Nation codes

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Nations have various codes that they use to identify themselves in various media. To avoid any confusion (role-playing or otherwise), it is suggested that nations do not use the same code. Please see the "Sorted By Code" section to make sure your intended code is not already taken before making any changes to this article or any of the subpages.

Types of Nation Codes

This section outlines the various subpages related to this main article. For disputes pertaining to this section as well as answers to general questions, please see Talk:Nation codes.

  • Airport codes
Main article(s): List of international airports

  • Carplate codes
Main article(s): List of carplate codes

  • Currency codes
Main article(s): List of currency codes

  • International phone codes
Main article(s): List of international phone codes

  • International sports codes
Main article(s): List of international sports codes

  • Nation codes

Main article(s): Nation Codes

  • Passport codes
Main article(s): List of Passport Codes

  • TLDs
Main article(s): List of TLDs

Nation Codes

Nation codes are used to identify a nation in a shortened form. Many nations consider the ISO standard in NationStates to be four letter codes; however, some nations prefer to deviate from this standard and use shorter or longer codes. Consequently, some nations do not recognize codes that are not four letters long.

Sorted by Entity

Country/territory Code
----Kenny---- KENY
Acapais ACPX
Acqua Pacifica ACPA
Adam Island ADMI
Adejaani ADEJ
Adoki ADOK
Adon Olam ADOL
Aerion AERI
Ahptan AHTN
Alfegos ALF
Alranar ALNR
Alstitua ALST
Aliquantus ALI
Alyawulof ALWF
America of Tomorrow AMTO
Amestria AMAM
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega ASMV
Anna Rox Ur Sox ARUS
Antarctic Region AQ
Antrium IDAN
Anumia ADA
Aqua Anu AQAU
Ariddia PARI
Arsenius ARSN
Asgarnieu ASG
Ashkand AKKI
Asyhlo AO AAO
Athens and Midlands ARAM
Atlantico Norte ATNT
Ator People ATOR
Audland AUD
Aunesia AUNA
Aurania-Shifre AUSH
Aveni/Athens/Athen AVNI (NS-ISO), ATH (RW-ISO)
Baranxtu IDBT
Bashenk CCBK
Bazalonia BAZ or BAZA
Bettia BTAO
Billopesha BIPA
Bhkistan BHKS
Bolshikstan EPBO
Bomble BOM
Bostopia BSTP
Boudra-Boudra BOUD
Bredford BRDF
Brutix BRTX
Brutland and Norden RUNM
Bruxella BRUX
Bubosia BUBO
Cachette de Lions IDCL
California CLFN
Candelaria And Marquez RUCM
Caseia ECAS
Catalunya i Llenguadoc CTLL
Carocasia CAY
Ceorana IDCE
Cikoutimi IDCI
Commonwealth of Peoples CWPL
Coocoostan COCO
Cookborough CKBR
Cookesland CKSL
Costa Bravo COBRA
Cravan CRV
Croato-Serbia CRO-SRB
Curthailia CURT
Daistallia 2104 DAI
Dai Yuddha Ossyria DYOS
Damanucus DAMN
Eagmont EAGT
Eastern Noble ENBL
Ecopoeia CWCE
Edward City USEC
Einmyria KOEI
El Caminos in Texas ECTX
Entsteig ENTS
Errinundera ERRI
Espes ESPS
Essekwibo ESSA
Fbrenia FBRN
Federal Republic of Canada CDNR
Federated Polynesian States FPOS
Feniexia FEN
Free Outer Eugenia FOE
Germanalasia GRMA
Godwinnia GOCP
Greater Jade JADE
