List of Hell Bovinian Heads of State

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The territory known today as the Ecotopian Grand Duchy of Hell Bovines is reputed to have had several rulers and heads of state throught its history.

The Precolonial Period

During this period, the territory of Hell Bovines was divided among different monarchs and tribal leaders who ruled over city-state-like kingdoms and/or nomadic tribes. Of those known, the most important ones were:

Gomoo Tikal Kingdom

  • Chieftain Ribik Moo I
  • King Mooo Mook Knarf
  • King Atauh Moo Moof
  • unknown dinasties
  • King Machimooo
  • Duque Ribik Moo II

Pehuenchemek Tribes

Tiahuanaco Kingdom

The Colonial Era

During the XVII Century, the territory of Hell Bovines was colonized and annexed by the monarchs of Galdago. Hence, during this period, the different Galdagan monarchs were also considered to be the heads of state of the Colony of Hell Bovines, while the governors were handpicked by the Galdagan nobility.

Hell Bovinian Revolutionary Republic

The Ecotopian Grand Duchy

Less than two months after independence was declared, the inhabitants of Hell Bovines approved their new constitution through a popular referendum, effectively turning the country into a socialist, enviromentalist and democratic Grand Duchy. The position of the democratically-elected Duque was created for the pourpose of being the Head of State of the nation and it was decided that such position would also have the right of taking minor government decisions, while submitting the larger decisions to the different legislative bodies and to the populace through referendums. Mooo Blackhooves, independence hero of the country, was elected as to be the first duque of Hell Bovines.