Lux Currency

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The Lux (Symbol: L; ISO Code: LUX) is the official currency of Aliquantus, Lux in Latin means 'Light'. The Lux is divided into 100 Pence also known as Penny’s. The symbol of the Lux, L, is placed before the amount, for example ten Lux would be L10 although placing the full name behind the number is used (10Lux). The Lux was adopted in 1990 as the national identity spurt affected the legal tender. Although the currency is named Lux, only one coins name contains the word Lux, all notes and coins have a separate name.


Common Notes:

  • One Gallion Note = 20 Lux
  • One Sickle Note = 10 Lux
  • One Sceat Note = 5 Lux

Common Coins:

  • One Lux Coin = 100 Pence
  • One Crown Coin = 50 Pence
  • One Terence Coin = 20 Pence
  • One Commerce Coin = 10 Pence
  • One Penny = 1 Pence

Larger value notes called 'Earls' are only available from the national bank; they come in L100, L200, L500 and L1000 values. Notes are laser coded to verify their authenticity. Both sides of each note are the same although 'special' notes are available.


  • One GBP to 1 Lux -- 0.677459
  • One Lux to 1 GBP -- 1.4761
<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">OneGallion.jpg
A Gallion note.

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">OneSickle.jpg
A Sickle note.

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">OneSceat.jpg
A Sceat note.

Individuals: Sovereign Family | Coventina
Miscellaneous: Aliquantus | Aliquancian Military | Secret Operations Executive | OuterHeaven Systems | Lux Currency