House of Thomas
The Royal House of Thomas was founded by King James Richard I and Queen Melinda Rose of New Britannia. King James Richard I was suceeded by King Caleb I of New Britannian Empire and Queen Isabella.
Royals and Nobles
Living members of the House of Thomas include Duke James of Balmoral, the great uncle of King Caleb I,and Prince Clay and Prince Cole, the King's brothers. The King has two children, Prince James Richard II and Princess Isabella II. Duke James of Balmoral has one daughter who is the King's aunt, Duchess Gracen. Duchess Gracen has three children, Lord Buckminster, Lady Marie, and the youngest, Baron Henri d' Effiat. Duke Matthew Wharton, a Prime Minister of New Britannian Empire, and Duke Anthony of Cantium are also related to the King. They are his fourth cousins. The King also has ties to the royal family of Greater Antarctica. He and Emperor Ivan are fifth cousins and Duke Brandon of New Britannian Imperium is the King's sixth cousin.