Groot Gouda IDGD
Gruenberg GRMI
Gwazzaria GDG
Kroblexskij GRFK
Hamptonshire HMPT
Helvannica HVCA
Helveticuz HLVZ
Hiltix HLTX
Hockey Canada HKCN
Hochberg HBRG
Homith HMTH
Ileou IEO
Invisionize INII
Isselmere-Nieland UKIN
Itinerate Tree Dweller ITFA
Jeuna JN, JNA, or 362
Jhiland JHIL
Jonquiere-Tadoussac IDJT
Kahanistan DSRK
Kanami RENM
Kelse IDKE
Kelssek KLSK
Kedalfax KED
Kotaka KOTA
Kristonion KRTN
Kura-Pelland KPLD
Kurona KURO
Kylesburgh KYLE
La provincia di roma LPDR
Ladwan LDWN
Lithwah LITH
Liverpool England (Lox Land Island included) LVEN
Logical Wits LW
Love and esterel LAES
Lovisa LO, LOV
Luchsuria LXSC
Maanenland GDMA
Mad Chester MADC
Manhattan Prime MANP
Mannifax MNFX
Merkar Republic (Athiesism) MERK
Metalgolem MTGM
Mikitivity IDMK
Miokalia MIOK
Miraclia MIHL
Nairatsa NRSA
Navrosia ARNA
Ness Snorlaxia NSHY
Neo-Erusea NERU
New Historia NHIS
New Pindorama NPAM
New Schnabo RNS
Neudegg RPNG
Nieufraumlinglande NFEP
Nora Vaticana NVCC
North Cadia NCCK
North-West Ariddia CNWA
North Mack NRMK
North Moon Island NMI
Nova Voobaha NVOO
Noveta NOV
Oceania UKOC
Offshore DROS
Omigodtheykilledkenny KNNY
One Red Dot ORED
Overbecland OVRB
Ozztopia OZZT
Pacitalia PACI
Palacetonia PATA
Palixia PALX
Pantocratoria PANT
Pantocratorian Ambara PAMB
Pengwiniah PENG
Phriykui'linoy'li'esis PHAT
Pinguinum PING
Planting PROT
Popay PRPY
Popeleoma Del Signe PDSE or PDS
PopularFreedom PFHL
Powerhungry Chipmunks PCHL
Princess Edwina Island PEWA
San Juan Capital/Puerto Rican Empire PRE
Solenial SOL
Qazox QZOX
Quakmybush QUAK
Quintessence of Dust IDQD
Ra and RD
Random Kingdom RKGH
Rejistania RJTL
Rethan RSTE
Rolatia RLTA
Sadena SDCW
Sativaille STVA
Straschkau STRA
St Edmund SECP
St Edmund Air EACP
St Edmundan Antarctic ESCP
Saidercray SACY
San Adriano SVSA
San Mariano SANM
Sarzonia SARZ
Satimon SAT
Schartlefritzen SCH
Schnabo IDEE
ShinyHappyUnion SHU
Sketch SKE
Smirkdom SMRK
Snǿĵgẻrd SNJD
Sober Thought IDST
Sonaj EOSN
Sovietor SVTR
Spaam SPAM
Space Union SPUN
Starblaydia STB
Stevid SVD
Stoklomolvi STMV
Suthsaexe SUEN
Swilatia SWLA
Switzaland RUSW
Taevri TARI
Taiyuan TYN
Tajiri_san TSTW
Empire of Tanarka TAPI
Tannenmille GTUE
Tansei TANS
Teh Hax MPTH
Temurdia TEMU
The Alatutala Islands ALTA
The Burnsian Desert TBD
The Candrian Empire TCCE
The Cooke Islands TCIS
The Charr CHAR
The Digital Network DNET
The Eternal Kawaii EKAN
The Federated Stars FSSE
The Freethinkers FTCW
The Kazoo Peoples TKZP
The Last Anarchy Order ORKM
The Philosophes PHIL
The Sheridan Islands IDSI
The Silver Sky RTSS
The Skankin Penguins SKA
Tonissia TONIS
Ubanda UBMF
Ubundi UBUN
Unified Capitalizt States UCS
United Island Empires UISE
United Tribes Cacicate UTBR
United Solaris Federation of Tiburon USFT
Valeneska Republic GFVN
Van Luxemburg VLUX
Vassfforcia VSF
Vault 10 V10
Vanek Drury Brieres VDB
Vephrall VEPH
Vuhifellian Federation VUHL
Way Nation WAYN
West Ariddia SSWA
West Cedarbrook CHWC
Wingarde WAWG
Wyvern Falls WVFL
Xanthal XNTL
Yannia YASU
Ylling YLNM
Yokaria KARI
Zutroy ZUT
Zwangzug ZZSC
Uiri UIR

