Loka (city)

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Loka (city)
Nation: Footballia
Function: Capital of Loka
Population: 46 million
Leader: Rort Xoñt

The city of Loka is relatively old, having been founded in 482. It existed as an independent city-state for the next 190 years. The city fought many wars with Torña, a separate city-state on the other side of Çñór Loçñalo. The culture of Loka has remained remarkably unique even after its conquest by the Empire in 670. The culture is an interesting hybrid of Footballian atheism with respect for the lake and the river.


Loka was founded in 482 FE by a group of Footballian dissatisfied with the Imperial government. They walked northeastward until they came to the lake, where Loka was then founded. A few years later, a similar group of people established themselves on the other side of the lake. The democratic Loka and the dictatorial Torña found themselves constantly at odds. Many naval battles were fought over control of the lake upon which both cities depended. The first war began in 513 over fishing rights. The Lokans wanted rights to fish wherever they wanted in the lake, but the Torñans demanded that they respect the territorial waters of Torña. March 22, 513, saw Lokan marines land by Torña, and they proceeded to attack the city. Half of Torña burned that night as the Torñan Army desparately attempted to repel the marines.


Loka was the only Footballian city-state to have a democratic government. It consisted of a Forum and a President. Every other year the Forum was elected, and the Forum then elected the President. There were forty-five representatives, nine from the five sectors of the city. However, towards the end of the city, the government grew corrupt, and in 664 the Navy actually deposed the government and appointed its head Admiral President for Life. A civil war then broke out between the Army and Navy, with the General of the Army successfully installing himself as President in 669. Within four months city was subjugated.

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The Empire of Footballia
Main article: Footballia
Major cities: Footballia City, Moska, Loka, Timbros, Forçnkyo
Provinces: Korrefea, Kasam, Sakar, Loka, Skelton, Bluer, Ruçyun, Xetyun, Oberepyun, Alñe, Xoçr, Ñorçx, Oreter, Rorçnyun, Boña
Administrative and political info: Government of Footballia, Democracy Hall, Footballian Imperial Palace, Intelligence Agencies of Footballia, Leaders of Greater Footballia, Political Parties of Footballia
Leaders: Xet Kopialç, Xet Notarbç, Gar I, Gar II, Gar III, Gar IV, Helç I, Helç II, Torm I
Miscellaneous: Other articles within Category:Footballia