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Revision as of 09:31, 24 June 2005 by Galdago (Talk | contribs)

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Let's all play in the sandbox!

A robotic garden tractor seems to be pushing the sand around at random. no one else seems to be close by or controlling it; but as you watch it seems to be making roads and planting hardy zerotropic 'weeds' along their embankments.

You can conduct tests or verify something here; rake the sand back with an edit (or a reversion) clearing your trials so that the next can too play in it.


Party Leader Platform Seats Percentage
Common Welfare Party (CW) Marcos A. Monelli
  • Values social equality and welfare programs; has lobbied somewhat unsuccessfully for revised and improved healthcare programs
  • Has gained significant ground in past years by advancing social equality programs and increased equality spending; values civil rights protections and is a strong proponent of the IFTA
  • Wishes to revisit education programs to produce a more effective system while eliminating presently burgeoning government waste on education spending
  • Champions of the existing federalist balance within Galdago and resistant to greater centralization within the CACE
58 42%
Ecosanct Party (E) Maria L. Alesi
  • Values the safeguarding and expansion of current civil rights doctrine
  • Has successfully channeled significant monies from defense spending into the expansion of SIERRA and development of alternative energy sources, but has not called for further budget redistribution
  • Emphasizes continued defensive military posturing and maintenance of existing industrial policy
  • Would like to encourage environmental standards within the IFTA and wishes to remain a part of the CACE
41 30%
Progressive Evolution Party (PE) Jesse T. Sanders
  • Values sustained civil rights advocacy
  • Wants to lessen autocratic structures and alter functions of economic planning boards in order to provide limited free-enterprise while keeping utilities and healthcare under the administration of the government
  • Resistant to further international entanglement and holds reservations about IFTA membership
  • Wishes to withdraw from the CACE
  • Wishes to channel much of existing defense spending into healthcare reform
  • Favors revision of electoral practices for more direct citizen rule
16 12%
Collective Solidarity Party (CS) Nicolai S. Petrova
  • Wishes to dissolve regional economic planning boards and turn over economic planning control to the Aperin Central Economic Planning Board
  • Strong advocate of further CACE integration and centralized continental as well as international economic and defense planning; *Values increasing globalization and integration of Galdagan systems of governance
  • Favors a more aggressive foreign policy of anti-capital revolutionary assistance and instigation
  • Emphasizes worker rights protection and is a staunch advocate of continued IFTA membership
15 11%
Capital Value Reform Party (KVR) Miriam G. Farnsworth
  • Advocates dissolution of economic planning practices along with CACE and IFTA membership and a return to free markets
  • Wishes to reform the educational system towards knowledge-oriented training over skills-based training
  • Presses for funneling of present social equality, welfare, and environmental spending into increased standing defense forces
  • Advocates a complete restructuring of the electoral system in order to directly elect national assemblymen
5 3%
Galdagan Ascendancy Party (GA) Frederico N. Suarez
  • Wishes to establish rigid centralized authority and abolish regional economic planning councils in favor of centralized planning and producing a job for every Galdagan
  • Emphasizes Galdagan nationalism and creation of a Galdagan autarky
  • Wishes to withdraw from the CACE and IFTA and reinstate the geldar as the national currency
  • Places reformation, improvement, and expansion of Galdagan society, industry, and territory as the highest priority
3 2%