Sorted by Code

Code Country/territory
AAO Asyhlo AO
ACPA Acqua Pacifica
ACPX Acapais
ADEJ Adejaani
AERI Aerion
AHTN Ahptan
AI Adam Island
AMAM Amestria
AMTO America of Tomorrow
AQAU Aqua Anu
ARNA Navrosia
ARSN Arsenius
ARUS Anna Rox Ur Sox
ASG Asgarnieu
ASMV Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
AUD Audland
AUNA Aunesia
AUSH Aurania-Shifre
AVNI (NS-ISO), ATH (RW-ISO) Aveni/Athens/Athen
BAZ or BAZA Bazalonia
BOUD Boudra-Boudra
BIPA Billopesha
BOS or BSTP Bostopia
BRTX Brutix
BRUX Bruxella
BUBN Bubosia
BTAO Bettia
CLF California
CAY Cayrocasia
CKBR Cookborough
CKSL Cookesland
COBRA Costa Bravo
CCBK Bashenk
CNWA North-West Ariddia
COO Coocoostan
CRV Cravan
CSA Allanea
CTLL Catalunya i Llenguadoc
CWCE Ecopoeia
DAMN Damanucus
DNET The Digital Network
DROS Offshore
DYOS Dai Yuddha Ossyria
EACP St Edmund Air
ECAS Caseia
ECTX El Caminos in Texas
EKAN The Eternal Kawaii
ENBL Eastern Noble
EOSN Sonaj
EPBO Bolshikstan
ERRI Errinundera
ESCP St Edmundan Antarctic
ESPS Espes
ESSA Essekwibo
FBRN Fbrenia
FPOS Federated Polynesian States
FSSE The Federated Stars
FTCW The Freethinkers
GOCP Godwinnia
GRFK Kroblexskij
GRMA Germanalasia
GRMI Gruenberg
GTUE Tannenmille
HBRG Hochberg
HLTX Hiltix
IDAN Antrium
IDBT Baranxtu
IDCE Ceorana
IDCI Cikoutimi
IDCL Cachette de Lions
IDJT Jonquiere-Tadoussac
IDKE Kelse
IDMK Mikitivity
IDQD Quintessence of Dust
IDSI The Sheridan Islands
INII Invisionize
ISSP Isola Spazio
ISTE Isola Terra
ITFA Itinerate Tree Dweller
JADE Greater Jade
JHIL Jhiland
KARI Yokaria
KED Kedalfax
KENY ----Kenny----
KLSK Kelssek
KPLD Kura-Pelland
KURO Kurona
KYLE Kylesburgh
LAES Love and esterel
LIAN Linux and the X
LITH Lithwah
LO, LOV Lovisa
LXSC Luchsuria
MADC Mad Chester
MANP Manhattan Prime
MIHL Miraclia
MNFX Mannifax
MPTH Teh Hax
MTGM Metalgolem
NERU Neo-Erusea
NFEP Nieufraumlinglande
NHIS New Historia
NMI North Moon Island
NRMK North Mack
NSHY Ness Snorlaxia
NVCC Nora Vaticana
NVOO Nova Voobaha
ORED One Red Dot
ORKM The Last Anarchy Order
OVRB Overbecland
PACI Pacitalia
PALX Palixia
PANT Pantocratoria
PARI Ariddia
PATA Palacetonia
PCHL Powerhungry Chipmunks
PDS Popeleoma Del Signe
PDSE Popeleoma Del Signe
PENG Pengwiniah
PEWA Princess Edwina Island
PHAT Phriykui'linoy'li'esis
PHIL The Philosophes
PING Pinguinum
PROT Planting
PRPY Popay
QUAK Quakmybush
QZX Qazox
RDAE Ra and
RENM Kanami
RJTL Rejistania
RKGH Random Kingdom
RPNG Neudegg
RSTE Rethan
RTSS The Silver Sky
RUCM Candelaria And Marquez
RUNM Brutland and Norden
RUSW Switzaland
SAT Satimon
SCH Schartlefritzen
SDCW Sadena
SOLN Solenial
SECP St Edmund
SKA The Skankin Penguins
SKE Sketch
SNJD Snǿĵgẻrd
SL Solenial
SPAM Spaam
SSWA West Ariddia
STB Starblaydia
STMV Stoklomolvi
SUEN Suthsaexe
SVD Stevid
SVSA San Adriano
SWLA Swilatia
TARI Taevri
TANS Tansei
TCCE The Candrian Empire
TCIS The Cooke Islands
TKZP The Kazoo Peoples
TSTW Tajiri_san
UCS Unified Capitalizt States
UIR Uiri
UISE United Island Empires
UKIN Isselmere-Nieland
UKOC Oceania
USEC Edward City
VDB Vanek Drury Briere
VEPH Vephrall
VLUX Van Luxemburg
VUHL Vuhifellian Federation
WAWG Wingarde
WAYN Way Nation
WVFL Wyvern Falls
XNTL Xanthal
YASU Yannia
YLNM Ylling
ZZSC Zwangzug
