Imperial Office (Maanenland)

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The Imperial Office refers to the Foreign Office of Maanenland. It's responsibilities include diplomacy with other nations and promoting Maanenland overseas.

Maanenland Information Office

The role of this office is to provide overseas nationals with information about Maanenland. To do this it employs the use of the internet. It also uses the foreign media to promote the nation worldwide. Without the time and help of several key figures in Maanenland Information the project would not of got off the ground:

Portfolio Name
Chief Editor Alexander Jameson
Economic Information and Advice Peter Strauss
Military Expert and Writer Micheal Coolidge
Map and Flag Expert and Designer Edward Stradling
Foreign Language Liason Anne Winterton
Royal Maanenland Broadcasting Corporation Chief Editor Derek Brown
Maanenland Geography and Settlement Information Geoff Hurkin