Interspecio Wars

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The series of 3 Intersecio wars, including the Pisylvanian Civil War were the great wars that took place in the nation of Pisylvania.

The first of the wars was when the native dwarves to Pisylvania were met with the immigrating vampires from the far north when climate conditions changed. Although neither species was a threat to the other, the dwarves, corrupted by a tyrannical king, believed that the vampires aimed to take over the lands, due to seeing them spread slowly from their original dwellings in the woods onto the plains. 2,000 years ago the dwarves made a strike on the vampire colonies, nearly wiping the species out.

Although the initial battle was a success for the dwarves, it drew them out of their mountain home in the Trestall Mountains, and split the dwarves up into small colonies, rather than the large city they had in the mountains. Reduced to ruins, the vampires hid in the forests for many hundreds of years later, not daring to leave in fear of the dwarves.

When the species of human arrived from the south, and set up colony on the banks of the River Vorstor, the conditions were set for another great war. Still trying to remain the dominant species in Pisylvania, the dwarves needed to rid the nation of humans as soon as possible, but due to the fact that they'd been split up by the leaving of the mountains, this proved a slow and cumbersom process.

As the dwarves tried in vain to gather their armies after hundreds of years of seperation, the humans were able to make their attack first, after spying small groups of dwarves in the nation preparing for battle. A quick attack was made on one particular colony of dwarves heading back to the Trestall Mountains, and after the inital success, humans proceeded to move across the nation, wiping out all dwarfish presence. The only dwarves to survive the plight of the humans were so cut off from others that they were soon to die out, leaving the dwarves extinct in Pisylvania

The final battle of the Interspecio Wars was that between the vampires and the humans, many years after that of the first 2 wars. 287 years after the official declaration of Pisylvania as a nation in The Imperium of Might, a mass of 2 million vampire soldiers marched on the capital city of Vorstorgrad after police interference with Count Gruz'ta over the matter of missing goverment advisors after a visit to a vampire village. This was to become The Pisylvanian Civil War, which lasted only a few months in which, with help from other nations in The Imperium of Might the threat of the vampires was met with hundreds of thousands of infantry and armed vehicles in front of the walls of Vorstorgrad. After both sides sustained heavy losses, the vampires started to retreat, as Pisylvanian troops moved in on camps further away from the city. After much fighting, an alliance was finally made with the aforementioned Count Gruz'ta, which has held true to this day.