Little India
| ||||
Official map [1] | ||||
Spoken Languages - Official - Unofficial |
Latin, English, French Verunaian (in Veruna only) | |||
Capital and largest city | Ihayel, 646 million | |||
High King | Ithilanor II | |||
Chancellor | Chancellor Danfalas | |||
Dean | Dean Merteuil | |||
Area - Total - % water |
11,540,000 square miles 13.76% water | |||
Population - Total (40,050) |
2.215 billion | |||
Establishment | September 25 year 1 of Little Indian independence (40,050 years ago) | |||
Government type | Semi-federal Constitutional Monarchy | |||
Nation type | Inoffensive Centrist Democracy | |||
National animal | Pilau | |||
GDP (40,050) - Total - GDP/capita |
$38,598,702,131,916.13 $17,426.05 | |||
Currency | 1 Rupee (LIRup) | |||
Constitution | The High Constitution of the Sovereign Peoples of the United Kingdoms of Little India under the Dominion of the Children of Vandanwé | |||
Time Zone - in summer |
GMT -0500 to GMT -0700 GMT -0400 to GMT -0600 | |||
International Abbreviations - sport - government |
LI HKLI | |||
National Anthem | Long Live The High King (High Queen) | |||
Internet TLD | .li, .hk | |||
Calling Code | +89 |
The High Kingdom of Little India, founder of the region of New Italy, is a nation of around 2.2 billion inhabitants.
- 1 NationStates Profile
- 2 Forms
- 3 History
- 3.1 Ancient History
- 3.2 Donna I to Darius XIII
- 3.3 The Great Schism
- 3.4 Alaric X and The Summer of 16,509
- 3.5 Donna XIII to Nithrin III
- 3.6 Interregnum
- 3.7 Papal Rule
- 3.8 Thoronin II to Christian XIX Has Elith
- 3.9 The Second Great Schism
- 3.10 The Fifth High Kingdom
- 3.11 Donna XXIII to Landadhradon IV
- 3.12 Nicholas III and the Imrathonian Dominance
- 3.13 The Renewed House of Vís
- 3.14 The Wars of the Borders
- 3.15 The Huari Invasion
- 3.16 The Great Siege of Ihayel
- 3.17 Vietnamexican Border Crisis
- 3.18 Recent Developments
- 4 Demography
- 4.1 The Kingdoms of Little India
- 4.1.1 The Kingdom of North Veruna
- 4.1.2 The Kingdom of Parrlay
- 4.1.3 The Kingdom of Imrathon
- 4.1.4 The Kingdom of Eleni
- 4.1.5 The Kingdom of Tulpas
- 4.1.6 The Kingdom of Frida
- 4.1.7 The Kingdom of Protea
- 4.1.8 The Kingdom of South Veruna
- 4.1.9 The Marquessate of Hazrat and the Principality of Sanfaleth
- 4.1.10 The Kingdom of Aladhron
- 4.1.11 The Grand Duchy of Vís
- 4.1.12 The Exalted Princedom and White City of Ihayel
- 4.2 The Holy Catholic Church of Little India
- 4.3 Calendar
- 4.4 Military
- 4.1 The Kingdoms of Little India
- 5 Geography
- 6 Government
- 6.1 The High Constitution
- 6.1.1 Preamble:
- 6.1.2 Chapter 1: Renunciation of Powers
- 6.1.3 Chapter 2: The Sovereign
- 6.1.4 Chapter 3: Renunciation of War
- 6.1.5 Chapter 4: Rights and Duties of the People
- 6.1.6 Chapter 5: The Congress
- 6.1.7 Chapter 6: The Cabinet
- 6.1.8 Chapter 7: The Judiciary
- 6.1.9 Chapter 8: Finance
- 6.1.10 Chapter 9: Local Self Government
- 6.1.11 Chapter 10: Amendments
- 6.1.12 Chapter 11: Supreme Law
- 6.1.13 Chapter 12: Supplementary Provisions
- 6.2 The Legislature
- 6.3 The Executive
- 6.4 Other Cabinet Members
- 6.5 The Judiciary
- 6.6 Economy
- 6.1 The High Constitution
- 7 The Sovereign
NationStates Profile
The High Kingdom and Holy Empire of Little India
Vivat Ithilanor Secondus, Excello Rex et Pius Imperator!
Civil Rights: Average
Economy: Thriving
Political Freedoms: Some
General Information
The High Kingdom and Holy Empire of Little India is a massive, economically powerful nation, remarkable for its punitive income tax rates. Its compassionate, hard-working population of 1.729 billion are either ruled by a small, efficient government or a conglomerate of multinational corporations; it's difficult to tell which.
It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, pro-business government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Education, and the Environment. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 80%. A robust private sector is dominated by the Information Technology industry.
Schools have extensive counseling programs for troubled students, waste is frequently shipped to other countries, angst-filled teenagers are rushing off to buy government bonds for some odd reason, and college students make ends meet by selling their kidneys. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Little India's national animal is the Pilau, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Rupee.
(December 4th 2005)
Official Forms:
English: The Kingdoms of North and South Veruna, Parrlay, Imrathon, Eleni, Tulpas, Frida, Protea and Aladhron, The Marquessate of Hazrat and Principality of Sanfaleth, the Grand Duchy of Vís, The Exalted Princedom of Ihayel, All the Countries of the Eldorati, United as the Divine Land, High Kingdom and Holy Empire of the Twelve Little Indias
French: Le Royaume de Veruna-Nord et Veruna-Sud, Parrlay, Imrathon, Eleni, Tulpas, Frida, Protea et Aladhron, Pays-du-Marquess du Hazrat et Pays-du-Prince du Sanfaleth, Grand-Duché de Vís, Haut Pays-du-Prince de Ihayel, Tout le Pays de l'Eldorati, Unis á la Divin Pays, Haut Royaume et Saint Empire du Douze Petit Indes
Local Short Form: Little India
- Ever since the dichotomy of Veruna into the English-speaking, elective monarchy of the North; and the Verunaian-speaking hereditary absolute monarchy of the South; as well as the admission of Hazrat and Sanfaleth to the Union, there have been arguements as to the revised official names of the nation.
In former names, first have come the non-Sovereign Kingdoms - ie, those whose monarch is not the Sovereign - in order of admission to the Union. Following that have come the Sovereign Kingdom - Aladhron - and the two non-Kingdoms; followed by the union name. As North and South Veruna entered the Union at the same time - as one country - they should both feature first in Little India's official names. The High King's solution to this was that North and South Veruna appear under the entry of North and South Veruna. This was, however, unacceptable to Queen Marcauniel I of South Veruna, who not only insisted that South Veruna should come separately, but come first in the ordering of nations.
Hazrat and Sanfaleth, being a dominion not ruled by a King, is a non-Kingdom, and therefore should appear with Ihayel and Vís at the end of the entry. No objection to this was received by the Marquess and the Princess - they stated that:
...the ordering of Hazrat and Sanfaleth in Little India's official names will have no bearing on our willingness to join the Union. We are happy that our name should be included in the name of this great nation.
The above forms were agreed upon by the House of Representatives and the Senate, but in the Council, the Queen of South Veruna refused to ratify the name. The other Kings and Queens overruled Her, and the above version was adopted.
There are numerous changes between the current official name and the previous. The title All the Countries of the Eldorati was added, as was The Divine Land....
Ancient History
Founded more than 40,000 years ago, The High Kingdom and Holy Empire of Little India was built to the designs of the Lord Ithilanor, first High King, and Saviour of the Little Indian people.
After living as slaves to the Diboran Visigothic Princes for millennia beyond count, the people now known as the Little Indians looked to an inspiring young immortal Prince: Ithilanor. The scion and last living member of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Vís, Ithilanor pleaded with the Chief Prince of Dibora to free his people from slavery.
Lord Metacé, Sovereign Prince of Dibora, denied Ithilanor the right to lead his people to freedom. The Little Indians were at the time building a new palace for Metacé, along with a Pantheon and a parade ground with giant statues of the thirteen Princes.
Despite the oppression and the refusal of freedom, the people continued to work, but built in secret a fleet of white ships. Chief of these ships was the ship of Ithilanor, with a swan-head prow and a sail woven with silver thread.
The Beginning of Freedom
Again, Ithilanor pleaded with Metacé for freedom, and again it was denied. Ithilanor is reputed to have then cursed Metacé and all of Dibora. Leading the people away in the boats in the middle of the night, Ithilanor and his fleet of a thousand white ships were blown by gentle winds for thousands of miles to the East. After exactly sixty five days at sea, the White Fleet sailed through the Yaranin, the towering cliffs that guarded the entrance into the Great Bay. Ahead was a perfectly flat island, surrounded by a continent, surrounded by sea and encircling cliffs. This island is where the people settled. Two Kingdoms were founded, being placed in a Confederational system with a High King.
Donna I to Darius XIII
Donna I ruled from 5 LI to 17 LI. After Ithilanor's assassination in 5 LI by Diboran raiders, Donna ruled in Ihayel. Instituting many new laws and freedoms for the people, Donna ruled for twelve years until she committed suicide following the death of her husband.
Over eight thousand years - to 8,000 LI - the High Kings and Queens of the People of the Light ruled from the White Tower in Ihayel. Over that eight thousand year period, Little India remianed mostly the same. Three new Kingdoms joined the Dominion - Veruna, Tulpas and Parrlay. Thet accepted Christian XII as their High King, and the borders of Little India were extended to encompass the new territory.
The Great Schism
In the year of 8,294 LI, the two twin sons of High Queen Marisca II contested the Throne. Marisca died in chidbirth, as did the child, and her sons were only nineteen years of age.
At their birth, the boys had each been created a Duke, both holding an equal rank. Talathion was created Duke of Lorestirion in Veruna, and Iauron Duke of Bethlestin in Parrlay. It was never known which of the two boys had been born first, as the High Queen ordered for that information to be left unrecorded, and never to be spoken of. It gradually slipped out of the memories of even those present at the birth which boy was born first.
It was thought that Marisca would name which of Her sonds would be Her heir. No such utterance came. Her Will was never found, but it has been speculated that She intended for her sons to be joint rulers of Little India, with the first daughter to be born to either of the boys to inherit the Throne.
Highly competitive as children, the two boys forced the House of Representatives, the Senate and the High Council of Kings to choose which of them would rule as High King. As expected, each boy had their suporters. Unable to reach a solution, the Senate were powerless to stop what followed: Talathion and Iaruon withdrew to their separate Dukedoms, and each ruled as High King of Little India. The country was divided. Talathion held the South-Eastern portion of the country, with Iauron holding the North-West.
An open homosexual, Iauron had no option but to take a wife in order to preserve his claim to the High Kingship. The marriage went without issue, and when Iauron was assassinated in the summer of 8,300, His Wife assumed the crown of Iauron's holding of Little India. She remarried, and gave birth to a single child, a boy, as did the wife of Talathion.
For 463 years, the two contesting Sovereign Courts fought over Ihayel, with the once proud city being reduced to a battle ground.
In the year 8,757, the daughter of Talathion's descendent and the son of the descendent of Iauron's wife wed in the city of Ihayel, and were crowned joint Sovereigns. This ended the period known as the Great Little Indian Schism, during which 306 Papal emissaries were sent to try and resolve the breakup. Even though Iauron's wife's descendent had no rightful claim to the Throne through blood, the compromise ended the Great Schism, with the only rightful blood-descendent of High Queen Marisca becoming Crowned High Queen.
Alaric X and The Summer of 16,509
The nephew of High King Christian XII, Alaric was crowned in Ihayel in 16,507.
In 16,509, High King Alaric X died suddenly, and the throne should rightly have been inherited by his Daughter, who would have become Donna XXIII. However, Donna was married to one of the members of the House of Nobles - the upper house of the Ihayel legislature. Shunning his wife, the rightful heir to the throne, he usurped the High Crown, and was throned as High King Darius XVIII, in the summer of 16,509. It has been specualted upon by some Sovereign Historians that Darius murdered his father-in-law, in order for him to usurp the throne. This theory is unproven and not endorsed by the Sovereign Family.
Darius XVIII
Darius was crowned in the summer of 16,509. Insisting upon his immediate coronation, he imprisoned his wife, and claimed her insanity.
On Lithe 1 of 16,509, Darius announced to the people his intentions to abolish the Constitution, dissolve all Little Indian legislature - The House of Representatives and the Senate in Little India as a whole and the House of Commons and the House of Nobles in Ihayel - with the exception of the High Council of Kings. He said that he was to guide Little India through:
"...a difficult time. I will be your rock, I will guide you to peace and fruition. But before we can be victorious, there must be a constitutional revision. I will assume autocratic rule, and until such time as we can restore to a democratic society, I will hold your sovereignty in trust, for safekeeping."
Making his speech to a congregation outside the sovereign palace in Ihayel, Darius was received harshly, and withdrew immediately to his apartments.
Conspiracy in the Land of Stars
Disillusioned with Darius' plans for the future of Little India, several politicians, the Kings of Imrathon and Eleni and the Queen of Protea, along with the Lord Chancellor and the Prime Minister, plotted to remove Darius and restore his wife, the rightful High Queen Donna XXIII, to the Throne.
Lithe 16,509 - the Glorious Revolution
The Prime Minister and Chancellor decided that to ensure the freedom of the people, Darius must be removed from power as soon as possible, and agreed with the Kings and Queen that Overlithe was a perfect time to do so.
On the night of Overlithe 16,509, a party of politicians, two Kings and a Queen, marched from the gates of Ihayel to the Sovereign Palace in the topmost level of the city. To Darius they produced a petition for his removal, signed by every Senator, Represenative and Member of Parliament, including three of the five rulers of the Little Indian kingdoms. Darius was arrested, and taken to an undisclosed location.
The Republic of Little India
After Darius' removal from the Throne, the Kings and Queen of Little India were double crossed by the Chancellor and Prime Minister, who abolished the monarchy entirely, and transformed Little India from hextarchy into one single country, with a democatically elected legislature, and a President. The first President of Little India - although not elected to that specific post - was the Chancellor, who set about the immediate execution of Darius, claiming him to be a:
"...danger to the Little Indian people. Former High King Darius XVIII will be executed tomorrow. In conjunction with this, the hextarchy will be abolished, and Little India will be united as one country, under one flag and one President. All men and women shall be stripped of all titles and titular offices, starting with the Kings and Queens of the six Kingdoms."
The Chancellor took up residence in the Sovereign Palace, promptly renaming it the Presidential Palace, and disbanded the Black Guard, calling them "a painful reminder of the inefficiency of the old system."
A New High Kingdom
Following the institution of the Little Indian Republic, the UN sent a peace keeping force to Ihayel, where the pressurised Republican and Royalist supporters were on the brink of starting a civil war.
Staying only three days, the UN left when the people rose up in arms against the "Presidential Palace."
