerous influence indeed.

It is believed around this time, he hatched a plot of such heretical nature, of such utter contempt, that to repeat it within this document is done only with the gravest reservations. This nameless aide create a plan of pure maliciousness and a foul intent scarcely realised; his aim was to seize all glory and achievement in one, foul swoop. There would be no long campaign of internal trickery, there would be no external show of might. No -- of this once proud inductee, the ultimate sin would be a commonplace act.

For him, the death of the Droaidh-Emperator and his family would be the only true pathway for his ascension.

Records do not indicate for how long this plot lay developing, or of who or what aided the creature in its embryonic catalyst. All that is certainly known, is it took one night, twenty four earth hours, for the Caelistis Gens Empire to burn.

Age II: A night of fire

To this day it is unknown both how and by how much the united forces of the Caelistis Gens fell to corruption. Barely any recorded deed from this time of darkness remain in the knowledge of modern Kaenei, and figures are near impossible to identify, but what is certain is a shattering of the armed forces occurred.

It is known only that in the space of one Terran day, twenty four hours, did this one observer, and consumer of information arrive in orbit of Solarri. In his entourage did he take six starships, whose names are long since lost and buried. Despite the unusual proceedings of fleet movements around the Solarri system, nothing untoward was deemed.

It was a fatal error.

The next few seconds shattered the Empire for a lifetime. From high orbit, the accompanying fleet opened fire. Scathing beams of irradiating energy struck and vaporized planet defences with murderous intensity and knowledge. Without even time for the electronic intelligences to realise what was underway, were the massive, silo-like defence lasers melted in their supposedly reinforced shelters, rendered useless and impotent.

Concussion warheads tore through the atmosphere, arcing through non-active defence shields with a triumphant score. They buried themselves deep within solid duranium constructs, detonating with fury like nothing encountered on this tranquil orb in ten millennia of peace.

Those that would disgrace their oaths to the Droaidh-Emperator did not evade immediate response; within four minutes of the initial strike, a relief force launched from Solarri's lone orbiting moon intercepted. Stopping not even to ponder tactics, nor formations, launched themselves against their hated, betrayal-brethren. Phase distortion cannons locked together within a foreboding backdrop of blue and black. Plasma warheads detonated hulls without a care as to the balance of power behind enemy lines. Screams and agonies of countless hundreds of servicemen and women were forgotten amongst the carnage.

But there would be no simple success for the Rebel element, and no quick resumption of power for the loyalists.

For now they did not fight poorly armed, badly motivated extremists. This time they battled brother officers, equally well adept, equally well trained and most importantly of all, utterly convinced of their superiority over the traditional rule. For almost eighteen hours the battle waged over Solarri. The Loyalists handed the opportunity to strike hard first, were quickly bolstered by reinforcements arriving from all stretches of the empire.

Fortunately for the self-professed "Neo-Emperor" -the very maligned creature that had planned and plotted and conspired all those years ago, spent his waking moments observing everything and all- his forces were able to survive, thanks mainly to the hesitation of the home guard to utilise more devastating weaponry so close to Solarri herself. It was this, amongst other poor decisions that began the rout towards the central palace itself.

Dropping from whatever realms of physics-bending space they travelled through, such technology not even surviving in written lore to this day, the bulk of the Rebel fleet made one, swift motion. Taking their considerable numbers they played a dangerous, calculated move.

The battle left the immediate vicinity of the CGE home world. The commanding craft, housing the traitor himself, and his surviving escorts that had made up the original betrayer fleet moved out system, persued as they were by those Loyalists able to give chase. However in a decisive strike unexpected and unrealised reinforcements for this insurrection arrived en masse -- dropping all starships in on the Solarri defensive beacon, they overwhelmed the system defence craft who had remained behind to secure whilst the bulk of the offensive loyalist fleet chased after the command carrier and her escorts.

Virtually denied any hope of detection, the System craft were utterly helpless as they were smashed aside, swamped by strength of numbers, and vaporized even as they desperately called for assistance. Realising almost too late, the surviving loyalist fleet turned back, making all speed to Solarri.

