Isselmere-Nielander Orbital Defence Force

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Aerospace Service
Úasanidhe Aéragúaith
UKIN banner.gif
State Isselmere-Nieland
- Building
Secretary of State Bríogaith níb hÉamidh, MP
Chief of Aerospace Staff MRASF Sir Nathaniel Ketteridge, Bt
- The Service

Aerospace Service
Royal Air Force
  • Air Defence Command
  • Strike Command
  • Training Command
  • Transport Command
Orbital Defence Force
Base Police
Budget (USD, 2007)
- Per capita
$10.718 trillion
- National budget
- Defence budget

1 See Dynamic and formal equivalence.

The Isselmere-Nielander Orbital Defence Force (INODF or ODF; Anguistian Ámdhifinnlú Úidhithe na hUislíamór-Nhígúlad (AUUN); Nielandic Reikistjarnavarnarliðs Isslamærar-Nýlands (RVIN)) is the space component of the Aerospace Service. As of 2004, there have been moves to establish it as a separate service; both the Air Staff and Parliament have resisted such calls.


The ODF emerged from two events, notably the Roswell UFO incident in 1947 and the launch of Sputnik a decade later. As in many Western countries, the Roswell incident created a stir within the normally staid Isselmere-Nielander society, provoking attempts to bolster the country's air defences as well as studies into the possibility of defending against threats from space. The former concern was improved by the purchase of Bristol Bloodhound surface-to-air missiles from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1958, but the latter worry was dismissed as "purely speculative nonsense" by the Defence Staff.[1]

The launch of Sputnik and the consequent threat of nuclear bombardment from orbit changed that stance. Defence spending after the Wikipedia:Korean War was modest and barely able to respond to a conventional attack on the Continent, nevermind an attack from a nuclear-tipped ballistic missile. In 1963, the government established the Isselmere-Nielander Space Agency (INSA), ostensibly to assist the local aeronautical industry and to study the concept of launching communications satellites into orbit. The primarily civilian agency was, in fact, developing intercontinental rockets as well as a spaceplane to launch aerospace interception rockets capable of defeating enemy missiles. Both projects were beyond INSA's limited means — even the most optimistic supporters of the latter scheme deemed it "fantastical", especially with 1960s technology[2] — and many Isselmere-Nielanders, including those in government, were averse to the Wikipedia:Militarisation of space, but the agency created several successful flight suit designs and other projects that have proved invaluable both for INSA's peaceful research and the Defence Forces.

Technological advances, the Reagan administration's interest in anti-ballistic missile defences, and the establishment of an Isselmere-Nielander space presence (i.e., mostly commercial satellites launched by foreign rockets) finally brought about the institution of a Space Command within the Royal Isselmere-Nieland Air Force in 1986.

Although the United Kingdom of Isselmere-Nieland was averse to the militarisation of space, the threat from other nations necessitated the establishment of an orbital defence force. This external aggression became apparent when the United Kingdom's ally, Sarzonia, suffered orbital bombardment by Cam III. Elements of the ODF engaged those enemy units and managed to bring Cam III to the bargaining table. So far, that action has been the ODF's sole active operational service.

The ODF has, however, been an active participant in the United Kingdom of Isselmere-Nieland Defence Forces' annual inter-service exercise, Operation Seraphim.

Rank structure

OD stands for Orbital Defence.