Including the disbanded Black Guards and the White Guards, some politicians and about three quarters of the population of Ihayel, a great force marched up the hill, growing in numbers as it rose up each level.
At the 12th level, the Presidential Palace was laid siege, and eventually the "President" was forced to show himself to stop the mob that had arisen from entering the Palace.
He seceded, and was carried off by the White Guard to imprisonment.
The Black Guard scoured the Palace for the rightful High Queen. Donna was found tied up in a small chamber at the base of the White Tower. Immediately freed, Donna was crowned by Cardinal Galsirinon in the Palace Chapel within ten minutes of her release. Using the authority of her office, Donna ordered the imprisonment of all the conspirators, and the restoration of the sextarchy, the High Kingship and the Constitution.
The Black Guard were all reinstated, and the Presidential Palace restored to it's former stauts of Sovereign Palace.
Donna XIII to Nithrin III
After the overthrow of the Republic and the re-institution of the Monarchy, Donna XIII ruled for forty-seven years. The crown was inherited by her son Christian, who took the regnal name of Nithrin III.
During Nithrin's twenty year rule, there were innumerable questions about the succession. He had no children, his first cousins lived in Rome as servants of the Pope, no cousins, siblings and no nieces or nephews. This meant that upon his death there would be an enormous crisis as to who should inherit the Crown. His first cousins refused to return from Rome, and there were no others allowed to inherit the throne under Little Indian Sovereign House Law.
With no heir upon Nithrin's death, an interregnum was the only option. The Chancellors ruled as de fact Presidents, whilst the High Throne remained empty. Under Little Indian law, only a descendant of Ithilanor may inherit the throne, which made the Kings of the Little Indian kingdoms illgible for the Throne.
Papal Rule
After an interregnum lasting twenty three years, the Pope decided to act as High King in order to provide peace and stability for the people. For three hundred years, the Popes ruled as High Kings of Little India, until the descendents of Nithrin's first cousins in Rome returned to Little India to take up the Throne. Eagerly accepted by the Little Indian people, they replaced the Pope as High King within three days of their arrival.
Thoronin II to Christian XIX Has Elith
Thoronin II replaced the Pope as the High King of Little India, and took up the High Throne in the Sovereign Palace in Ihayel.
Another three generations of His family ruled after Him, until Christian XIX Has Elith.
Christian died after 12 years on the throne, and should have been succeeded by His daughter, Silina I. But on the year of His death, there came forward a distant relative that claimed to be the great-great-grandson of High King Nithrin III, the last Sovereign before the Great Interegnum and Papal Rule. His claims were legitimate, as it was found in the Basilica records that upon His deathbed, Nithrin married his lifelong partner, and immediately consummated the marriage. There was issue, but not before Nithrin died. Three generations of Nithrin's children lived in exile in Avernien, the Little Indian Protectorate, unti lsuch time as they saw fit to return to claim their rightful inheritance.
The Second Great Schism
Following the shock arrival of, as High Queen Silina described,
"...he who pretends to my Throne, that Faithless Scourge of Solemnity from Avernien..."
the country was again split in two. Following a direct line from North to South, all the Eastern supporters held Ihayel, and all the Western supporters held the Grand Duvhy of Vís, which was the subject of fierce battle between the two factions. In place of two rival claimants to the Throne, this apartheid was between the Monarchy and the Republic. In the West, where Silina had withdrew, the monarchy was abolished in favour of the fully elective Most Serene Republic of Western Little India and all the Lands of The House of Vís. The East maintained Darius XXIX as High King.
In the first years of the Schism, the Pope backed the High Kingdom and the legitimate claim of Darius as Sovereign.
The Fifth High Kingdom
After 197 years, the Pope issued a decree from Rome declaring that the fighting between the two halves of Little India had gone far enough, and that the High Kingdom and Most Serene Republic were to re-unite in the name of God, as the Fifth High Kingdom of Little India.
The two factions reunited under High Queen Donna XXIII.
Donna XXIII to Landadhradon IV
Landadhradon IV was the last of an old branch of the House of Vís, still descendants of Ithilanor I, but not as direct as the main line. Upon Landadhradon's death, there was yet another Succession crisis. The closest heir to the throne was Nicholas, a young child of the main line of Ithilanor's descendants. Proclaimed King of Aladhron, Grand Duke of Vís, Exalted Prince of Ihayel and High King of Little India, Nicholas was still only four years old.
Nicholas III and the Imrathonian Dominance
During the minority of High King Nicholas III, a regency was, as a matter of course, established, with King Daugon of Imrathon appointed as Regent and de facto High King. His wife, Queen Iyeliri, was extremely influential, both in Imrathon and in Little India as a whole. The power behind the Throne, her husband was weak - but ambitious.
In the Winter of 21,053, Nicholas was secretly shipped to the most remote island of the oldest and isolated Little Indian colony, Barod Ithnar. Nicholas remained there until his death. King and Regent Daugon, meanwhile, had pronounced Nicholas dead - to ensure the proclaimation go unchallenged, he had those that transported Nicholas murdered. Ithilanor's line was claimed extinct, and, as Daugon himself put it to the Little Indian people:
The line of Ithilanor is broken, and the hegemony of the House of Vís over Little Indian politics is finally at an end.
Daugon was exclaimed High King by the Council. Many historians have mused that Queen Iyeliri had had affairs with all the Kings of Little India, and had secured Daugon's ascent to the High Kingship through blackmail and bribery. Daugon ruled from Ihayel, but Ihayel, Vís and Aladhron were all given new rulers.
Over time, the aging High King Daugon - upon High Queen Iyeliri's insistence - seized Vís, Aladhron and Ihayel from the hands of their murdered rulers, claiming:
By the Consitution of this Land, dated 107, the Lands of Vís, Ihayel and Aladhron are the lands of the Sovereign. As Sovereign, it is my duty to uphold the Constitution and assume the mantle of King of Aladhron, Grand Duke of Vís and Exalted Prince of Ihayel. Together with this, I create a new title for the Sovereign - Emperor of Greater Little India, symbolising the four greatest realms of the Kingdom: Aladhron, Vís, Ihayel and Mighty Imrathon.
By the time of his death, Nicholas, far away in Barod Ithnar, had had three wives and six sons, four daughters, all blissfully unaware of what had befallen the Little Indian people.
In 21,067, High King Daugon, whilst on a visit to Theed, was assassinated by an Aladhronian extremist. The secret of Nicholas' exile went with him to the grave. His son, Frotré Hathili succeeded him as High King. Queen Iyeliri remained as the power behind the throne.
The Imrathonian Age, as it was dubbed, lasted for 3 more generations. Remarkably - and perhaps be foul means - Queen Iyeliri lived to the age of 203, witnessing the reigns as High King of her husband, son, two grandsons and great grandson.
However, Nicholas' great great grandson returned to Ihayel in the summer of 21,216 and was greeted with such joy that he was immediately proclaimed High King, along with all that office's associated titles. Queen Iyeliri was tried for High Treason. She was found guilty and executed, as was her Great Grandson. The remains of her husband, son, and grandsons were exhumed from the Sovereign Crypt, torn apart and hung from gallows in Falbrinil, capital of Imrathon.
The Imrathonian Age had fianlly ended.
The Renewed House of Vís
Following the reinstation of the House of Vís as house of Aladhron and the High Kingship, the House's importance and standing over the other houses was not disputed again.
Reigning for twelve generations without a serious national incident, the Vísian High Kings and Queens lived in peace with each other. It was at this time that the current High Crown was wrought from silver and gold filigree.
It was in the rule of High Queen Silina II that Imrathon planned to leave the Union. Many rallies were planned by the Glorious Red Communist Party of Imrathon in support of secession. After a popular referendum, the Communists came to power in Imrathon, but the people did not want to leave the Little Indian union.
It was decided by the High Council - and, in some part, by the Senate - that the Communists in Imrathon must be supplanted; allowed to destroy themselves from within. The King of Imrathon advocated the assassination of the Chairman of the Party, but his plan was thrown out by the Council.
Moles were planted in the Communist party, and eventually discovered the weaknesses in Chairman Kilathron's regime. After three years of Communist thought in Imrathon, the terms of the Communist politicians had come to an end. Having suffered for three years from the dominance and brutal despotism of Chairman Kilathron - who had tried on several occasions to bring a motion before the Imrathonian House of Councillors to abolish the Imrahtonian monarchy - the Imrahtonian people voted 2/3 of the Communist representatives out of the House.
Despite being spectacularly voted out of office, Kilathron refused to leave the House, and remained as Chairman. The new King of Imrathon was forced to flee Imrathon for fear of assassination. Kilathron presented a motion, stating that as the King had left his duties in Falbrinil, and announced His abdication - on behalf of Himself and all His heirs and successors. Chairman Kilathron became President of Imrathon, and by some cruel injustice to the Imrathonian people, had the members of the opposition parties executed.
The newly acceded High Queen, Donna XXVI, refused to allow the Communists to retain power in Imrathon. Although the weaknesses in Kilathron's regime had been exposed to the Federal Government in Ihayel, there was no way of acting upon it.
Donna, aged just nineteen, decided on a State visit to Falbrinil, to allow Kilathron to pay homage to Her - he had refused to attend the Coronation.
In Falbrinil, the High Queen planted in Kilathron's study - and in the offices of many of the Communist ministers - forged plans to assassinate all members of the newly restored House of Vís and assume personal control of Ihayel under a Communist ideology.
Whilst it could be construed as High Treason to plant incriminating documents on an elected official, Donna knew the risks of allowing Kilathron and his Communist Warlords to remain in power.
After the documents were found, Kilathron was found, arrested, tried and imprisoned by the Federal Government. The monarchy in Imrathon was restored, and Communism in Little India outlawed after popular referendum.
The Wars of the Borders
Sharing a long frontier with the Kingdom of Tulpas, the Empire of Sarudor was, like Tulpas, a long, thin country, with no great distinguishing geographical features.
After 500 years of the restoration of the House of Vís, Sarudor formally declared war with Tulpas and Little India as a whole. Little India had already declared pacifism eighteen centuries before, but the warlike Sarudor was intent on causing as much blodshed as possible.
With the Sarudorian army progressing Northwards through Tulpas daily and approaching on the Fridan border - with a mind to capture Ihayel - the High King, Christian XXV, ordered the White Guards and the Police Force to evacuate the major cities in Frida, and as many as possible in the occuppied territory of Tulpas. With the Emperor of Sarudor taking up residence in Torinil, Christian was granted emergency powers by the Senate, after they deemed themselves incapable and too divided to effectively manage the repulsion of the invasion.
Barricades were built as far South across the Fridan border into Tulpas as the White Guard feared to go, and patrols were set up to prevent the Sarudorian army progressing further North to capture Loriminil and moving towards the Capital.
Instead of driving his forces towards Ihayel, the Emperor directed the full force of his armies against what is now Hazrat and Sanfaleth. Although Hazratians maintained a standing army, the Sarudorian army was far greater in numbers and technology. The city of Sanfaleth was burned to the ground, and the army moved further north, beyond the borders of what is now Protea, and into Veruna. The Imrathonian army managed to repulse a large proportion of the Sarudorian army, but their assault was unrelenting. Alinil was laid seige, and the majority of the city - with the exception of certain palaces, that the Emperor claimed as his own - was levelled. Very little remained, and many of the Verunaian people were tortured into accepting Sarudorian rule.
From the White Tower in Ihayel, Christian could see no end to the invasion. A fleet was sent from what is now Bylorinil, and a large force was exected to land in the harbours of Aladhron within two years of the original declaration of war. This progression into the heart of Little India would have been a desperate loss for the Little Indian people, and might possibly have resulted in the deposition of the government, for their failure to protect the Little Indian people. Christian, then, called upon the elements and the Angels, Michael, Gabriel, Auriel and Raphael, and conjured a storm to route the Sarudorian fleet before they could land in Aladhron.
The fleet was destroyed, but the armies in Veruna, Protea, Tulpas and the south of Frida remained. Meanwhile, the Emperor of Sarudor had proclaimed himself as King of all the Southern countries, and Master of the Lands from Sea to Sea.
This border dispute had gone far enough. Almost a quarter of Little India was under foreign domination, and the people were oppressed.
After appealing to the UN, the Sarudorian Emperor was forced to leave Little India, and was stripped of all his titles. A peace-keeping force was sent to Tulpas, and the Great Wall of the Border of Tulpas was erected, and was only torn down in 20,001 with the eventual destruction of the Sarudorian realm.
Between the construction and destruction of the wall, many sorties were sent to try and recapture Torinil, but all failed. When Sarudor was ultimately destroyed, the Prime Minister sent envoys to Little India, expressing wishes to join the Union. Whilst membership was denied, Sarudor became a Crown Colony of Little India, with great autonomy, and despite many applications for full membership, Sarudor retains its Crown Colony status.
The Two Jerusalems
The Kingdom of the Two Jerusalems nestled in between Imrathon and Parrlay on the Lisimisinil Peninsula. Although not as ancient as Little India, The Two Jerusalems had its own colourful past. It had once occupied the territory of Imrathon before the latter's admission to the Union in 11,995. In 12,048, the King of the Two Jerusalems, from his fortress at the very tip of Lisimisinil, planned to retake Imrathon, and perhaps even venture into Parrlay. The High Queen of the day, Donna XVI, was entirely unaware of the plot to invade her territory, and despite the strength of the frowned-upon Imrathonian army, was unprepared to fight off any attack. The King of the Two Jerusalems had broadcast it widely that there were nine million soldiers willing to die for the Two Jerusalems, and that he had no worries with sending them into battle to reclaim Hebrew territory.
Donna XVI first heard of the attack on border towns in Imrathon whilst on a State visit to what is now the Republic of Kuo Min Tang, but sailed back from Taipei immediately - an eight week trip. Meeting in emergency session, the Council, under the Regency of the King of Imrathon - who was also serving as Viceroy at the time - had agreed upon a direct counter-attack against the Hebrew forces.
Whilst the army of the Two Jerusalems had only progressed three miles into Imrathon, being halted at the wide river Ferrar Han, the Royal Imrathonian Army, acting with the consent of the Grand Council, marched to the other side of the river, and encamped there. Projectiles were launched across the river, and the Hebrew camp was decimated. The army of 20,000 men had been reduced to half its size, and quickly retreated back to Jerusalem.
Sadly, after eighteen years, the Hebrew army was again marching across the Imrathonian army. High Queen Donna, aged 89, whose last four years had been painfully slow, was dying. Her son had always been a sickly child, and was also at the brink of death. Her granddaughter and three grandsons had all died when their boat sank in the Yaranin. It came to pass that Donna was succeeded by her great-grandson, Christian X, who engaged in diplomacy with the King of the Two Jerusalems.