The situation to sum up, had changed markedly. Through devious and cunning tactics, and the use of the CGE temper at being betrayed, the Kingdom of Solarri had been lain wide out open, soft supple skin for a sharp blade to stab, and draw blood. The surviving planet based defences worked beyond endurance and a mad man's expectation, as the skies turned black. Swarms of landing craft blotted out the strong sun, even as natural clouds began to gather overhead, an omen of things to come.

Eventually, the point cannons and torpedo batteries were overwhelmed, and fell. Millions of revelling battalions descended on the serene, ornate gardens of the outermost city sections. Discharging their weapons before they had time yet to realise their location they stampeded from scarcely stationary landing craft, so eager were they to bring down the capital and all it stood for.

From his perch at the city university, the supreme Emperator himself looked on with a resigned certainty. They had been foolish in their naivety, to think this universe would so easily accept peace and unification. The greedy, selfish whims of those they would try and help had brought this partly though he and by extension the empire would pay heavily for their almost arrogant self belief in a system that had failed its one meaningful test. Despite their proximity, loyalist reinforcements were still making their way in-system, and although able to cut through the rebel supply lines, they could not make their presence felt where it would count the most.

Millions of troops poured on to the surface, dropping from orbit unchecked as the last of the automated orbital batteries fell to heavy fire and bombardment. The capital was the first to bear the full brunt of the treachery, fully three and a half million landing in the first two hours alone, and quickly razing anything and everything to the ground with phase fire and plasma mines.

Great plumes of smoke wafted into the air around the city. Whole sectors slowly incinerated into ash, mixed ocasionally with the charred mass of bone that remained the only remembrance of the people who had been caught in the wave. Despite being as well trained and motivated as the rebels, the Solarri Guard found themselves easily outnumbered by a mind boggling ratio, and with no chance of immediate reinforcement. Despite a slick and brilliant campaign of precise targeting and shadow-like night raids the Rebel forces were constantly resupplied from orbit, making any blows dealt to them a delay at best, and a waste of life at worst.

With a heavy chain around his heart, and a heaving chest, the Emperator ordered that the High Guard fall back to the central belt, abandoning the city to fire, and blood.

It is said that the dividing wall that separated the central palace from the rest of the city was stained red with the blood of those that would do battle around its most holy perimeter. Perched in the most profitable defensive positions possible, and ready, the Loyalists took a heavy reaping of souls -- bodies piling up so quickly that it became a must for them to be pushed off, lest they provide a way in their eternal rest for the wall to be breached.

But all was in vain. As a million more betrayers fell from orbit to join the battle, the walls themselves creaked with the sheer throng of bodies and weaponry throwing themselves forward. Within the cold depths of space, weapons fire flew as the massive and all-powerful vessels of the Third SolarriFfleet collided with the rear support of the Rebel fleet. They tore a gaping hole into the despoilers, but lost precious time attempting to cut through and reach the embattled world ahead.

It is not precisely known how the outer wall was finally breached. Common legend dictates that the mountains of dead that rose up like obscene supports allowed the attacking lines entry over the top, and into the complex. It is more likely that a combination of concussion warheads and sheer venomous will, with no regard for self preservation allowed a breach to develop. It is of no matter, as the fall of the palace was confirmed. Without the final bastion of protection that the outer wall provided, the minions of dishonesty and darkness poured through, killing hundreds of their own in massive crushes as they sought to enter and dispatch any against them at all haste.

Defenceless servants, running as fast as their aged legs could carry them. The younger, fragile Librarians that screamed and clawed at any who would listen. The precious few, white clad of the Guardians, giving their lives gladly as they sought to stem the tide. All were brutally cut down as they swarmed into the sanctity of the inner chambers.

Priceless data nodes, arranged into massive ever-spanning libraries that contained in some cases the sum records of civilisations long since departed and lost to this world, or of knowledge that could alter the balance of power in a sector, vaporized and burned without thought in mindless purges of vengence.

Fragile, sculpted art that could lay claim to creation by the greatest artistic minds of the Empire, that could change the mood of a person for ever after, were ripped apart and trampled. Many more innocents were attacked, and violated in ways too heinous to imagine here. All the while the few hundred surviving Guardians gave ready to sacrifice themselves utterly, to provide the sole means of escape for the Emperator, and what remained of his family.