Code Ministers Úeníoiche Ráðherrar Sleeve Insignia and Epaulettes
(n/a) Minister of Defence Úeníog an tÁmdhifinn Varnarráðherra (n/a)
(n/a) Minister of State for the Defence Forces Úeníog Úlaidh an tÁmdhifinnlú Varnarliðsrikísráðherra
(n/a) Secretary of State for the Aerospace Service Rúnaigh Úlaidh an tÚasanidhe Aéragúaith Rikísritari Himingeimþjónustu
(n/a) Director-General for Orbital Defence Mórchíbhariúdhúr an tÁmdhifinnlú Úidhithe Forstjórjagenerál Reikistjörnuvarnir
Code Chiefs of Staff Mórúarénn an tSáirbhis Forstjórar Sleeve Insignia and Epaulettes
(n/a) Chief of Defence Staff (CDS)[3] Bénaidh Úarénn an tÁmdhifinnlú (BUAL) Forstjóri Varnarstjórnar (FVS) Rank insignia of serving officer
(n/a) Chief of Aerospace Staff (CASS)[4] Bénaidh Úarénn an tAéragúaith (BUAG) Forstjóri Himingeimstjórnar (FHGS)
(n/a) Chief of Orbital Defence Staff (CODS)[2] Bénaidh Úarénn an tÁmdhifinn Úidhithe (BUAU) Forstjóri Reikistjörnuvarnarstjórnar (FRVS)
Code Dignity of State[5] Urdhas Ghúlaidh Rikísvirðuleika Sleeve Insignia Dress Epaulettes[6]
OF-10c Aerospace Grand Marshal of Isselmere-Nieland (ASGMIN)[7] Mórmarascal Aérogúaith na hUislíamór-Nhígúlad (MMAGUN) Himingeimmikilmarskalk Isslamærar-Nýlands (HGMMIN) Three bands[8] surmounted by crown[9] Erne bearing batons[10] crossed within laurel wreath surmounted by crown over the coat of arms circled by four five-pointed stars
Code Orbital Officers Céghléchúidhe hAéragúaiche Herstjórar Himingeims Sleeve Insignia Dress Epaulettes
OF-10b Marshal-General of the Aerospace Service (MGAS)[5][11] Marascalghénearál hÚasanidhe Aéragúaith (MGUAG) Marskalkgenerál Himingeimþjónustu (MGHGÞ) Half-band within two bands surmounted by crown Erne bearing batons crossed within laurel wreath surmounted by crown over the coat of arms
OF-10a Marshal of the Orbital Defence Force (MODF)[9][12] Marascal an tAmdhifinnlú Úidhithe (MALU) Marskalk Reikistjarnavarnarliðs (MRVL) Two bands surmounted by crown Stylised rockets crossed within laurel wreath surmounted by crown
OF-9b Orbital Chief Marshal (OCM) Bénmharascal Úidhithe (BéMU) Geimyfirmarskalk (GYM) Band surmounted by four bars and crown Crown over three stylised roses surmounting sabre crossing baton
OF-9a Orbital Marshal (OrbMar) Marascal Úidhithe (MU) Geimmarskalk (GM) Band surmounted by three bars and crown Crown over two stylised roses surmounting sabre crossing baton
OF-8 Orbital Lieutenant-Marshal (OLM) Léghteanantmharascal Úidhithe (LMU) Geimmarskalkliðsforingi (GMLF) Band surmounted by two bars and crown Crown over stylised rose surmounting sabre crossing baton
OF-7 Orbital Vice Marshal(OVM) Bismharascal Úidhithe (BsMU) Undirgeimmarskalk (UGM) Band surmounted by crown Crown surmounting sabre crossing baton
OF-6 Orbital Commodore (OCmdre) Béinnadhúr Úidhithe (BDU) Geimhöfuðsmaður (GHM) Four bars surmounted by crown Crown surmounting three pips
Code Senior Officers Ófigeachda Shénochta Yfirforingjar Sleeve Insignia and Epaulettes
OF-5 Captain [OD] (Capt [OD]) Capten [AU] (Capt [AU]) Geimfarherra (GH) Four bars
OF-4 Commander [OD] (Cdr [OD]) Corchímíonaith [AU] (Cor [AU]) Geimfarstjóri (GS) Three bars
OF-3 Lieutenant-Commander [OD] (LCdr [OD]) Léghteanantchorchímíonaith (LCor [AU]) Undirgeimfarstjóri (UGS) Thin bar within two bars
Code Junior Officers/Subalterns Ófigeachda Ósiau Yngsforingjar Sleeve and Insignia and Epaulettes
OF-2 Lieutenant [OD] (Lt [OD]) Léghtenant [AU] (Lt [AU]) Stýrimaður [RV] (Str [RV]) Two bars
OF-1b Sub-Lieutenant [OD] (S/Lt [OD]) Bis-Lhéghtenant (BLt [AU]) Undirstýrimaður [RV] (UStr [RV]) Thin bar surmounting bar
OF-1a Pilot Officer [OD] (PO [OD]) Ófigeach hAérennúr (ÓA) Flugforingi [RV] Bar
Code Officer Cadets Daltaí Foringjabyrendur Sleeve Insignia and Epaulettes
