From NSwiki, the NationStates encyclopedia.
Ile de France was formed after the decline of the original Ille de France with most of that regions active members migrating to the new region. The region was succesful for a while reaching a peak population of over 400 nations in June of 2005. However at about that time the founder of the region became inactive and the region suffered from uncertainty and lack of leadership for several months resulting in a massive dropoff and population with both new and old members of the region leaving the game. During this period of uncertainty plans were formed by the remaining active members to refound the orginal Ille de France region which had been passworded and abandoned with a few puppet nations left in to keep it from ceasing to exist. This effort was complicated by the fact that the owners of those puppets were inactive. The goal of refounding Ille de France was finally achieved on 12/31/05 by long time member The Wilke Islands. With Ille de France refounded an effort is now underway to the rebuild that region to its former glory. It is likely now that the active members of Ile de France will move to the new Ille de France, leaving the region efectively abandoned.