--More to be added--
The Huari Invasion
The Huari, from the nation Huaria across the Great Sea, came to Little India in 20,201, and landed in Loriminil. After sacking the city, they moved south into Frida, and ravaged Tulpas. Moving slowly around the provinces, they eventually reached Veruna, where the invasion was suppressed. After twenty years, Tulpas, Frida and Protea were returned to Little Indian control following the Treaty of Huaria.
The Great Siege of Ihayel
The only time any enemy to Little India has ever stepped foot in the capital of the land during wartime was the Great Siege of Ihayel in 24,603. In Lithe of 24,603, President Rose Lighburg of neighbouring Hethis Major Ligate had made clear her intentions to invade Little India following insults directed at her country by the Prince Regent of Imrathon at an official State Visit in 24,602. Lighburg had been planning something major to pay back Little India for its vicious comments about her increasingly authoritarian regime.
Hethis Major Ligate was located at the base of the Peninsular Silmarinil, bordering the Little Indian province of Vís. A fairly large nation, Hethis Major Ligate had always had a cordial friendship with Little India, with many members of the Sovereign Family having bank accounts with the financier nation. Despite being about the size of North Veruna, Hethis Major Ligate had relatively small armed forces - but it was enough to be able to hold Little India to ransom.
On Lithe 25 24,603,a fleet was seen entering Little Indian territorial waters from the White Tower in the Sovereign Palace complex atop the citadel of Ihayel. This fleet identified itself as the Vindication Army of Hethis Major Ligate, intent on the total destruction of the Little Indian people as revenge for the insults directed at it. This came at a time when Little India was still a very open nation, and the great gates of Ihayel were kept open, except during times of mourning, crisis and official ceremonies. Upon the appearance of the Ligatian fleet, the gates were closed, with archers taking position upon the walls of the city.
What ensued was a three-year siege of the capital, with supplies being filtered to the city through the secret passages under the hill. Despite being more capable of destroying Vís than Ihayel, President Lighburg was intent on taking residence in the Sovereign Palace of Ihayel by the end of Lithe 24,603. As it happens, by the end Andar 24,607, the Ligatians had made little progress and had sustained many losses. Although many men were shipped to the city every month, more were killed by the archers and trebuchets on the walls than could be replaced. As the Ligatian army dwindled, President Lighburg had abandoned her plans to break into Ihayel - despite uncountable attempts to break through the great gates, they were never breached, and more men were killed trying to open the gates than anywhere around the city.
It was only when one of the small supply tunnels was discovered under the walls that the Ligatians were able to enter the city. After breaking through the gates in the tunnels, the army of Hethis Major Ligate broke through into the first level of the city, raising their flags from every government building they took, and burning homes. It was at this point that President Lighburg herself paid a visit to the city, to examine the victory her armies had made after the three-year campaign.
It was the Imrathonian army that had saved Little India and Ihayel from the armies of Hethis Major Ligate. Although officially banned by Congress in Ihayel, Imrathon had secretly maintained its army, and had flown the army out to the besieged capital. One-hundred-thousand Imrathonians fought for the freedom of Ihayel, and routed the Ligatian army.
In President Lighburg's four-year campaign in trying to besiege the Little Indian capital of Ihayel, over two million Ligatian servicemen and women lost their lives. A memorial to them stands in one of the courtyards of the first level, nearby to where they broke through the supply tunnel. A memorial to the Little Indians that lost their lives in the siege is in the eighth level.
Vietnamexican Border Crisis
In the winter of 40,049, the long dispute with Vietnamexico over the international demarcation with Protea came to a head, with armed conflict seeming inevitable. King Handion of Imrathon advocated the use of military force of friends that offered help. Of course, his demands were not met, and the conflict was settled diplomatically.
Recent Developments
Home Developments
Andar 1, 40,049 [49/1000] A statement has been released from the Palace today, stating that Donna, the youngest child and only daughter of the High King and Lady Representative of Noroharn, is to be initiated as Crown Princess.
Due to take place in the Pantheon next year, the investiture will include the Princess' ordination as Chief Priestess of the Rolls, making Her the most senior religious figure in the land after the High King.
At 29, this position is one that Donna has worked for all of Her life. And it has not been forthcoming. Having sat on the High COuncil of Kings since the age of 9, Her Highness is said to be "overjoyed" at the appointment, and "thrilled" that She can now occupy the Crown Prince's Throne beside Her Father in Council meetings. It is unknown whether Caunidhrenen or Landathradon will sit in Her place as representative for Aladhron.
The investiture will also include a Parade and a festival, and the High King is said to be thinking of making the day a national holiday.
Pana 6, 40,049 [49/1000]
The Palace has announced today that Princes Caunidhrenen and Landathradon - both joint second-in-line to the High Throne - will sit together in the High Council of Kings as representatives for Aladhron. The Council has welcomed their Royal Highnesses in Their first session today.
Pana 6, 40,049 [49/1000]
Chancellor Danfalas has called for an immediate general election of the Senate, after his proposed economic reform bills fail. The High King will dissolve the Senate and the House immediately, and the election is scheduled for Kalim 12, 40,049.
Kalim 13, 40,049 [49/1000]
The general election of the Senate results have finally been publicised, with the Conservative Party returning with an even greater majority. Over 20 presumably safe Liberal and Labour seats have been lost, with the Conservative party now controlling over 75% of the Senate.
Kalim 18, 40,049 [49/1000]
Drastic news emerged from Ihayel today: as the Queen of Veruna's second term ends, Veruna splits in two, into North and South Veruna. North Veruna retains Alinil as its capital, whilst the South will have Marcaunaz as its capital. Queen Marcauniel is to be the first hereditary monarch of South Veruna. North Veruna will remain an elective monarchy.
Also, the Marquessate of Hazrat and Principality of Sanfaleth has today entered the Union - it will send two members to the High Council: the Marquis of Hazrat and the Prince of Sanfaleth.
Little India now becomes an twelve-member union.
Hesin 2, 40,049 [49/1000]
The Right Honourable Senator Eleyond, Minister of Interior for Little India, has resigned today following the recent scandal surrounding his involvement in a male brothel in Loriminil. When the brothel was raided and closed by the Police, documents and payments received from the Senator were discovered. It was discovered that he had regularly had sexual relations with underage boys. Mr Eleyond has resigned with immediate effect, from the Cabinet and the Senate, and the Senate have voted that he will be indicted for the offences he committed during his tenure as Minister of Interior. Mr Eleyond has been arrested and will stand trial in Lithe or Thivieth.
It is unknown who will succeed him, and Senatorial elections are to take place in his constituency in Frida next week.
Hesin 5, 40,049 [49/1000]
The Sovereign School of the Dance in Ihayel was evacuated today following a fire in the West Dormitories, thought by the Police to have been started deliberately. Although the fire has destroyed the majority of the school, the Northern Quadrangle - where all the school's offices and administration is situated - is undamaged, and nobody was injured. Damage is currently estimated at over 8 million Rupees.
Hesin 6, 40,049 [49/1000]
King Handion of Imrathon has died following a major heart attack. The Sovereign Palace has issued a statement, beginning a period of mourning for the second longest reigning suzerain in Little India. Doctors have said that the King suffered fifty minor heart attacks over the last week, but suffered a fatal cardiac arrest in the early hours of this morning. Although enormously outspoken in Imrathon and the Council, the King will be sorely missed. His Majesty will be succeeded in Imrathon by His daughter, who will be crowned Queen Alassëa.
Hesin 9, 40,049 [49/1000]
The High King's nephew, Prince Christian of Erethevy, has been found in possession of heroine with a street value of over 7 million Rupees. Prince Christian cannot stand trial until the Senate have passed an act allowing His Royal Highness to be prosecuted for the crime. It is widely expected that the High King will order this motion to be passed, and force the Prince to stand trial. If Christian does stand trial and is found guilty, he will lose his place in the line of Succession, and will officially be expelled from the Sovereign family.
Forelithe 1, 40,049 [49/1000]
The Sovereign Palace has announced today that Prince Christian of Erevethy will stand trial in Afterlithe. Having ordered His nephew's expulsion from the Sovereign Family and that he stand trial, the High King has not commented.
Forelithe 6, 40,049 [49/1000]
The Sovereign Palace has today released the basic details of the Golden Jubilee celebrations for the High King. There are to be balls at the Sovereign Palace throughout Andar. In coincidence with His Majesty's 50th birthday, there are to be street parties throughout the nation, as well as commemorative coins and stamps. There is also to be a special party for children at the palace during Andar. On Accession Day itself, there is to be a ceremony of thanksgiving at the Basilica, and the High King is to host a State Dinner for the King of Vietnamexico as well as other visiting Heads of State, and members of the Government.
In conjuncture with the celebrations, it has been speculated that the southern colony of Sarudor will apply for full membership to the Union - should an application be received, it would be the twelfth request during Ithilanor II's reign as High King, and likely the twelfth to be rejected.
Forelithe 20, 40,049 [49/1000]
The Sovereign Palace has this morning released a statement that, whilst flying to the lunar colony of Noxes Maxima for a diplomatic visit, His Sovereign Highness, Prince Caunidhrenen's ship was shot by from a hostile satellite. All aboard the craft perished. Prince Caunidhrenen was the older of the two twins born to the High King and the late High Queen in 40,026, and the oldest of the Sovereign Children. Prince Caunidhrenen was journeying to Noxes Maxima to inaugarate a memorial to Henri de Lacessit, Duc de Jon-ce-Non, the recently assassinated Governor of the lunar settlement.
The Sovereign flag has been lowered from all public buildings in Ihayel, and the citadel has been draped in swathes of black cloth. Prince Landathradon and Crown Princess Donna are distraught at the loss of their brother, and sources inside the Palace state that the High King has locked Himself away in His apartments.
The death of Prince Caunidhrenen has come as an extreme shock to the entire Sovereign House, and is likely to put a dampener on the Jubilee celebrations at the beginning of next year. Inside the citadel, all is silent. Since the gates to the twelfth level of the city were locked earlier today, the Black Guard have been on High Alert to any possible threats to the rest of the Sovereign Family and the members of the Kingly Houses in residence in the Palace, but so far there have been no security threats.
There are to be rememberance ceremonies in all cathedrals in Little India tonight, and all citizens of the City are invited to join the Sovereign Family in worship in the Basilica of Peter and Paul at midnight tonight.
Lithe 10, 40,049 [49/1000]
Freak weather storms in the Capital today have caused major problems in accessing the city and some structural damage. At approximately 3:30pm, a bolt of lightening struck the Spire of Freedom. The Spire, which rises from its base in the Eighth Level to just 500m below the summit of the White Tower, has sustained minor structural damage. Parts of the Spire's decorative panels were burnt by the lightening, and the bridge that connects the Spire to the Citadel in the twelfth level was destroyed. Homes and businesses around the base of the Spire have also been effected, with a power-blackout resulting from the lightening bolt killing power to as many as 3,000 residences. The area around the base of the Spire has now been cordoned off.
In other parts of the city, low-level flooding has caused some roads to be closed off, and some denizens have found their homes up to two-inches deep in water, in the worst flash-floods the Capital has seen for over eight-hundred years. Flood waters are now subsiding.
For the third time in twelve months, the East Wing - wherein sits the House of Representatives - of Congress has been flooded. The House of Representatives was not in session at the time, but the damage to the East wing is such that the House Chamber itself has been flooded, for the first time ever. Temporary arrangements are being made by a Senate Committee for an interim House Chamber - it is likely to be held in the Banqueting Rotunda of the Sovereign Palace; provided consent from the High King is obtained. The Senate are in the process of establishing another committee for the refurbishment of the entire Congress building, allowing for much needed restoration of some of the heritage rooms, and for modernisation of the House, Senate and College chambers. Whilst no Committee is yet in place, the restoration and refurbishment of Congress is likely to take five to ten years, and will include the development of better flood defences for the entire complex.
Palace sources report that the thunder and lightening provided quite a show for the Sovereign Family. The High King and Crown Princess Donna sat behind the face of the Great Clock of the Citadel and watched the lightening. Sections of the Palace were also left without power for some considerable time, and sources state that large sections of the Palace complex are left in the dark, after the High King ordered all unnecessary power from the complex to be re-routed to the homes that had lost power in the lightening strike on the Spire. The Sovereign Palace power was directed free-of-charge until power lines were reconnected in the lower levels.
Garil 2, 40,049 [49/1000]
With only 54 days until the New Year, the Golden Jubilee and 50th birthday of the High King and the new Congressional term, the House of Representatives, Senate and Electoral College have all been dissolved today by the High King.
The General Election for all members of Congress is scheduled for Garil 12, ten days from now.
Incumbent Chancellor Danfalas will have to contest his seat as a Chapter of the Electoral College, and will be succeeded as High Chancellor and Head of His Majesty's Government by incumbent Dean of the College, Richard Jean Phillipe Dominique Jacques Michel Claude de Merteuil.
Richard de Merteuil will be succeeded as Dean of the College by Jean-Baptiste Pierre de Marie-Borbon. The youngest Dean ever selected by the College, Marie-Borbon is only 26 and has only served one term in the College, as Chapter for Eleni.
The Kingdoms of Little India
The High Kingdom of Little India is divided into twelve main political provinces. Each province – which is in essence a separate country, under a federal monarchy – consists of nine smaller electoral districts – one of these is specifically for the capital of the Kingdom. The capital of each province lies at the centre of each province, and there are eight districts encircling it. Unnamed, these eight districts are known by their orientation to the capital – eg, N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW.
The Kingdom of North Veruna
Little India | ||||||
Veruna was the fourth Kingdom to join Little India - first after the founding members of Aladhron, Ihayel and Vís - in 6,335. The second largest of the Kingdoms, Veruna was ever at the forefront of Little Indian politics. Almost as old as Little India iself, Veruna has a history stretching back over 35,000 years and its own Royal Dynasty.
The only of the Little Indian provinces to be a republic, Veruna abolished it's monarchy over three thousand years ago in order to avert a civil war. However, the High King of the day refused to allow Veruna to remain in the union if it was not a Kingdom. To remedy this, an electoral monarchy was established. The "King" or "Queen" is President in all but name. The former Queen, HM Marcauniel II, is the first elected monarch of Veruna to have come from the deposed Royal House. The dynasty of Massif - although having long renounced it's claims to the throne - saw a glimmer of hope of restoring the hereditary monarchy in Veruna. However, Marcauniel has refused this, being far too loyal to the politics and systems of the de facto Republic. The Kingdom split in two in 40,049, with Marcauniel becoming hereditary monarch in the new Kingdom, South Veruna.
The Kingdom of Parrlay
Little India | ||||||
Parrlay, the second to enter the High Kingdom in 10,055. Seventh greatest in size and sixth in population, Parrlay is notable for having the shortest coastline in proportion to it's overall perimeter of those countries with a sea coast.
Parrlay is also notable for being the only province in Little India with a unicameral legislature. The People's Parliament, with four hundred members, is the second largest provincial legislative House - although not the second largest provincial legislature as a whole.