OF-D Pilot Cadet (PCdt) Dalta hAérennúr (DA) Flugforingjabyrandi (FFB) Thin bar
SO Officer Cadet (OCdt) Dalta (D) Foringjabyrandi (FB) Stylised rocket circled by planet
Code Warrant Officers Ófigeaghda Barántaithe Heimildar Untirforingjar Sleeve Insignia and Epaulettes
OR-10b His Majesty's Warrant Officer of the Defence Forces (HMWODF)[9][13] Ófigeagh Barántaidh an tEidh Mórchaidigh an tÁmdhifinnlú (OBEMAL) Hans Hátignar Flokksstjóri Varnarliðs (HHFVL) Coat of arms within laurel wreath surmounted by crown
OR-10a Chief Warrant Officer of the Aerospace Service (CWOAS)[9][14] Bénófigeach Barántaidh an tÚasanidhe Aéragúaith (BOBUAG) Yfirflokksstjóri Himingeimþjónustu (YFHGÞ) Coat of arms within laurel wreath surmounted by stylised rose
OR-9d Chief Warrant Officer of Orbital Defence (CWOOD)[9] Bénófigeach Barántaidh an tAmdhifinn Úidhithe (BOBAU) Yfirflokksstjóri Reikistjörnuvarnir (YFRV) Coat of arms within laurel wreath
OR-9c Chief Warrant Officer of Higher Formation (CWOHF)[9] Bénófigeach Barántaidh Uích-Fórbhiad (BOBUF) Yfirflokksstjóri Efri Geimherfylkingar (YFEG) Coat of arms over Orbital Defence symbol
OR-9b Base Chief Warrant Officer (BCWO)[9] Bénófigeach Barántaidh Úarchodlú (BOBU) Yfirflokksstjóri Geimstóðvar(YFGS) Coat of arms over stylised crossed rockets
OR-9a Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Bénófigeach barántaidh (BOB) Yfirflokksstjóri (YFS) Coat of arms
OR-8 Master Warrant Officer (MWO) Ófigeagh Barántaidh Shénogh (OBS) Meistarflokksstjóri (MFS) Crown within laurel wreath
OR-7 Warrant Officer (WO) Ófigeagh barántaidh (OB) Flokksstjóri (FSt) Crown
Code Non-commissioned Officers Bis-Ófigeaghda Undirforingjar Sleeve Insignia and Epaulettes
OR-6b Flight Sergeant (FSgt) Sérsint Édhliobha (SE) Flugliðþjálfi (FLþ) Three chevrons surmounted by crown
OR-6a Technical Sergeant (TSgt)[15] Teicníuilshérsint (TSgt) Liðþjálfi Tækniligr (LþT) Three chevrons surmounted by stylised crossed rockets
OR-5b Sergeant (Sgt) Sérsint (Sgt) Liðþjálfi (Lþ) Three chevrons
OR-5a Master Technician (MT) or Master Corporal (MCpl) Méstroteicníor (MT) or Méstrocorporól (MCpl) Yfirtæknimaður (YT) or Yfirkorporál (YKpl) Three chevrons, topmost dark or royal blue
OR-4 Senior Technician (ST) or Corporal (Cpl) Teicníor Shénogh (TS) or Corporól (Cpl) Aðaltæknimaður (AT) or Korporál (Kpl) Two chevrons
Code Crewmen/-women Criúaghda Geimfarverjar Sleeve Insignia and Epaulettes
OR-3 Junior Technician (JT) or Lance-Corporal (LCpl) Teicníor Ósiau (TO) or Bis-Corporól (BCpl) Byrjatæknimaður (BT) or Undirkorporál (UKpl) Chevron
OR-2c Senior Crewman (SCM) Criúadh Shénogh (CS) Yfirgeimfarverji (YGV) Stylised crossed rockets
OR-2b Leading Crewman (LCM) Béncriúadh (BCM) Aðalgeimfarverji (AGV) Stylised rocket
OR-2a Crewman (CM) Criúadh (CM) Geimfarverji (GV) (n/a)
OR-1 Crewman Recruit (CMR) Criúadh Dhísgúr (CMD) Viðvaningur (VV)



  • Sirius-class patrol vessel
  • Rhadamanthus-class destroyer
  • Island-class cruiser
  • Moon-class station
  • Mote uncrewed extraterrestrial vehicle (UEV)
  • Hrothgar-type navigation satellite
  • Semaphore-type communications satellite
  • Spyglass-type reconnaissance satellite


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UKIN Security Forces
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Subjects: Capital | Coat of arms | Currency | Economy | Education | Football | History | Lethean Islands | Religion
Monarchy: History | Royal Family
Government: Council of State | DPA | Lords Commissioners | The King | Parliament | Prime Minister | Storting of Nieland
Firms: Detmerian Aerospace | Isselmere Motor Works | Lyme and Martens | Royal Ordnance | Royal Shipyards | Turing-Babbage | UPGO
Products: Isselmere-Nieland Defence Industries