Minnesotan Front

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Minnesotan Front
Established 13 April 2004
Ideology Right-wing
Founder Paul D. LeDuc
Chairman Paul D. LeDuc
Motto Minnesota First!

The Minnesotan Front is the current ruling party of Minnesotan Federation. It has a majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. President Paul D. LeDuc (formerly governor of Minnesota, before he declared its independence) is the founder and chairman of the party.


The party was founded in the office of Governor LeDuc on 13 April 2004. He had previously been a member of the Constitution Party, until he became disillusioned with the party and felt his allegiance to his state was greater than his allegiance to the United States. He became increasingly disillusioned with the federal government, particularly with President Bush's policies, such as his "Dirty War" and "creeping socialism." He considered Bush an "arch-Marxist" whose "half-baked, hare-brained" policies were "inexplicably and inevitably leading America toward ruin." LeDuc aroused considerable controversy when he bluntly stated: "The longer that neocon bastard is in charge, the more likely this nation is to be subjugated and enslaved by the NWO."

Accordingly, LeDuc, his cabinet, and other political allies founded the Minnesotan Front to "promote Minnesotan culture, Minnesotan values, Minnesotan sovereignty, and, if need be, Minnesotan independence." The more deeply entrenched America became in Iraq, the higher the defecit grew, the greater its status as a pariah became, the more people became convinced that the only way to "save" Minnesota was by declaring independence. By late 2005, polls showed that more than 75% of Minnesotans believed "independence for Minnesota is inevitable."

On 1 January 2006, Governor LeDuc held a special election, which his party won overwhelmingly, capturing almost every seat in both houses. The party's popularity surged and, feeling confident, Governor LeDuc boldly declared Minnesota an independent nation. His decision was widely supported, and massive pro-government, demonstrations erupted in the streets, as the overwhelming majority of the populace proclaimed their enthusiasm and support for LeDuc


The party staunchly supports free market capitalism, and as such, firmly opposes business regulation, minimum wage laws, and most forms of protectionism. However, the party does support mild government intervention in the economy, and has nationalized all arms manufacturing industries, implemented low tariffs, and successfully passed a bill making outsourcing illegal. Other than that, its economic policies are quite neoliberal and laissez faire; the party has, for example, fully privatized all parastatal companies (except those that specialize in the manufacture of weapons), abolished minimum wage laws, business regulations, and outlawed corporate welfare, and abolished or privatized most social programs.

The party's stance on most social issues is moderate and fairly libertarian. While the party has made abortion, bestialty, and pedophilia illegal and military service compulsory, it has passed laws making marijuana and other soft drugs legal to use in one's own home, and has legalized euthanasia and gay adoption and abolished almost all censorship laws. The party supports the death penalty, "so long as there no doubt the accused is guilty, and the method of execution is painless and humane." The party is neutral on the issue of gay marriage, basically pursuing a "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

The party's main platform is, of course, the preservation and promotion of Minnesotan culture and instilling in people strong nationalism and pride in Minnesota.