Amidst the sky-spanning towers of the palace, on a windswept gravity platform, a solitary, yet giant figure regarded the carnage unravelling before him. His gaze watched over the seething mass of rabid figures, and terrible war machines that tore apart and destroyed all he had worked for and persevered to maintain. With that, the Emperator of the Caelistis Gens Empire, heavy of heart did the only thing that he could do in such circumstances. Gathering up the last of his entourage, and secure in the knowledge of the sacrifice those around were committing, he left the palace, and Solarri.

The royal starship, of which no detail survives, was more powerful than any craft of the time nor space, escorted by the finest the CGS armada could arrange. He broke through the rebel blockade with a vengeful ease, fleeing for parts and destinations that to this day are not known.

It is around this time that Angelus left CGE space. Taking the entirety of the Armada, and seeing that all was lost they took what little of the civilisation remained, and thusly preserved it -- if for nothing more than to act as a memory for all of the savage greed Humankind and its like were capable of.

As the palace was hauled down, and burned, As vast towers of antiquity and beauty were ripped apart and skewed, one final attempt at a half hearted survival was made.

As the Rebellion focused its sole efforts on routing the capital, and the palace complex, the last remainders of the surviving merchant and defence fleet gathered in far orbit. Left virtually unchallenged, as little a threat as they presented, they frantically began to lift as many lives as they could from the war zone that was the surface. Titanic transport craft, hauled from the ignored civilian stations nearby, and quickly retrofitted, were filled to capacity with any and all who could board a space worthy transport and make for orbital lift.

Frantic work continued as every last CGE starship that could be apprehended was so, and lent to the task. As time passed, and the Betrayers turned their attention elsewhere, the narrow window closed. At once the makeshift Samaritan operation came under fire; two transports were lost in as many minutes, caught without protection as they waited for one last surface-to-orbit lift, never giving up a hope more could be saved. Without firing in return, the makeshift collection of surviving warships and tankers made for the system perimeter at all speed.

The Rebels did not give chase,though able to destroy the escapees, the chances of considerable resistance that distance from Solarri was likely. Instead, they preferred total forced pacification.

As the last vestiges of the CGE humanitarian armada reached the jump beacon, and readied themselves for superluminal speeds, their sensors recorded the final, great act of savagery that marked the end of the supreme betrayal. Energy monitors spiked as the assembled rebel fleet began to attack the surface of the world itself, concussion cannons, weapons of unbelievable destruction, were unleashed against the unarmed and defenceless population centres of the major continents.

The fleet left before the hour had elapsed.

For almost eight months the fleeing Armada travelled. They dared not stop for more than a day, as long range sensors indicated their near constant pursuit by gleeful rebel forces. Thoughts did not turn to Solarri, or the fate of trillions now under the iron fist of a crazed, power hungry pseudo-dictator. What life could be led under a leader who feared not in a second to eradicate billions?

The journey was difficult. And of a fleet numbering no less than one billion life forms, and thousands of ships, less than one half of them survived to appreciate their hollow triumph, in the face of such adversity. For so many long centuries, had petty pirates and minor powers grown jealous of the CGE. Inept and foolish, and in no way or stretch of the imagination a threat, they had maintained their silence, and impudent anger. But now, they took the opportunity to strike. Attacking the outermost CGS worlds in full knowledge the supreme fleet would not come to their aid, nor assist.

In this manner, did the Armada come under almost constant attack.

The ships of the Kaeneians, who made up the majority of the present starships and people, were, though not on a par with the Angelus-operated vessels of the CGE, more than a match for the pitiful scraps that were sent after and engaged with them. For months at a time, they would present a bothersome problem at most.

However, the battle that waged seemed unending. As natural wear and tear continued, repairs were found to be impossible. Supplies that were gathered with scarcely an hour to spare were depleted. Antimatter soon became such a rare option that the entire fleet sought to travel at sub light speeds for weeks, in an effort to conserve energy.

These bothersome pirates soon found themselves able to lay waste to one, or two starships with considerable fleets, to which they continued at for unbelievable amounts of time.

