Maximillian Kalba

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Born: December 5th, 1939 Death: n/a.

The Kalba family of Guffingford has a long and prosperous history, dating back to the earliest days of the 17th century in Cloucterbury. British by nature, Guffingfordian by birth. He went to several highly approved and respected universities, met other bright minds of the Guffingfordian upper class, went to the RedmoundArt Academy and studied law in Hoogenbosch.

Packed heavily with intellectual baggage, Maximillian decided after being raised solidly by his parents (who both worked in the British Foreign Office, Brittenborough, Gloucterbury) and enjoyed his youth to the full contrary to many other characters in Guffingford's storylines. From his house in Brittenborough he journeyed through Guffingford, meeting many young and promising politicians, and eventually went into politics as well. There his mind slowly was corrupted by the Apartheid policies in Guffingford, but remained the same person he always was. He joined the Volksparty in 1967 and he remained working there ever since.