The Kingdom of Imrathon
Little India | ||||||
Imrathon was third to enter the Union in 11,995. With the smallest population and second smallest area, Imrathon has always been the minority nation of Little India. It's rulers have always been particularly inclined to violence and war, and before several Acts of the Senate, Imrathon maintained a large standing army. Grudgingly, the army was disbanded in 16,703. The late King Handion was the only Regnant of the Union to be outspoken during the Vietnamexican Border Crisis, advocating armed conflict as opposed to diplomatic resolution. When an opportunity for diplomacy presented itself, He symbolically excluded himself from it - saying that he: "would have none of it. This should be settled the old way - with a battle, not poncy words."
The King received harsh criticisms for his comments not only from the Little Indian people but from the High Council and Chancellor Danfalas.
King Handion died of a major heart attack on Hesin 6, 40,049 [49/1000] and was succeeded by His daughter, Queen Alassëa.
The Kingdom of Eleni
Little India | ||||||
Eleni was the fourth to enter the High Kingdom. Fourth is size and eighth in population, Eleni is a mostly mountainous country, and the most isolated of all the Kingdoms. Eleni joined the union after the Glorious Revolution of 16,509. There have recently been motions in the Elenian House of Councillors to abolish the monarchy in Eleni. Issues of secession from the union have not as yet been raised, but the King has expressed his concern to the Prime Minister of Eleni, that the removal of the monarchy is not only against the Constitution of Eleni, but of Little India as a whole, and that Eleni would be expelled from the Union should the monarchy be scrapped.
Although a public referendum is planned, the High Council, in emergency session, are planning to issue warnings - an idea endorsed by Congress - to the Elenian legislature.
The Kingdom of Tulpas
Little India | ||||||
Tulpas was fifth to enter the union in 18,193. Fifth in size and ninth in population, Tulpas is the only country in the union entirely south of Aladhron. It's coastline is unstable, and high cliffs are plunging into the sea below. A long, thin country, Tulpas is notable for having erected am enormous wall across it's southern boundary. The wall was torn down in 20,001.
The Kingdom of Frida
Little India | ||||||
Frida was sixth to join the union in 19,439. Third in size and fifth in population, Frida forms the Southern part of the Yaranin, and lies almost entirely on the Silnari Peninsular. The first country to fall to the Huari invasion of 20,301, Frida's capital Loriminil was burnt to the ground. The current Loriminil is the twenty-first city to stand on the site, having been destroyed by invasion, earthquakes, fires and a hurricane. Many have asked why Loriminil was rebuilt on this site after it had been destroyed several times. High King Handion II issued letters patent that the capital of Frida had to lie at that point otherwise the Fridan membership in the Union would be void. Although the validity of said letters patent expired over ten thousand years ago, the Kings of Frida have vowed never to rebuild Loriminil in any place other than its current location should the city be destroyed a twenty-first time. The current city is over three-thousand years old, with the period of time between the last destruction of the city and the present day being the longest in the history of Loriminil. It is worthy of note that the only building in Loriminil never to have been destroyed is the ancient Apostolic Cathedral of St Matthew the Evangelist. The cathedral, now nearly twenty-thousand years old, is the site of a constant stream of Catholic pilgrims, and the location of the coronation of the Kings of Frida.
The Kingdom of Protea
Little India | ||||||
Protea was the seventh and final Kingdom to join the High Kingdom in 25,049. Eighth in size and ninth in population, it's capital of Bylorinil was built on opposing sides of the Halcazar Strait. A bridge was constructed across the strait in 27,932, but was destroyed in an insurrection. Rebuilt by 27,935, the bridge was dismantled for being structurally unsafe in 40,025. It's replacement was opened by High King Ithilanor in 40,030.
The Kingdom of South Veruna
- The Royal City of Marcaunaz (Capital)
Little India | ||||||
The Southern half of the old Kingdom of Veruna, South Veruna was founded in 40,049 at the end of the second term of Queen Marcauniel. Marcauniel initiated plans made since 40,036 to create a New Veruna with the monarchy re-established.
The Marquessate of Hazrat and the Principality of Sanfaleth
- The Great City of Sanfaleth (Capital)
Little India | ||||||
The only country to be ruled by two people, Hazrat and Sanfaleth is the newest member of the Union. Hazrat and Sanfaleth borders Tulpas to the West. It occupies a large proportion of the western coast of the continent. The Marquis and the Princess of Hazrat and Sanfaleth are distantly related. Four hundred years ago, shortly after the country was founded as a Principality, the third Prince, Michael I, appointed his twin sons as joint rulers, with the elder as Prince and the younger as Marquis of Hazrat. These titles have been passed down the generations, and the country's original political system has changed significantly to allow the Marquis (or Marchioness) and Prince (or Princess) to rule together as joint monarchs.
The Kingdom of Aladhron
Little India | ||||||
Founding member of the High Kingdom and largest in area and second in population, the Kingdom of Aladhron is notable for being the only country of the Union with it's capital exactly central. Theed was intended as the original capital of Little India. This never happened, as Ihayel was deemed as the greater city. Theed is the official second city of Little India.
The Grand Duchy of Vís
Little India | ||||||
The Grand Duchy of Vís was another of the three founding members of the Union. A Grand Duchy, Vís is one of the two countries not to have full Kingdom status. Forming the northern end of the Yaranin, Vís is located along the Gathrimin peninsula and on the isle of Gathrimar. Remains of human beings from over twelve million years ago have been found in Vís.
Bordering Ihayel, Vís is seen as the gateway to the capital.
The Exalted Princedom and White City of Ihayel
Little India | ||||||
Not only is Ihayel a city, but also a province in it's own right. Granted Principality status in 3 by Ithilanor I, Ihayel has it's own government and sends members to the Little Indian legislature.
Ihayel was constructed on a hill at the tip of Vís. Carved out into twelve levels, the city is home to all major Government organs of Little India as a whole - the governments of the individual kingdoms are held in their respective capital cities.
Despite being the rulers of separate Kingdoms, all the Kings and Queens Regnant of Little India live in Ihayel, in their own palaces in the Sovereign Palace.
The Sovereign Palace was built atop the twelfth level of the city, and the complex contains the palace for the nine Kings and Queens Regnant, the Sovereign's Palace; the State apartments; the Congress of Little India; the Congress of Ihayel; the Holy Basilica of the Lord of St Peter and St Paul; the Sovereign Records, the largest library in the world; and the tombs of the Sovereigns of Little India. The two towers of the Sovereign Palace to the East and West of the complex and joined to the palace by slender bridges, contain the Sovereign's private Chapel and the Sovereign Records respectively.
Little India | ||||||||
The White Tower of Ithilanor, at the back of the complex, is the tallest structure in the known world. At 10,000 feet, the small room at the tower's pinnacle gives unbroken views of over 3,000 miles away on a clear day.
The most populous city in Little India - and quite possibly, in the entire world - Ihayel is home to over 646 million people. It is also the smallest of the Little Indian provinces, with an area of only 10,000 square miles.
The Holy Catholic Church of Little India
The main religion of Little India is Roman Catholicism, and there are services in main cathedrals every day. The Holy Pantheon of the Lord of Heaven in Ihayel is notable throughout Little India and the wider world, for being the only church in the world to hold a constant Church service. Only for certain ceremonies may the service end. The people of Little India are devoutly religious, and most especially so in Ihayel.
Acknowledged Heads
There are several acknowledged Heads of the Holy Little Indian Church of Roman Catholicism, as it is known in Little India. The Pope is accepted as Supreme Pontiff, and holds authority over all religious activity in Little India. The High King and Holy Emperor is known as the High Priest of Ihayel, an honorary title. He also holds the title of ‘’Fidei Defensor’’, the Defender of the Faith.
The Basilica of the Holy Lord of Heaven and Earth
The second largest Church on Earth, the Basilica is located in the uppermost level of the citadel of Ihayel, and is part of the Sovereign Palace complex. The basilica is the site of a constant Catholic service, and is a direct replica of St. Peter's in Rome.
</div>A Royal Funeral
For a Royal Funeral, especially that of a major Royal, the service is ended as soon as the death becomes public knowledge. The body lies in the Pantheon for forty days, and then the funeral may take place.
A Coronation
A King or Queen
In the Coronation of one of the Kings of Little India, then Church services are suspended for ten days, before the Coronation may take place. After the Coronation, there is a recess of three days before Church services are initiated.
For the High King or Queen, Sovereign of All Little India
Church services are suspended in the Pantheon for exactly a year. Services do not take place in the Pantheon from the death of one Sovereign to the Coronation of the next, although services are not suspended in any other church.
The coronation of the Sovereign includes the seven Kings/Queens using their own Crown to crown the Sovereign and returning it to their own head. Then, the Sovereign will speak an oath to the seven Kings/Queens, and they will remove their Crowns to the respective Chapel of their Kingdom, and then the Sovereign will take it from there and crown Himself with it and then transfer the Crown to the King. Then the Pope crowns the Sovereign. The Sovereign then places the Crown on the Pope's head, who returns it to the Sovereign's head.
Each year in Little India consists of 365 days. These 365 days are split into thirteen months and one festival day. Each month lasts 28 days. The year begins on 1st Andar - September 25th of the Gregorian Calendar. The months are as follows:
Kalim - the month in which Michaelmas (Christmas) takes place
Lithe - the month during which Overlither (Midsummer's Day) occurs
The single festival day is known as Festabrin
Foundation Day: 1st of Andar - anniversary of the foundation of Little India
Ithilanor Day: 3rd of Kalim - Ithilanor I's birthday
Succession Day: traditionally the day of accession - Ithilanor II was born on Andar 1, and so Succession Day and Foundation day are celebrated together.
Coronation Day: 29th of Mansé - the anniversary of the Coronation of the High King
The High King's Birthday (for official purposes): Overlithe (Midsummer's Day)
Rolls Day (the day of the release of the new versions of the Rolls): 4th of Lomora
Michaelmas: 25th of Michael - a Little Indian variation of Christmas Day
- When writing the date, the Little Indians have a complex - and unique - system. First, the month is written, followed by the day of the month. Then is the numerical year. After a colon comes the regnal number of the reigning monarch - ie 1 for Ithilanor; 2 for Donna; 1000 for Ithilanor II - and the regnal year.
For example, the beginning of this year was written:
- The festival period for the 1st Day of Andar - New Year and Foundation Day - lasts for two days, Festabrin and Andar/1. Festabrin is the only day of the year that is not within a month, and the festival for Andar/1 begins on this day, and carries over the night to Andar/1
Although a paicifist country, the High Kingdom of Little India maintains a small military guard to important officials.
The divisions of the Royal Military of Little India are as follows:
1. His Majesty's Police Force
2. The White Guard
3. The Black Guard
His Majesty's Police Force
The police of Little India act as guardians of the people's safety in the major towns and cities. Each city has three police departments, whereas Ihayel has eleven.
The police are unarmed security forces that protect the public from all forms of crime.
The White Guard
The White Guard are a lightly armed force of guards for the seven Kings of Little India, as well as for Senators. Each person under the protection of the White Guard has 50 men at his or her disposal.
The Black Guard
The Black Guard act specifically as guards for the Sovereign Family - the High King and immediate members of His family. Handpicked from the Elite of the White Guard, it is unknown how many Black Guards are in service, and their identities are kept secret. There are certain criteria for becoming a Black Guard.
- Male
- Aged between 18 and 30 years
- No disabilities, physical or mental, and taller than 5' 6"
- Unmarried
- Confirmed members of The Holy Catholic Church of Little India
- Of good moral and ethical background
- Born in wedlock
- Attended Military School
- Have attained either a Diploma or University Degree
Little India Proper
Little India proper is officially the first three provinces of the country. They are Aladhron, The Grand Duchy of Vís and Ihayel.
Aladhron is located on an island separate to Vís and Ihayel. It is also the largest province of Little India. Approximately 3,000,000 square miles, Aladhron is a perfectly circular island, with the capital of Theed at it's exact centre. This city lies on an exact latitude with Ihayel.
The island of Aladhron is perfectly flat, with seven rivers flowing from a fountain in Theed. They split the island into seven equal parts. The rivers are notable for being perfectly straight and maintaining their width, depth and flow for their entire courses. In each of the seven segments are at least two big cities - two of the segments have 4 cities with over 5 million population each.
The island also has a "rim" around it's coast. Actually a wall built by Donna I, it is of white marble and prevents the sea from flooding the perfectly flat island.
The Grand Duchy of Vís is located along the length of the Gathrimin peninsula, and including the Isle of Gathrimar to the West. The city of Sudrinil is located on the eastern coast. Vís has a mountain chain running down it's centre, with three high passes. Recently a twelve lane motorway tunnel was constructed underneath the mountain to allow traffic to pass without going for miles around. At its tip is the city and procince of Ihayel.
The smallest of the provinces of Little India - and yet the most populous - Ihayel is the capital of the country. Located at the very tip of Gathrimin, Ihayel lies on the coast of the Gulf Of Little India, the water body that all the Little Indian countries have coastlines on.
A large hill, perfectly conical, was carved to make a twelve levelled city, with each level decreasing in size. Atop this city stands the Congress of Little India, the Holy Basilica of the Lord of Heaven and Earth and the Sovereign Palace of the High King of the Little Indians.
The Provinces
The Provinces of Little India - namely North Veruna, South Veruna, Parrlay, Imrathon,Eleni, Frida, Hazrat and Sanfaleth, Tulpas and Protea - roughly encircle the three territories of Little India Proper.
Colonies, Dependencies and Dominions Beyond the Seas
There are numerous colonies and Crown Dependencies of Little India. They are as follows:
Date colonised | Colony name | Governor | Sovereign's Title |
25,672 | The Two Jerusalems | King | |
12,333 | Alsace-Morthrin | Count | |
1,009 | The Isle of Silina | Gate-Keeper and Count | |
38,710 | Avernien | Lord Protector | |
39,829 | Amiasia | Most Serene Grand Duke | |
17,123 | Old Macedonia | King | |
18,999 | Othillia | Emperor | |
23,065 | Santu-Thilli | Lord | |
23,069 | Panasili | King | |
23,077 | Marisia | Lord | |
33,891 | Eldor | King | |
40,012 | Fedora | Prince | |
28,111 | Namaz | Grand Duke | |
28,115 | Orange County | Grand Duke | |
4,947 | Jutland | Prince Primate | |
4,947 | New Denmark | Heir | |
13,182 | The River Princes | Sovereign Lord | |
20,001 | Sarudor | Keeper of the Keys and King | |
12 | Brandenburg Fertin | Viscount Palatine | |
35 | Mecklenburg-Bohemia | Baron | |
26,257 | The Barod Ithnar Islands | Chief | |
39,998 | Blessed Garonity | Fief and Lord | |
29,176 | Old Macedonia | Holy President and Captain Regent | |
1,002 | Upper Russia | Patriarch | |
1,003 | The Fedor Dependency | Protector | |
40,039 | Noxes Maxima | High King | |
27,132 | Kuo Min Tang | Lord | |
19,318 | Middle Fozzvilt | Emir |
The High Constitution
The High Constitution of Little India was written almost entirely by High King Alyemaldir in 107, and has hardly changed since then. Only the front page of the Constitution is ever changed, when a new country is admitted to the Union or at the accession of a new Sovereign. The parts of the Preamble and the Renunciation of Powers that mention the names of the Kingdoms and the Sovereign's name are the only things that ever alter. Copies of the Constitution are kept in most public buildings, but the original is stored in an airtight, completely dark room in the Sovereign Archives, and is only ever handled to remove the first page and add the new one. All the old front pages are kept in the same room. The Constitution at present is as follows.