Thirty thousand light years on, and almost a third of the fleet down, the Kaeneians finally found peace, as their Armada moved outside the convenient range of their limited attack craft, and long range carriers. Yet still, there would be little in the way to celebrate. They were doomed. Not to the same standard as the Eldar of this dimension, whose eventual end was certain and timed. No, back where their ion trail drifted lay an empire of trillions. Still billions of Kaeneians remained behind, most likely surviving. But under what terrible conditions? In essence, and in freedom the race of Kaenei, was at an end.

Such knowledge weighed heavily, yet it is testament to their divine belief that in one hundred and ten years of travel, they did not once question in leadership, nor quarrel amongst themselves for resources. Despite the strains, and agonies, they remained united. For what purpose sadly, none were even sure.

Age III: A second founding

It was as this, nearly one hundred thousand light years further on, and over a century of near continuous travel, that the fleet entered an unremarkable, nine planet system on the western spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. As far as planetary systems went, it was less than promising. Only one world boasted an atmosphere that was capable of supporting life, and did indeed lay home to a blossoming, if crude pre-industrial civilisation.

It was decided there, as the fleet craft entered the maximum upper band of their hull lives, and the weariness of the travellers coupled with their wish that their children's children might see a sky once more, preparations were made to call this unremarkable orb home, for the second time.

As in common with the races of the ancient Caelistis Gens Empire, Kaeneians were a remarkably patient people. They did not rush into decisions with haste, and indeed often took an almost painful amount of time to come to a consensus on a task or choice. The Kaeneian fleet remained in far Earth orbit for nearly a decade, painstakingly analysing the orb for the most efficient and secure haven to once more start again. Over these ten years thousands of expeditions were mounted, and hundreds of species and genetic files assimilated and analysed.

Finally, a location was chosen. Amongst the rocky, splintered spires of the northernmost mountains of Earth, not far off the freezing pole that indicated the most northerly attitude, safety and isolation was assured and almost invited. Despite taking such a time to confirm this, yet more laborious studies were undertaken, their results discussed, before finally, a consensus was reached.

Though unbeknownst at the time, the fleet had arrived at the beginning of the year of seventeen thirty one, and to a race that bore startling similarities to the Kaeneian people. Comparing the two, Kaenei was secure in its far greater grasp and achievements of technology and science. Utilising this, the Armada was successfully dismantled, and transported surface-side over the course of seven years.

It is there, amongst the great mountain chains and frozen rivers, amongst the deep snow and driving gales, that the people of Kaenei founded, and prospered. Utilising an almost gentle attitude to the resident Humankind, they strove to ensure their isolation, and separation. All who approached were cunningly turned back, and those that pressed on always found little of interest to spark their curiosity.

At this time, the founding name of Kaenei was cemented. In remembrance of the true unity that the CGE had achieved, of the true partnership and diplomacy of members, and in regard of the true myriad of vessels and creatures that had made up the Armada that had journeyed to Earth, in search of peace and silence...

The Serene^Union was officially declared.

It is not for the course of this document to fully disclose the natural evolution of Kaenei. The society remained almost unchanged from those that made planet fall, to those that now walk the carved streets of the capital, Solarri now.

Some five billion now call their home to Earth. However, not one truly regards Terra as their place of origin. An almost ferverent urge to never forget or dilute their heritage leads to a comprehensive history education and submersion. All Kaeneian children learn of the great betrayal, and the journey across the galaxy itself. Adults alike turn to the faded remains of that past time, preserved in complex decay-inhibitors and remember a time far off when the Serene^Union still held a place in the Heavens itself.

Only recently has change gripped Kaenei. The first extra-solar colonies being founded on the Jovian moon of Europa and Mars, and a complex series of stations and starship construction facilities around Earth and the said Moon once more. After many years of debate, isolation ended almost totally with the joining of the Triumvirate of Yut. Despite becoming a member almost three decades ago, the event is still fresh in the minds of many Kaeneians, who believe they have yet to see the far reaching consequences of this decision.

Not one solitary foreigner had stepped within the Borders of the Serene^Union in almost five hundred years of Earth-based existence, until the introduction of one Lady Melyanna. Her Elven heritage, hailing from the Confederacy, became not only the first true alien within an alien nation, but the first Kaeneian appointed ambassador. All communications carried out over the realms of data networks previously.