List of Lightning Starian Rules

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This is a list of the rules of The Lightning Star. While it was origionally ruled by an oligarchy of the rich, in 102 A.D. onward it war ruled by Emperor's. While not all rulers are known so far(many record's of the pre-unification day's are destroyed), this is as complete a list of rulers as possible.

Oligarchs[NOTE: Seeing how very few oligarchs are known, we shall instead put each dynasty of oligarchs.] (c. 500 to 142 B.C.)
c. 500-c.450 B.C.The Big Five
c.450-200The Family Alliance
200-142The Quarrelsome

Tyrants of New Carthage (142 to 5 A.D.)
142-135Hanno the Great
135-99Dalmicar the Cityburner
99-76Halicam the Lifegiver
76-34Hannibal the Many Yeared
34-7Hanno the Childslayer
7-5 A.D.Hannibal The Stormfisted

|*Killed in Battle

(To be Completed)