We, the Eldorati, the Free People of the United Kingdoms of Aladhron, North Veruna, Parrlay, Imrathon, Eleni, Frida, Tulpas, South Veruna, Protea and the Marquessate of Hazrat and Principality of Sanfaleth, the Grand Duchy of Vís and the Exalted Princedom and White City of Ihayel, do, on this the first day of Little Indian independence, on behalf of ourselves and our children and all our descendants, vest all powers of state in legislature, executive and judiciary, in the individual Kings and Queens of our realms, and Their Heirs and Successors, to rule with Wisdom, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance, to guide us through the times of trial that lie ahead on the road to hallowed halls of Heaven. Though we ourselves will die, we give unto Your Majesties this, A symbol and a sign of our love for Little India and our unending loyalty to the Greatness and Eternity of this State and the peace that it will spread.
Chapter 1: Renunciation of Powers
Article 1: The Kings and Queens Regnant of Little India
We, the Regnants of North and South Veruna, Parrlay, Imrathon, Eleni, Tulpas, Frida and Hazrat and Sanfaleth, do fully vest all powers granted to Us by the People of Our United Kingdoms, into Ithilanor, King of Aladhron, and His Heirs and Successors, and we do name Him and His Heirs and Successors, as High King of the Eldorati and Holy Emperor of the Empire of the Twelve Little Indias, Sovereign and Head of State of this Little India. We do Empower Him to one end alone: to rule in peace and to stability, to pass onto Our Children and Our United Peoples' Children a Little India worth inheriting.
Article 2: The Sovereign
I, Ithilanor, Second of That Name, By the Grace of God, High King of the Eldorati and Holy Emperor of the Empire of the Twelve Little Indias, do hereby, on behalf of Myself and All My Heirs and Successors, solemnly Swear to Renounce, Relinquish and Abandon All Powers vested in Me by the Lords and Vessels of this State. All Powers of State, for legislature, executive and judiciary shall be held by the People themselves, and they shall rule themselves with the Sovereign at Their Head. I give back this power to those who so selflessly entrusted it to Me. As High King I give all my powers to an elected Congress of Little India, to rule and to create a Better Little India.
Chapter 2: The Sovereign
Article 1: The Sovereign
The Sovereign shall be the symbol of the State and of the unending Unity of the People, deriving His position from the Will of the People, with whom resides Sovereign Power of Little India.
Article 2: Dynastic Throne
The High Throne shall be dynastic and succeeded to in accordance with the Sovereign House Law passed by the Congress.
Article 3: Cabinet Approval and Responsibility
The advice and approval of the Cabinet shall be sought for all acts of the Sovereign in matters of state, and the Cabinet shall be responsible therefore.
Article 4: Rule of Law for the Sovereign
- The Sovereign shall perform only such acts in matters of State as are provided for in this Constitution.
- The Sovereign may delegate the performance of His acts in matters of State as provided by Law.
Article 5: Reserve Powers
- The Sovereign shall have no powers relating to the Government of Little India
- In times of national crisis, the Congress can vote to endow the Sovereign with emergency powers for the duration of the crisis
Article 6: Regency
- When, in accordance with the Sovereign House Law passed by Congress, a Regency is established, the Regent shall perform His acts in matters of State in the Sovereign's name.
- As provided by Article 5, the Regent may assume emergency control in a state of national emergency upon a vote in both Houses of Congress, and shall act in the Sovereign's name.
Article 7: Appointments
- The Sovereign shall appoint the Chancellor as designated by the Congress, and shall appoint Ministers upon the advice and approval of the Chancellor and the Congress.
- The Sovereign shall appoint the Crown Prince or Crown Princess in accordance with the Sovereign House Law.
Article 8: Functions
The Sovereign, with the advice and approval of the Cabinet, shall perform the following acts in matters of State on behalf of the People:
- Promulgation of amendments to the Constitution, laws, Cabinet orders and treaties
- Convocation of Congress
- Dissolution of the House of Representatives
- Proclamation of general election of members of Congress
- Attestation of the appointment and dismissal of Ministers of State and other officials as provided for by Law, and of full powers and credentials of Ambassadors and Ministers
- Attestation of general and special amnesty, commutation of punishment, reprieve and the restoration of rights
- Awarding of Honours
- Attestation of instruments of ratification and other diplomatic documents as provided for by law
- Receiving foreign ministers and ambassadors
- Performance of Ceremonial functions
Article 9: Property Authorisation
No property can be given to, or received by, the Sovereign House, nor can any gifts be made therefrom, without the authorisation of Congress.
Article 10: The Suzerains
The Regnants of Little India shall hold superior authority in each of their respective realms, but shall each be subordinate to the Sovereign.
Chapter 3: Renunciation of War
Article 1: Renunciation of War
- Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Little Indian people forever renounce war as a Sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of violence as a means of settling disputes
- In order to accomplish the aim set out in the preceding paragraph, land, sea and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of aggression of the State will not be recognised
Chapter 4: Rights and Duties of the People
Article 1: Citizenship
The conditions necessary for being a Little Indian national shall be fixed by Law.
Article 2: Fundamental Human Rights
- The people shall not be prevented from enjoying any of the fundamental human rights
- These fundamental human rights, guaranteed to the people by this Constitution, shall be conferred on this and future generations as irrevocable and inviolable rights
Article 3: Goal to preserve Rights and Freedoms
The freedoms and rights guaranteed to the people by this Constitution shall be maintained by the constant endeavour of the people, who shall refrain from any abuse of these rights and freedoms, and shall always be responsible for utilizing them for the public welfare.
Article 4: Individual Rights
- All of the people shall be respected as individuals
- Their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness shall, to the extent that it does not interfere with the public welfare, be the supreme consideration in legislation and other governmental affairs
Article 5: Equality Before the Law
All of the people are equal before and under the Law and there shall be no discrimination in political, social or economic relations because of race, creed, sex, social status or family origin.
Article 6: Electoral Rights
- The people have the inalienable right to elect their public officials and to dismiss them
- All public officials are servants of the whole community and not of any group thereof
- Universal adult suffrage is guaranteed with regard the election of public officials
- In all elections, secrecy of the ballot shall not be violated
- A voter shall not be answerable, publicly or privately, for the choice he has made
Article 7: Right to Petition
Every person shall have the right to peacefully petition for the redress of damage; for the removal of public officials; for the enactment, amendment or repeal of public laws, ordinances or regulations; or for other matters, and no person shall be in any way discriminated against for sponsoring such a petition.
Article 8: Recourse to the Courts
- No person shall be denied the right of access to the cours
- Every person may sue for redress as provided by law from the State or from a public entity, in case he has suffered damage through illegal acts of any public official
Article 9: Personal Freedom
- No person shall be held in any bondage of any kind
- Involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime, is prohibited.
Article 10: Freedom of Thought and Conscience
Freedom of thought and conscience shall not be violated.
Article 11: Freedom of Religion, Secularity of the State
- Freedom of Religion is guaranteed to all
- No religious organisation shall exercise any political authority
- No person shall be compelled to take part in any religious act, celebration, rite or practice
- The State and it's organs shall refrain from any political education or any other religious activity
Article 12: Communicative Rights
- Freedom of association and assembly, as well as speech, press and all other forms of expression are guaranteed
- No censorship shall be maintained, nor shall the secrecy of any means of communication be violated
Article 13: Right to Move and Freedom of Profession
- Every person shall have the freedom to change and choose his residence, and to change and choose his occupation to the extent that it does not interfere with the public welfare
- Freedom of all persons to move to a foreign country and divest themselves of their nationality shall be inviolate
Article 14: Matrimonial Equality
- Marriage shall be based only on the mutual consent of both participants and it shall be maintained through mutual cooperation with the equal rights of both partners as a basis
- With regards to the choice of spouse, property rights, inheritance, choice of domicile, divorce, and other matters pertaining to marriage and the family, laws shall be enacted from the standpoint of individual dignity and the eseesntial equality of the sexes
- There shall be no discrimination in matrimony with regards to sex and sexuality
Article 15: Welfare rights
- All persons shall have the right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living
- In all sphered of life, the State shall use it's endeavour for the promotion and extension of social welfare and security, and of public health
Article 16: Right and Compulsion of Education
- Academic freedom is guaranteed
- All people shall have the right to receive an education correspondent to their own ability, as provided by law
- All people shall be obligated to have all boys and girls under their protection receive ordinary education as provided for by law
- Such compulsory education shall be free
Article 17: Right and Obligation to Work
- All people shall have the right and obligation to work
- Standards for working hours, wages and rest and other working conditions shall be fixed by law
- Children shall not be exploited
Article 18: Unions
The right of all workers to organise and to bargain and act collectively is guaranteed
Article 19: Property
- The right to own or hold property is inviolable
- Property rights shall be defined by law, in conformity with the public welfare
- Private property may be taken for the public use upon just compensation therefore
Article 20: Taxation
The people shall be liable to taxation as provided by law.
Article 21: Due Process
No person shall be deprived of life or liberty, nor shall any other criminal penalty imposed, except according to procedure established by Law.
Article 22: Arrest
No person shall be apprehended except upon warrant issued by a competent judicial officer which specifies the offence with which the person is charged, unless he is apprehended the offence being committed.
Article 23: Detention
No person shall be arrested or detained without at once being informed of the charges against him, or without the immediate privilege of counsel; nor shall he be detained without adequate cause; and upon demand of any person, such cause must be shown in open court in the presence of the accused and his counsel.
Article 24: Search and Seizure
- The rights of all people to feel safe in their homes, papers and effects against entries, searches and seizures shall not be impaired, except upon warrant issued for adequate cause and particularly describing the place to be searched or things to be seizedor except as provided by Article 22
- Each search or seizure shall be made upon separate warrant issued by a competent judicial officer
Article 25: Torture
The infliction of torture by any public officer and cruel punishments are absolutely forbidden.
Article 26: Trial
- In all Criminal cases the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial Tribunal
- He shall be permitted full opportunity to examine all witnesses, and he shall have the right of compulsory process for obtaining witnesses on his behalf at public expenses
- At all times the accused shall have the assistance of competent counsel, who shall, if the accused is unable to secure the same by his own efforts, be assigned to his use by the State
Article 27: Rights of the Accused
- No person shall be compelled to testify against himself
- Confession made under compulsion, torture or threat, or after prolonged arrest or detention, shall not be admitted in evidence
- No person shall be convicted or punished in cases where the only proof against him is his own confession
Article 28: Nulla Poena Sine Lege, Double Jeopardy
No person shall be held criminally liable for any act that was lawful at the time it was committed, or of which he has been acquitted, nor shall he be placed in double jeopardy.
Chapter 5: The Congress
Article 1: Legislative Power
The Congress shall be the highest organ of State power and shall be the sole law making organ of the State.
Article 2: Three Houses
The Congress shall consist of four Houses, namely the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Electoral College and the Grand Council.
Article 3: Membership
- The House of Representatives, Electoral College and the Senate shall consist of popularly elected members, representative of all the people
- The number of members of each House shall be fixed by law
- The Grand Council shall consist of the reigning suzerain of each realm, or a representative
Article 4: Qualification
- The qualifications of members of the House of Representatives, Electoral College and the Senate, and their electors, shall be fixed by law
- However, there shall be no discrimination on grounds of race, creed, sex, social status, family origin, education, property or income
Article 5: Term of Representatives
- The term of members of the House of Representatives shall be four years
- However, the term shall be terminated before the full term is up in case the House of Representatives is dissolved
Article 6: Term of Senators
The term of Senators shall be 4 years.
Article 7: Term of Students of the Electoral College
The term of Students of the Electoral College shall be four years
Article 8: Coincidence of Terms
- The terms of Representatives, Senators and Students shall all begin on the same day, and shall all end on the same day
- The terms of Representatives, Senators and Students shall be coincidental
Article 9: Electoral Procedure
Electoral districts, voting methods and other matters pertaining to the method of election of members of the House of Representatives, Electoral College and the Senate shall be fixed by law.
Article 10: Incompatability
No person shall be permitted to be a member of the House of Representatives, Electoral College and the Senate simultaneously.
Article 11: Renumeration
Members of all three Houses shall receive appropriate annual payment from the National Treasury in accordance with law.
Article 12: Indemnity
Members of all three Houses shall not be held liable for speeches, debates or votes cast inside the House.
Article 13: Ordinary Sessions
An ordinary session of the Congress shall be convoked once per year.
Article 14: Extraordinary Sessions
- The Cabinet may determine to convoke extraordinary sessions of the Congress in accordance with law
- When a quarter or more of the total members of either House makes the demand, the Cabinet must determine on such convocation
Article 15: Election of Representatives
- When the House of Representatives is dissolved, there must be a General Election of members of the House of Representatives within forty days of the dissolution of the House, and the Congress must be convoked within thirty days of the election
- When the House of Representatives is dissolved, the Senate and Electoral College are closed at the same time
- However, the Cabinet may, in time of national emergency, convoke the Senate in emergency session
- Measures taken at such session as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be provisional and shall become null and void unless agreed to by the House of Representatives within a period of ten days after the opening of the next session of Congress
Article 16: Scrutiny
- Each House shall judge disputes relating to qualifications of its members
- However, in order to deny a seat to any member, it is necessary to pass a resolution by a majority of two thirds or more of the members present
Article 17: Quorum
- Business cannot be transacted in either the House of Representatives, Electoral College, the Senate or the Grand Council unless one third or more of total membership is present
- All matters shall be decided, in each House, by a majority of those present, except as elsewhere provided in this Constitution and in case of a tie, the Presiding Officer shall decide the issue
Article 18: Publicity
- Deliberation in each House shall be public
- However, a secret meeting may be held where a majority of two thirds or more of the members present passes a resolution therefore
- Each House shall keep a record of proceedings
- This record shall be published and given general circulation, excepting such parts of proceedings of secret session as may be deemed to require secrecy
- Upon demand of one fifth or more of the members present, votes on any matter shall be recorded in the minutes
Article 19: Presidents and Rules of Procedure
- The House of Representatives shall elect its President and other officials
- Each House shall determine its rules pertaining to meetings, proceedings and internal discipline, and may punish members for disorderly conduct
- However, in order to expel a member, a majority of two thirds or more of those members present must pass a resolution thereon
Article 20: Legislative Proceedings
- A Bill becomes a Law upon passage of all four Houses and the grant of Sovereign Assent, except as otherwise provided by the Constitution.
