List of Iansislean monarchs

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The current Iansislean royal family, the House of Callahan, originated in the minor nobility of the swampy left bank of the River Jaizar. In late 1355 Mary Callahan married Prince Nàmera, the younger brother of King Edûla II of Shadoran. However, Prince Edûla, the heir apparent, Prince Nàmera, the King’s second son, and Princess Adie died of a plague in 1360. Edûla II himself died in the summer of the next year heartbroken and without an heir. His brother assumed the throne as King Nàmera III, with Mary as Queen Consort.

However, Nàmera had always been sickly and the harsh winter of 1361 finished him off. By Shadoran’s common law, Mary inherited the throne as Queen Mary I of Shadoran on 21 December 1361. However, she abdicated after only four days - some say intense family pressure was involved - in favor of her older brother, John Callahan, and a new dynasty was founded.

House of Ânabara - Erar Sâdôraon ((?)445-559)

Ânabara I (?)445-(?)470
Ânabara II (?)470-(?)490
Ânabara III (?)490-(?)500
Ânabara IV (?)500-(?)525
Ânabara V (?)525-(?)535
Ânabara VI (?)535-(?)550
Dalân I (?)550-559

Imperial Governance of Shadoran (559-1049)

House of Cagâna - Governors of Shadoran (1049-1091)

Metîoya I 1049-1086
Ânabara VII 1086-1087
Odama I 1087-1091

House of Cagâna - Erar Sâdôraon (1091-1176)

Odama I 1091-1107
Metîoya II 1107-1142
Dalân II 1142-1161
Dalân III 1161-1176
Toto I 1176

House of Rashmatt - Barons of Shadoran (1176-1237)

Fredrick I 1176-1189
Alfred I 1189-1195
Fredrick II 1195-1237

House of Cagâna (restored) - Erar Sâdôraon (1237-1311)

Metîoya III 1237-1259
Toto II 1259
Dalân IV 1259-1301
Odama II 1301-1307
Nàmera I 1307-1310
Odam III 1310-1311

House of Ranosa - Erar Sâdôraon (1311-1320)

Nàmera II 1311-1320

House of Ranosa - Dukes of Shadoran (1320-1361)

Nàmera II 1320-1327
Edûla I 1327-1340
Odama IV 1340-1344
Edûla II 1344-1359

House of Ranosa - Kings of Shadoran (1359-1361)

Edûla II 1359-1361
Nàmera III 1361

House of Callahan - Kings of Shadoran (1361-1697)

Mary I 1361
John I 1361-1377
James I 1377-1398
Michael I 1398
James II 1398-1419
Robert I 1419
Michael II 1419-1420
Michael III 1420-1437
Jessica I 1437-1452
Alexander I 1452-1499
Michael IV 1499
Ian I 1499-1511
John II 1511-1530
Alexander II 1530-1531
Robert II 1531-1558
John III 1558
Ian II 1558-1560
John IV 1560
Jessica II 1560-1599
Elizabeth I 1599-1601
James III 1601-1629
Ian III 1629-1652
Michael V 1652-1667
Ian IV 1667-1697

House of Callahan - High Kings of the Shield and Kings of Shadoran (1697-1952)

Ian I (IV) 1697-1705
Ian II (V) 1705-1722
Ian III (VI) 1722-1751
Alexander I (III) 1751-1752
Toto I (III) 1752-1772
James I (IV) 1772-1801
Ian IV (VII) 1801-1819
James II (V) 1819-1849
Toto II (IV) 1849-1860
Toto III (V) 1860-1862
Alice I (I) 1862-1880
Robert I (IV) 1880-1883
Ian V (VIII) 1883-1895
Ian VI (IX) 1895-1900
Ian VII (X) 1900-1901
Jessica I (III) 1901-1926
Toto IV (VI) 1926-1937
James III (VI) 1937-1952

House of Callahan - Kings of Iansisle (1952-1957)

James I 1952-1957

The Gull Flag Republic

Head of State declared to be "The Iansislean Peoples"

House of Callahan - High Kings of the Shield (claimed) (1957-present)

Ian VIII (XI) 1957-present

NB: Records from before the Sentrian invasion of 559 are often sketchy when attempting to trace the lineage of the Shadoranite tribe. Various Sentrian trade missions sent into the area record six different ‘chiefs of the largest clan’ named Ânabara (although the exact period of their reign is difficult to lock down), but the ‘chief’ who surrendered Shadoran’s territory to the Sentrians was definitely called Dalân.