Johnified States of America

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Johnified States of America
Forum: none
Population: 5 nations
Delegate: none
Founder: Johnified America
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

World Factbook Entry:

Once the region of Montana to the Mohave Desert of North America, now encompassing the entire North American continent (in multiple realities)
Most nations in this region are heavily militaristic.
Anybody named John is welcomed. :P
Residents are encouraged to change over to the optional regional currency, the Shell Casing to make international trade flow more smoothly and help regional economies :)

All regional members enjoy a 40% discount at the Phoenix Dynamix Storefront

The JSA Mutual Defense Pact is in effect.
Regional President: Johnified States
UN Delegate: None.

Founder: The Johnified States of Johnified America

The Johnified States of America region was founded by the The Johnified States of Johnified America and has been home to many John themed nations in the past although in recent months population has declined considerably.

Nations currently or historically in or from this region