- A Bill which is passed by the House of Representatives, upon which the Senate makes a decision different to that of the House of Representatives, the decision of the Senate shall be the decision of the Congress
- A Bill which is passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate, upon which the Electoral College or Grand Council makes a decision different to that of the lower two Houses, the decision of the Electoral College or the Grand Council shall be the decision of Congress
Article 21: Budget
- The Budget must first be presented to the House of Representatives
- Upon consideration of the Budget, when the Senate makes a decision different to that of the House of Representatives, and when no agreement can be reached even through a joint committee of both Houses, provided for by Law, or in the case of failure by the Senate to take action within thirty days, the period of recess excluded, the decision of the Senate shall be the decision of the Congress
Article 22: Approving Treaties
Article 20, Paragraph 2 applies also to the Congress approval required for the conclusion of treaties.
Article 23: Investigation
Each House may conduct investigations in relation to Government, and may demand the presence and testimony of witnesses and the production of records.
Article 24: Ministerial Presence
- The Chancellor, Dean, Prime Minister and other Ministers of State may, at any time, appear in any of the three Houses for the purpose of speaking on bills, regardless of whether they are members of the House or not
- They must appear when their presence is required in order to give answers or explanations
Article 25: Impeachment Court
- The Congress shall set up an Impeachment Court from among the members of the House of Representatives and the Senate for the purpose of trying those judges against whom removal proceedings have been initiated
- Matters relating to impeachment shall be provided by Law
Chapter 6: The Cabinet
Article 1: Executive Power
Executive power is vested in the Cabinet.
Article 2: Membership and Responsibility
- The Cabinet consists of the Chancellor, who shall be its head, and other Ministers of State, as provided for by Law
- The Chancellor and other Ministers of State must all be civilians
- The Chancellor and other Ministers of State must all be members of the House of Representatives or the Senate, except where provided for by Law
- The Cabinet, in the exercise of executive power, shall be collectively responsible to the Congress
Article 3: Election of the Chancellor
The Chancellor shall succeed to the Chancelry according to Law.
Article 4: Election of the Prime Minister
- The Prime Minister shall be designated from the members of the House of Representatives upon a resolution of the House
- This designation shall precede all other House business
Article 5: Appointment of Ministers
- The Chancellor shall appoint the Ministers of State
- However, all of the members must be selected from the Senate
- The Chancellor may remove the Ministers of State as he chooses
Article 6: Impeachment of Government
If the House of Representatives, the Senate or the Grand Council passes a resolution of no confidence, or rejects a confidence resolution, the cabinet shall resign altogether, unless the Senate is dissolved within ten days.
Article 7: Vacancy and Resignation
When there is a vacancy in the post of Chancellor, Dean or Prime Minister, or upon the first convocation of the Congress after a General Election of the House of Representatives, Electoral College or the Senate, the Cabinet shall resign altogether.
Article 8: Continuing Office
In the cases mentioned in the two preceding articles, the Cabinet shall continue its functions until such time as the vacancy of Chancellor or Prime Minister is filled.
Article 9: Role of Office
The Chancellor, Dean and Prime Minister, representing the Cabinet in the Senate, Electoral College and House of Representatives respectively, submit bills, report on general national affairs and foreign relations to Congress and exercise control and supervision over various administrative branches.
Article 10: Function of the Cabinet
The Cabinet, in addition to other general administrative functions, shall perform the following:
- Administer the Law faithfully
- Conduct State affairs
- Manage foreign affairs
- Conclude treaties with the approval of Congress
- Administer the Civil Service, in accordance with standards established by Law
- Prepare the budget and present it to Congress
- Enact Cabinet orders in order to execute the provisions of this Constitution and of the Law. However, it cannot include penal provisions in such Cabinet orders, unless authorised by such Law
- Decide on general and special amnesty, commutation of punishment, reprieve and restoration of rights
Article 11: Countersignature
All laws and Cabinet orders shall be signed by the competent Minister of State and Countersigned by the Chancellor, Dean, Prime Minister and by the Sovereign.
Article 12: Preliminary Immunity
- The Ministers of State, during their tenure of Office, shall not be subject to legal action witohut the consent of the Chancellor
- The right to take such action is not hereby impaired
Chapter 7: The Judiciary
Article 1: Judicial Power
- The whole Judicial power is vested in a Supreme Court and such inferior courts as are established by Law
- No extraordinary tribunal shall be established, nor shall any organ or agency of the Executive be given judicial power
- All judges are independent in the exercise of their conscience and are bound only by this Constitution and the Laws
Article 2: Judicial Procedure
- The Supreme Court is vested with the rule-making power under which it determines the rules of procedure and of practice and of matters relating to attorneys, the internal discipline of the courts and the administration of judicial affairs
- Public procurators shall be subject to the rule-making power of the Supreme Court
- The Supreme Court may delegate the power of rule-making for inferior courts to such courts
Article 3: Public Impeachment
- Judges shall not be removed except by public impeachment unless judicially declared mentally or physically incompetent to perform official duties
- No disciplinary action shall be administered against Judges by any Executive organ or agency
Article 4: Supreme Court
- The Supreme Court shall consist of the Lord Chief Justice and such number of judges as may be determined by Law; all such judges excepting the Lord Chief Justice shall appointed by the Cabinet
- The appointment of the Judges of the Supreme Court shall be reviewed by the people at the first general election of members of the House of Representatives and the Senate following their appointment, and shall be reviewed again after the first general election of the House of Representatives and the Senate after a lapse of ten years, and in the same manner thereafter
- In cases mentioned in the preceding paragraph, when the majority of voters favour the dismissal of a judge, he shall be dismissed
- Matters pertaining to the review shall be prescribed by Law
- The Judges of the Supreme Court shall be retired upon the attainment of the ages as fixed by Law
- All such judges shall receive, at regular stated intervals, adequate compensation which shall nto be decreaed during their terms of office
Article 5: Term of Judges
- The judges of the inferior courts shall be appointed by the Cabinet from a list of persons nominated by the Supreme Court
- All such judges shall hold office for a term of ten years with privilege of reappointment, provided that they shall be retired upon the attainment of the ages as fixed by Law
- The judges of the inferior courts shall receive, at regular stated intervals, adequate compensation which shall not be decreased during their terms of office
Article 6: Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court is the Court of last resort with the power to determine the Constitutionality of any Law, order, regulation or official act.
Article 7: Public Trials
- Trials shall be conducted and declared publicly
- When a court unanimously determines publicity to be deangerous to public order or morals, a trial may be conducted privately, but trials of political offenses, offenses involving the Press, or cases wherein the rights of the People as guaranteed in Chapter 4 of this Constitution are in question shall always be conducted publicly
Chapter 8: Finance
Article 1: National Finances
The power to administer national finances shall be exercised as Congress shall determine.
Article 2: Tax Laws
No new tax laws shall be imposed or existing laws modified except by Law or under such conditions as Law may prescribe.
Article 3: Budget Authorisation
No money shall be expended, nor shall the State oblige itself, except as authorised by Congress
Article 4: Yearly Budget
The Cabinet shall prepare and submit to Congress for its consideration and decision a budget for each fiscal year.
Article 5: Reserve Fund
- In order to provide for unforeseen deficiencies in the budget, a reserve fund may be authorised by the Congress to be expended upon the responsibility of the Cabinet
- The Cabinet must get subsequent approval of Congress for all payments from the Reserve Fund
Article 6: Sovereign Household
- All property of the Sovereign Household shall belong to the State
- All expenses of the Sovereign Household shall be appropriated by the Congress in the budget
Article 7: Secular Budget
No money or other property shall be appropriated for the use, benfit or maintenance of any religious institution or association, or for any charitable, educational, or benevolent enterprises not under the control of public authority.
Article 8: Board of Audit
- Final accounts of the expenditures and revenues of the State shall be audited annually by a Board of Audit, and submitted by the Cabinet to Congress, together with the statement of audit, during the fiscal year immediately following the period cvovered
- The organisation and competency of the Board of Audit shall be determined by Law
Article 9: Cabinet Report
At regular intervals, and at least annually, the Cabinet shall report to Congress and the people on the state of National finances.
Chapter 9: Local Self Government
Article 1: Local Autonomy
Regulations concerning the organisation and operations of local public entities shall be fixed by Law in accordance with the principal of local autonomy.
Article 2: Local Assemblies
- The local public entities shall establish assemblies as their deliberative organs in accordance with the Law
- The Chief Executive officers of all local public entities, the members of their assemblies, and such other local officials as may be determined by Law shall be elected by direct popular vote within their several communities
Article 3: Budget Autonomy
Local public entities shall have the right to manage their property, affairs and administration and to enact their own regulations within the Law.
Article 4: Veto for Local Laws
A special law, applicable only to one public entity, cannot be enacted by Congress without the consent and approval of the majority of the voters of the local public entity concerned, obtained in accordance with Law.
Chapter 10: Amendments
Article 1: Qualified Majority and Referendum
- Amendments to this Constitution shall be initiated by the Congress, through a concurring vote of two thirds or more of the members of each House, and shall thereupon be submitted to the people for ratification, which shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of all votes cast thereon, at a special referendum, or at such election as the Congress shall specify
- Amendments when so ratified shall immediately be promulgated by the Sovereign in the name of the People, as an integral part of this Constitution
Chapter 11: Supreme Law
Article 1: Inviolable Human Rights
The fundamental Human Rights, guaranteed by this Constitution to the people of the United Kingdoms of Little India, are fruits of the age-old struggle of man to be free; they have survived the many exacting tests for durability, and are conferred upon this and future generations in trust, to be held for all time inviolable.
Article 2: Unconstitutional Law
- This Constitution shall be the Supreme Law of the Nation and no law, ordinance, Sovereign Rescript, or any other act of government, or part thereof, contrary to the provisions hereof, shall have legal force or validity
- The treaties concluded by Little India and established laws of nations shall be faithfully observed
Article 3: Binding for All Powers
The Sovereign or the Regent as well as Ministers of State, members of Congress, Judges and all other public officials have the obligation to respect anduphold this Constitution.
Chapter 12: Supplementary Provisions
Article 1: Enforcement
- This Constitution shall be enforced as from the day when the period of six months will have elapsed, counting from the day of its promulgation
- The enactment of Laws necessary for the enforcement of this Constitution, the election of members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, and the procedure for the convocation of Congress, and other preparatory procedures necessary for the enforcement of this Constitution may be executed before the day prescribed in the preceding paragraph
Article 2: Preliminary Congress
If the House of Representatives is not constituted before the effective date of this Constitution, the Senate shall function as Congress until such time as the House of Representatives can be constituted.
Article 3: Half Term
- The term of office for half the members of the Senate serving in the first term under this Constitution shall be 1,000 days
- Members falling under this category shall be determined in accordance with the Law
Article 4: Election of Successors
- The Ministers of State, members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, and Judges on the effective date of this Constitution, and all other public officials who occupy positions corresponding to such posititons as are recognised by this Constitution shall not forfeit their positions automatically on account of the enforcement of this Constitution, unless otherwise specified by Law
- When, however, successors are elected or appointed under the Provisions of this Constitution, they shall forfeit their positions as a matter of course
The Legislature
The House of Representatives
With 2900 seats, the House of Representatives is the lowest but largest legislative House in Little India. It is comprised of popularly elected members from each of the separate divisions of the High Kingdom: 1 member is elected from each Constituency, with one member representing one million people. Thus, there are 646 seats of the House occupied by Representatives from Ihayel alone. The boundaries of the constituencies of the House of Representatives are notorious for changing virtually every General Election. The head of this body is the Speaker of the House, who is appointed by the High King upon an election in the House.
The Senate
With 110 seats, the Senate is the second largest and second most powerful House. Like the House of Representatives, it is comprised of popularly elected members from each of the divisions of Little India: 9 from each Kingdom (99); and 11 from the Exalted Princedom of Ihayel (11). A special seat is also designated for the Sovereign (the High King) or His Represenatative. Legislation passed in the House of Represenatatives must be passed in the Senate before it can pass to the High Council of Kings. The head of this body is the Chancellor, who serves as Head of Government.
The Electoral College
The Electoral College is an extremely powerful body in Little India. With 5 members elected from each Kingdom, there are a total of 60 seats. Members of the College are known as "The Right Honourable Students of the Supreme Electoral College of Little India." Students are elected for four year terms, that coincide with the terms of members of the House of Representatives and the Senate. After every General Election, the Electoral College choose fro amongst themselves the Right Worshipful Dean of the Electoral College and Vice-Chancellor of Little India. At the end of a Dean's term, he or she does not have to face re-election, but automatically becomes Chancellor and Head of Government for the next term. During a Student's term as Chancellor, he or she will be represented in the College by their Lieutenant, who is not a Student of the College himself. Upon the expiration of a term as Chancellor, the incumbent must stand for re-election to the College. Due to the nature of the election and succession of Chancellors and Deans, no person may serve in two consecutive terms as Dean or Chancellor.
The Grand Council of Kings
With only 13 seats, the Grand Council of Kings is the smallest but most powerful branch of Little Indian legislature. The King or Queen of each Kingdom of Little India sits on the Council. As the King or Queen of Aladhron traditionally holds the title of High King, Grand Duke of Vís and Exalted Prince of Ihayel, the Sovereign's oldest child sits on the council for Vís and Ihayel. The Sovereign is sent as the represenatative for Aladhron. All legislation passed in the Senate must receive a simple majority vote in the Council, but the Sovereign must also agree to the Legislation. If the Sovereign disagrees with the legislation, it must be sent back to the House of Representatives to be altered. The Sovereign is officially Head of this body, but for legislative purposes, the head is the Viceroy (female: Vicereine), appointed by the Sovereign and approved by the Council.
The Grand Officers of State
The members of the Grand Council - the regnants of the Kingdoms of Little India - all hold specific Offices of State, and are known as the Grand Officers of State, as well as Kings and Queens of their respective countries. Many of these Offices are ancient institutions, but some are more recent. The Grand Council are currently in the process of creating Offices for the Marquess of Hazrat and the Princess of Sanfaleth. The posts are rotated with every term of the Senate, with each regnant holding a post for a maximum of five years.
Lord Viceroy
Sovereign's representative and Chief Officer of the Cabinet. The Lord Viceroy used to hold enormous power in Little India, most notably during the early periods of the constitutional monarchy. During the minority of former Sovereigns, the Lord Viceroy would become Lord Regent of Little India, whereas a family member would become the Regent of the Sovereign Territories - Aladhron, Vís and Ihayel. Although all officials in Little India are answerable only to the Sovereign, the Lord Viceroy will act as a representative of the Crown in the Cabinet when the Sovereign is unable to attend. Today, as with all the Grand Offices of State, the position is a sinecure.
Lord Custodian of the Seals
Keeper of the Seals of the Sovereign and the Government. The Lord Custodian is charged with keeping the Seals of Little India, and with producing new ones upon the death of a Sovereign or when the old seals are worn out. It falls to the Custodian to produce the Seals to the Sovereign or the Chancellor when requested.
Lord Chief Justice
2nd highest Judge in Little India. In a penultimate appeal, the Lord Chief Justice will sit with the Sovereign in an appeal court of the two highest judges in the land. Although no cases have reached that level in over eight thousand years, the position of Lord Chief Justice is still extremely important, as together with the Sovereign, he represents the Judiciary and that it rules in the name of the Sovereign.
Lord President of the Grand Council
Speaker of the Grand Council. The Lord President is again a sinecure position, with the holder's only purpose to call a meeting of the Grand Council into session.
Lord Mayor of Ihayel
Lord Mayor of Ihayel, ceremonial position. A ceremonial position, with the holder being a deputy to the Sovereign as Prince of Ihayel, and superior to the Mayor of Ihayel, the leader of the city's executive. The Lord Mayor is mostly a representative of the Sovereign in the city.
Lord Custodian of the Keys
Keeper of the Keys of the Great Gate of Ihayel. In years past, the Lord Custodian of the Keys held the keys of Ihayel deep in the vaults under the section of the Sovereign Palace that was designated to him. In those times, the main gates of Ihayel - the 100ft high gates in the city's outer wall, wrought of oak and silver - remained closed and locked, opening only once a year on Foundation Day, or upon the Coronation of a new Sovereign. The traffic in and out of the city moved through smaller gates on opposite sides of the city. During the Great Siege of Ihayel, it was the Lord Custodian of the Keys' duty to prevent the walls being breached or the great gates being broken. Now the position is largely ceremonial. Today, the Great Gates are opened in Spring and Summer and closed in Winter. The gates are now nearly 25,000 years old, and are a Little Indian national landmark.
Lord President of the Senate
Acts as Sovereign's representative and Chief Officer of the Senate. Acts as the Speaker of the Senate, and calls the Senators into Session. On the rare occasions when the Sovereign has opportunity to sit in on a session of the Senate, the Lord President's duties are carried out by the Sovereign.
Lord President of the House of Representatives
Acts as Sovereign's representative and Chief Officer of the House of Representatives. Acts as the Speaker of the House, and calls the Representatives into Session. On the rare occasions when the Sovereign has opportunity to sit in on a session of the House, the Lord President's duties are carried out by the Sovereign.
The Executive
The executive of Little India is the Cabinet, comprised of members of the Chancellor’s political party, and some advisory members from the House of Representatives. The current Cabinet is as follows:
Outgoing Chancellor: His Excellency Aníron Danfalas
Aníron Danfalas | ||||||||
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Member of the Little Indian House of Representatives for The Royal City of Falbrinil - the capital of the Kingdom of Imrathon - from 40,026, elevated to the Electoral College in 40,038, and elected as Most Worshipful Dean of the Electoral College in 40,042.
One of the most publicly open Chancellors in Little Indian history, Danfalas succeeded to the Chancelry in 40,046.
Despite numerous sexual scandals during his tenure and his humiliation following the failure of his proposals to reform the government's economic policy and budget structure, Danfalas has remained one of the most popular -and the youngest - Chancellors ever elected.
Danfalas' term as Chancellor ended at the end of 40,049, and he is to be succeeded as Chancellor from Andar 1 40,050 by the Duc de Merteuil.
Ingoing Chancellor: His Grace and Excellency, Richard de Merteuil, 5th Duc de Merteuil
Richard de Merteuil | ||||||||
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Richard Jean Phillipe Dominique Jacques Michel Claude de Merteuil was born in 39,979 and has served in the Electoral College for eight consecutive terms since 40,018. de Merteuil served as Dean from 40,026 to 40,030 and as Chancellor from 40,030 until 40,034. de Merteuil will turn 71 in 40,050, making him one of the oldest members of the Government.
Ingoing Dean: The Right Worshipful Jean-Baptiste de Marie-Borbon
Jean-Baptiste de Marie-Borbon | ||||||||
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Jean-Baptiste Pierre de Marie-Borbon will serve as Dean of the Electoral College from 40,050 until 40,054. In 40,054, he will succeed as Chancellor of Little India in accordance with Little Indian law, and will then return to the Electoral College in 40,058. One of the only independent politicians in the Electoral College and in Congress as a whole, de Marie-Borbon is the youngest Dean ever selected by the College, and will therefore make the youngest Chancellor ever. At 26, he has served one term in the College as Chapter for Eleni.
Other Cabinet Members
Minister of Interior: The Right Honourable Senator Harte
Foreign Minister: The Right Honourable Senator Caranion
Security Minister: The Right Honourable Senator Eglerion
Environment Minister: The Right Honourable Senator Aranethon
Education Minister: The Right Honourable Senator Marilla
Employment Minister: The Right Honourable Senator Særcalwen
Transport Minister: The Right Honourable Senator Fælwen
Intelligence Minister: The Right Honourable Senator Eruherdiriel
Cultural Minister: His Eminence Cardinal Hardína – appointed by the High King
- There are also representatives in the Cabinet of all the countries in Little India. The Senators from each Kingdom elect one of their own number to be representative in the Cabinet. Now, the office of representative Senator in the Cabinet has been merged with that of Governor of the Kingdom in question. The post of Governor of the Kingdom is mainly as advisor of Congressional activity to the Prime Minister (or equivalent) of the Kingdom in question.
Governor and Cabinet Senator for North Veruna: Marc Forlions
Governor and Cabinet Senator for South Veruna: Nate Marcescau
Governor and Cabinet Senator for Parrlay: Beatrice Mert-et-Vert
Governor and Cabinet Senator for Imrathon: Henri de Lesseps
Governor and Cabinet Senator for Eleni: Marcia von Greenburg
Governor and Cabinet Senator for Frida: Julie Voyons
Governor and Cabinet Senator for Tulpas: -vacant-
Governor and Cabinet Senator for Protea: Lisa Clarke
Governor and Cabinet Senator for Hazrat and Sanfaleth: Alexis Lunn
Governor and Cabinet Senator for Aladhron: Charles de Roi-de-Guillaume
Governor and Cabinet Senator for Vís: Maximillian Greth
Governor of Ihayel: His Excellency, Lord Bennett of Nouvelle Caledonie
- The post of Governor of Ihayel is not one filled by a Senator, and it is the equivalent of Prime Minister of Ihayel.
The Judiciary
Hierarchy and Structure of the Little Indian Court System
As with the legislature, the head of the Judiciary is the Sovereign. The Sovereign appoints High Court Judges, Supreme Court Justices and acts as Most Excellent Lord Justice of the Little Indians – the highest Judicial figure in the land.
Below the Sovereign are the High Councillors, the seven Kings of Little India. This is the highest appeal court in the land, but the Sovereign will hear final appeals.
Below the High Council of Kings are the Supreme Court Justices, fixed at ten in number. There is a Supreme Court in each main political division of Little India, mostly in that Kingdom’s capital city. They are addressed as His/Her Lord/Ladyship, the Honourable Supreme Justice (name).
Then there is the High Court, the next lowest court. There are three High Court Judges per Kingdom, and they usually hear cases together in a Presidium. It is very rare that only a single Judge will hear a High Court case. They are addressed as His/Her Lord/Ladyship, the High Justice (name).
The next lowest court is the crown court. There are innumerable Crown Court Judges, and again usually sit in Presidia of three or five Judges. They are addressed as Mr/Mrs Justice (name).
The lowest court in the land is the Court of the Plebiscite. There are twelve Plebiscite Court Judges in each city and town in Little India. The Plebiscite Judges are addressed simply as Justice (name) with no prefix as for the Judges in the senior courts.
The Little Indian treasury is overflowing, and many Little Indians have bank accounts spread over the world in numerous names, containing many thousands of Rupees. The High King and Holy Emperor maintains 306 such accounts - at last count - all holding in excess of LIRup10 billion.
For the year 40,049(current), the economy is as follows. All figures are given in US$. The current exchange rate is LIRup 1.0767 = US$ 1.
Government Expenditure
- Government budget: $35,429,113,540,800.00
- Government Expenditures: $33,303,366,728,352.00
- Administration: $666,067,334,567.04 2%
- Social Welfare: $3,330,336,672,835.20 10%
- Healthcare: $3,330,336,672,835.20 10%
- Education: $6,327,639,678,386.88 19%
- Religion & Spirituality: $999,101,001,850.56 3%
- Defence: $0.00 0%
- Law & Order: $6,327,639,678,386.88 19%
- Commerce: $666,067,334,567.04 2%
- Public Transport: $4,662,471,341,969.28 14%
- The Environment: $5,328,538,676,536.32 16%
- Social Equality: $1,665,168,336,417.60 5%
- Government waste: $2,125,746,812,448.00
Domestic Expenditure
- Gross Domestic Product: $38,598,702,131,916.13
- per capita: $17,426.05
- Exports: $5,047,014,145,764.12
- Imports: $4,685,989,942,200.00
- Surplus: $361,024,203,564.12
The Sovereign
The House of Vís
The House of Vís is the ruling House of the Kingdom of Aladhron and Vís, and the Patriarch also holds the title of High King of Little India and Holy Empire of the Peoples of the East.
Founder: Vandanwé, the Supreme Creator of all Earth
Deceased Members:
- Silina, wife of Vandanwé
- Lossiriél, daughter of Vandanwé
- Ithilanor, son of Lossiriél
- Donna, daughter of Ithilanor, first High Queen of Little India
- Caunidhrenen, son of Ithilanor II, assassinated Lithe 40,049
Notable Current Members:
- Ithilanor II, Patriarch and Viceroy, High King of Little India
- High Queen Sílapenniel, wife of High King Ithilanor II
- Crown Princess Donna, daughter of the High King
- Landathradon, son of High King Ithilanor II
- Lord Erutáron, son of Caunidhrenen
- Lady Vendethiel, widow of Caundhrenen
- Lord Uivithienen, son of Lord Mathirinon
The House of Vís, the Octarchy, the Monarchy and their Position in Society
The ruling dynasty of Little India, the House of Vís has held control of the High Throne for almost all of Little India's history, with the exception of certain periods - the first and second Great Schism, the Interregnum and the Papal period.
The Octarchy is a most important part of Little India - if not only for legislative purposes. Whilst all the rulers of Little India are subrodinate to the Sovereign, it would be virtually impossible to keep nearly one and a half billion people united under one single Head of State.
Whilst many Monarchs are Constitutional and hold little real power, the High King has full authority in Little India. Although he entrusted this power to the House of Representatives and the Senate, he can dissolve both Houses and assume complete and autocratic rule in a national emergency. This power has never been utilised. The High King can also overrule any Senate action, and can veto any legislation.
However, the High King has never assumed the full role of Autocrat of Little India, even though it is a - long abandoned - part of His title. His position is Constitutional in all but name.
The Monarchy in Little India plays a very important role, not only in society and public life, but also in legislative, executive and judicial decisions. The High King sits on and presides over the High Council of Kings, the Highest legislative house in Little India. He sits for Vís and Ihayel, and represents the nation as a whole. Also, the monarch must approve all legislature; all laws bear the sovereign's cypher, signature and seal, and all proclamations are made in the Sovereign's name.
The monarch of each individual Kingdom of Little India plays a significant role in representing the people's views in the Council, and also take part n local festivals and proclamations.
The Sovereign, that is the High King of Little India, is a symbol of unity, and is the symbol of the state, and is symbolic of peace. Through Him, the many diverse peoples that call Little India home are irrevocably bound, and cannot be put asunder.
The Monarchy also features in certain religious ceremonies. The Sovereign Family - that is the High King and His immediate Family - appear at festivals, and at talks and openings, and receive foreign Ambassadors and Ministers, as well as initiating alliances by signing treaties.
Ithilanor I
The parentage of Ithilanor is widely speculated, although the idea most widely accepted - and endorsed by the Sovereign family - is that He was the son of an immortal Lord, ruling over a large land in what is now the Holy Empire of Old Macedonia, a Little Indian colony. It is also unknown when He was born, but it is documented in the Sovereign Archives that He was over nineteen thousand years old at the time of the war between the Eldorati - the ethnic group that constitutes 98% of Little India's population - and the Diboran Princes that had dominated and oppressed them for nearly a millennium.
Ithilanor had tried to bargain for Eldorati freedom, but it was declined. Leading His people to safety, Ithilanor sailed away from Dibora, with a fleet of 1,000 ships. The Eldorati had proclaimed Ithilanor as their Leader, giving Him direct authority over the Eldorati.
Founding Little India, Ithilanor became King of Aladhron, Exalted Prince of Ihayel and Grand Duke of Vís. Interestingly, he declined the title of High King and Holy Emperor, and had intended that post to be called "President of the Kings of the Eldorati".
Ithilanor, the founding father of Little India, was assassinated by Diboran raiders in the fifth year of Little Indian Independence, and the Eldorati mourned His death for twenty years. He is still remembered today on Ithilanor Day, the first day of the New Year, which is also the birthday of the current High King, Ithilanor II.
He was succeeded by His daughter, Donna, who became first High Queen of the Eldorati and Holy Empress of Little India.
Donna I
Ithilanor II
Ithilanor II | ||||||||
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The current Sovereign is Ithilanor II. Proclaimed High King at birth upon the death of his Mother, the High King is notable for being the only Sovereign to reign for his or her entire life.
The symbol of the state unity, the Sovereign holds authority over all other Monarchs in Little India, as well as over elected officials. The Sovereign has the power to veto any Bill from Congress, and holds emergency reserve powers - full and autocratic power for use in State Emergencies - that, thankfully, have never been utilised. Also, the Sovereign plays an important part in Government - every bill passed by the House and the Senate must have the Sovereign's assent before it can become Statute Law.
The son of High Queen Silina III and Lord Andaer of Othilia, the High King is the direct descendant of the First High King of Little India, Ithilanor.
Ithilanor was King from the death of his mother, High Queen , and he has now been High King and Holy Emperor of Little India and New Italy for a total of 49 years, and at the time of print, was 49 years of age. Lord Andaer died before He was born, and after His Mother died in childbirth, Ithilanor was left orphaned. Oddly, no official regency was established, whilst the Viceroy held effective control of Little India during His minority. He was born on Andar/1/40,000, and as the 1,000th Sovereign, was considered to be special.
Styles and Titles of the Little Indian Sovereign
Aside from being High King or High Queen of Little India, the Sovereign also holds many other titles. The styles and titles of Ithilanor II, the current Sovereign, are as follows:
His Most Sovereign Little Indian Majesty, Ithilanor, the Second of that name, by the Grace of God, High King of the Little Indians; Most Excellent Lord Justice of Little India; Supreme Commander-In-Chief, Lord Chief Justice and Holy Emperor of the United Kingdoms of the Divine Imperium of New Italy; Lord of the People of the Light; Exalted Prince of Ihayel; King of Aladhron; Grand Duke of Vís; Overlord of All the Little Indian Kingdoms and Sovereign Lord of the Kings of North Veruna, South Veruna, Parrlay, Imrathon, Eleni, Tulpas, Hazrat and Sanfaleth, Frida and Protea; Emperor of the Eight Little Indias; King of the Two Jerusalems; High Priest of Ihayel; Defender of the Faith; Supreme Lord of the Children of Vandanwé; Heir of Ithilanor; Count of Alsace-Morthrin; Gate-Keeper and Count of the Isle of Silina; Lord Protector of Avernien; Grand Duke of Amiasia; King of All the Territories of Old Macedonia; Emperor of Othillia; Lord of Santu-Thilli; King of Panasilli; Lord of Marisia; King of Eldor; Prince of Fedora; Grand Duke of Namaz and of Orange County; Prince Primate of Jutland; Heir of New Denmark; Sovereign Lord of the River Princes and King of All Their Peoples; Keeper of the Keys of Sarudor and King of That Land; Patriarch and Viceroy of the House of Vís; Viscount Palatine of Brandenburg-Fertin and Baron Hesse of Mecklenburg-Bohemia; Chief of the Peoples of the Barod Ithnar Islands; Keeper of the Star of the East; Defender of the Light.
The above is a translation of the traditional title of the Sovereign of Little India, who is always procalaimed in French and whose titles are always written thus.
Wife and Children
In 40,023, High King Ithilanor married Silina, Princess of Oregonia, and she became High Queen Consort. In 40,026, twin sons were born to the Sovereign couple, the first time a firstborn child was born to a Sovereign on the throne for over eight hundred years. TSH Princes Caunidhrenen and Landathradon were born within twenty minutes of each other, and were Christened in the Basilica of Peter and Paul on the day after their birth. In 40,049, Prince Caunidhrenen was tragically killed when on a diplomatic journey to Noxes Maxima.
Her Most Excellent Sovereign Highness, Crown Princess Donna was born in 40,028. Donna was created Crown Princess with the style of "Most Excellent Sovereign Highness" in 40,049.
Sovereign's Seal, Cypher and Coat of Arms
The Coat of Arms
The official coat of arms of the Sovereign of Little India, and exclusive to that post. The current incumbent using this coat of arms is High King Ithilanor II.
</div>Split into two halves, the right hand side of the coat is the simplest. It shows - in six equal segments - the Star of Vandanwé and the Coat of Vís three times each. This appears on the coat of arms of every member of the Sovereign family.
The left hand side is more complicated. It shows - in equal segments - the coats of arms for: (left to right) top: Veruna, Parrlay, Imrathon, Protea
2nd Row: Eleni, Frida, Tulpas, the Sovereign - Vís, Ihayel, Noroharn, the Crown
3rd Row: The Crucifixion, The Keys of Peter and Paul, yellow and white (all for the Vatican)
4th Row: Barod Ithnar Islands, Jutland, Fedora, Santu-Thilli (Little Indian dominions beyond the seas
5th Row: Jutland, Barod Ithnar Islands, Santu-Thilli, Fedora (Little Indian dominions beyond the seas
6th Row: Vís, Vandanwé, portcullis, crossed sword and sceptre.
The Portcullis and the Crossed Sword and Sceptre signify Little India's sovereignty - the portcullis represents the ability to deny access to certain people, and the crossed sword and sceptre represent Independence.
The Cypher and Signature
As the High King's signature is needed in order to authorise any legal document from Congress, He uses His own signature and two cyphers, one specifically for Congress documentation and the other for all purposes.
The first is the High King's signature:
</div>The signature reads: Ithilanor Excello Rex II, Latin for Ithilanor II, High King.
Every Sovereign of Little India has such a signature, that is used to sign all official documentation of the land. Traditionally, the numeral of the ruler - ie, Ithilanor II, Donna XXXI - are generally left out, as very few Little Indian Sovereigns use a name that has not been used at least ten times previously. As such, signing the numeration in certain cases would be extremely time consuming.
Ithilanor II is one of the few to have defied tradition, and always signs with Ithilanor Excello Rex II. It was said that the High King felt it was necessary for Himself to be distinguished from His ancestor, Ithilanor - now referred to as Ithilanor I - in His signature.
It is widely expected that upon the accession of Crown Princess Donna as High Queen Donna XXXII, Her Royal Highness will sign simply as Donna Excello Regina, although various Sovereigns have signed simply Name R, or even High King Name, entirely omitting the Latin from the signature.
Then is the specific Congress cypher. An ambigram, it reads the same upside down as it does the right way up:
The cypher reads Ithilanor both ways.
An ambigram has always been used as the Congressional cypher, as it is extremely difficult to forge and affords differentiation from the Sovereign's own cypher.
The use of two cyphers with the Sovereign's signature was spawned by High Queen Donna XII.
Then, the general cypher. It consists of a mingled Tengwa for "th" (Theta) and an R (for Rex, Latin for King):
In the top left of the cypher, contained within a decorative loop of the Theta Tengwa, is the Star of the East, the light of which the Sovereign is traditionally Keeper. The light itself is said to be hidden deep within the vaults under the Citadel in Ihayel.
Sovereign House Law
The law by which the Sovereign House is governed, and the laws and regulations that dictate orders of succession and inheritance, as well as functions and roles of the Sovereign.
Although an appendix of the High Consitution, it is most often referred to as a separate entity to the Constitution.
The Little Indian Dynasty of Vís
The Legendary First 40
The First 40 Sovereigns of Little India are considered legendary - although all are known to have existed and whose actions are all well documented, they are the members of the Dynasty who are said to have contributed the most to the foundations of Little India, the true Fathers and Mothers of the Nation.
A comprehensive list of the Sovereigns of Little India.
The term "High King" is one that was granted posthumously to Ithilanor, and was passed onto his daughter, High Queen Donna I. The office of High King symbolises the unity of the separate Kingdoms of the Little Indian people.
Ruler Number | Name | Ruled From | Ruled to | Relation to previous Sovereign | Notes | |
1 | Ithilanor | 1 | 5 | NA | ||
2 | Donna I | 5 | 17 | Daughter | ||
3 | Silbria | 17 | 23 | Son | ||
4 | Nithron | 23 | 48 | Son | ||
5 | Suiadan | 48 | 49 | Brother | ||
6 | Adanessa | 49 | 78 | Daughter | ||
7 | Cugechilon | 78 | 100 | Son | ||
8 | Alyemaldir | 100 | 134 | Son | ||
9 | Vanya | 134 | 166 | Daughter | ||
10 | Daugon - acting as Regent | 166 | 178 | Brother | ||
10 | Tegalad I | 166 | 211 | Son of Vanya, with Daugon as Prince Regent | ||
11 | Donna II | 211 | 258 | Daughter | ||
12 | Donna III | 258 | 267 | Daughter | ||
13 | Donna IV | 267 | 300 | |||
14 | Darius I | 300 | 350 | Son | ||
15 | Darius II | 350 | 367 | Son | ||
16 | Donna V | 367 | 385 | Daughter | ||
17 | Alaric I | 385 | 412 | Son | ||
18 | Darius III | 412 | 448 | Son | ||
19 | Herenya I | 448 | 460 | Daughter | ||
20 | Donna VI | 460 | 482 | Daughter | ||
21 | Eruansanthronn I | 482 | 491 | Brother | ||
22 | Darius IV | 491 | 530 | Son | ||
23 | Donna VII | 530 | 569 | Daughter | ||
24 | Alaric II | 569 | 599 | Son | ||
25 | Donna VIII | 599 | 642 | Daughter | ||
26 | Alyemaldir II | 642 | 659 | Nephew | ||
27 | Beridhren | 659 | 687 | Son | ||
28 | Meldarion I | 687 | 701 | Son | ||
29 | Meldarion II | 701 | 702 | Son | ||
30 | Donna IX | 702 | 763 | Sister | ||
31 | Donna X | 763 | 775 | Daughter | ||
32 | Darius V | 775 | 800 | Son | ||
33 | Alyemaldir III | 800 | 837 | Son | ||
34 | Donna XI | 837 | 901 | Daughter | During Her rule, Donna instituted the Law of Succession, allowing only females to the throne. | |
35 | Christian I | 901 | 927 | Son | First Lord Protector of Little India | |
36 | Christian II | 927 | 930 | Brother | Second Lord Protector of Little India | |
37 | Donna XII | 930 | 952 | Daughter | ||
38 | Christian III | 952 | 978 | Son | Lord Protector of Little India | |
39 | Donna XIII | 978 | 983 | Daughter | ||
40 | Donna XIV | 983 | 1000 | Daughter | Died Andar/1/1000 |
Other Significant Sovereigns
Ruler Number | Name | Ruled From | Ruled to | Relation to previous Sovereign | Notes |
990 | Eruansanthronn IV | 39,700 | 39,718 | Son | Abdicated 3 days before death |
991 | Handion XX | 39,718 | 39,763 | Son | Openly homosexual, no issue |
992 | Eruansanthronn V | 39,763 | 39,765 | Brother | Crown Prince for 43 years |
993 | Christian XXIX | 39,765 | 39,800 | Son | |
994 | Christiana I | 39,800 | 39,822 | Daughter | |
995 | Christian XXX | 39,822 | 39,858 | Son | Last High King until Ithilanor II |
996 | Freya II | 39,858 | 39,900 | Daughter | |
997 | Freya III | 39,900 | 39,932 | Daughter | |
998 | Donna XXXI | 39,932 | 39,968 | Daughter | |
999 | Silina III | 39,968 | 40,000 | Daughter | |
1000 | Ithilanor II | 40,000 | Incumbent | Son | First male Sovereign for 142 years |
The Line of Succession to the High Throne of All Little India
Current Sovereign: HMSSM Ithilanor II, High King of Little India
1. The Heir Apparent, HMERH Crown Princess Donna, Duchess of Sudrinil (daughter of Ithilanor II)
2. HRH Prince Erutáron, Duke of Theed (grandson of Ithilanor II)
3. HRH Prince Landathradon, Duke of Cinque and Orsica (son of Ithilanor II)
4. HRH Princess Freya (second cousin of Ithilanor II)
5. HRH Prince Christian (her son)
6. HRH Prince Darius (his brother)
7. HRH Prince Eruansanthronn (his son)
The Little Indian Nobility
The United Kingdoms of Aladhron, Veruna, Imrathon, Parrlay, Eleni, Frida, Protea and Tulpas - also called the High Kingdom of Little India or the Holy Empire of the Eight Little Indias - has a comprehensive tiles system, allowing for hereditary peerages and life-peers.
Structure of the Peerage
There are seven levels of the Little Indian peerage. Certain peerages are reserved specifically for hereditary usage, but none are specified for life-peers only.
The eight different titles of the Little Indian peerage are, in order of Precedence:
1. Prince
2. Archduke
3. Duke
4. Marquess
5. Earl
6. Count
7. Viscount
8. Baron
All of these titles use the style Lord [female: Lady]Christian-Name of Place, Title Family-Name of Place, Lord of the Holy Empire of the Eight Eldors.
The titles of Prince, Archduke, Duke and Marquess are designated for hereditary peers only, under Article 12 of the Peerage Act 5,011.
The title of Prince can apply to either a Royal Prince - like the sons of a Sovereign or provincial King or Queen - or a non-royal, but from a noble family.
In the case of a Royal Prince, the following style is used: Prince Family-Name of the United Kingdoms of Little India, Lord of the Holy Empire of the Eight Eldors. When a non-royal prince, the former style is used.
The Little Indian Honours System
In addition to the peerage system, the twelve countries of Little India also have a detailed Honours system for those that have made outstanding contributions to their country or Little India as a whole, but whose actions are not necessarily deserving of a peerage.
The Honours system comprises five different orders.
The Order Of Merit
The lowest of the seven orders, the Order of Merit has no limit with regards numbers. It's head is the Sovereign. The Order of Merit uses the postnominal OM. As a matter of course, every Chancellor is initiated into the order upon his or her retirement from politics. There are currently 50,882 members of the Order.
The Orders of the Kingdoms
The second lowest order, the Order of the Kingdoms are twelve different orders - all with the same structure and heirarchy but with different names. Each Kingdom has it's own separate version of the Order, replacing the name of the country with "The Kingdoms" in the title. The Orders of the Kingdoms use the postnominal OK in Little India as a whole, but with the first letter of the name of the Kingdom replacing the K in the individual countries. There is no limit to the number of members. There are currently 26,053 members of the Orders.
The Order of the White Cowl
The next highest Order. Holders of this Order carry the postnominal WC, with their rank preceding the "WC". The order comprises three different ranks:
1. Grand Knight or Dame (GKWC/GDWC)
2. Cordon (CNWC)
3. Collar (CRWC)
There is a limit to the number of members: 5,000 Grand Knights/Grand Dames; 10,000 Cordons and 15,000 Collars. The Order is currently 2/3rds vacant.
The Most Serene Order of Innocence
The Order of Innocence is the second highest order. Most often it is awarded to members of the clergy - the last Cardinal-Archbishop of Ihayel was granted the honour. Often used in conjunction with a life- or hereditary-peerage, the Order has been awarded to many martyrs of Little India, including Ithilanor I. The honour is mainly awarded posthumously. It is limited to 1,000 living members. There are currently 273 holders of the honour.
The Most Illustrious Order of Ithilanor
The Order of Ithilanor is the highest order of Little India, and the order is limited to 25 members outside the monarchy. The High King is the Sovereign.
The Order is only awarded in conjunction with a hereditary peerage. There are currently only 3 non-Royal members of the order, as it is reserved for the greatest of contributors to Little India. Like the Order of the White Cowl, the Order of Ithilanor has a strict heirarchy.
1. Lord - limited to 2
2. Grand Knight - limited to 2
3. Grand Cordon - limited to 3
4. Grand Collar - limited to 4
5. Knight - limited to 4
6. Cordon - limited to 5
7. Collar - limited to 5
The current members of the order are all Grand Collars.
The current members are: His Eminence, Duke Kolcharin of Marmartre, Cardinal-Archbishop of Ihayel, MSOI, OI
His Grace, Duke Fra'th of Silithin, OI
Her Grace, Duchess Elizabeth of Heleb Moreth, Countess Belen of N'oria, OM, OA, GDWC, OI
The Order uses the postnominal OI.