National Socialist Party of TheRussianFederation

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The National Socialist Party of Russia

The National Socialist Party stands for the abolition of every form of domination and exploitation, whether based on social class, gender, race/ethnicity, age, education, sexual orientation, or other characteristics.

As we pursue a socialist transformation of society, we join with others in making radical demands on the existing system: demands that challenge the basic assumptions of a capitalist market economy while pointing the way to a new society. Although reforms will not in themselves bring about socialism, the fight for them will advance the cause by demonstrating the inherent limitations and injustice of the capitalist system. As we build the socialist movement, we organize around a platform committed to our common and interdependent struggles and aspirations.

Platform of the Socialist Party

The National Socialist Party hopes to accomplish many goals while elected into offcie which will better transform Russia into the perfect socialist state where all people are equal.


The National Socialist Party stands for the right of all workers to organize, for worker control of industry through the democratic organization of the workplace, for the social ownership of the means of production and distribution, and for international solidarity among working people based on common opposition to global capitalism and imperialism. We believe that the international organization of labor is the only way of combating the exploitation of workers in a global capitalist economy.

  • We support the right of any number of interested workers in a workplace to form a union with no limits on the subjects upon which employees and unions may bargain with employers.
  • We call for the democratic control of all unions by their membership, and independent of employer domination and influence.
  • We support the right of all workers to engage in collective action and self-representation regardless of union status.
  • We support a system with the same benefits for part-time workers as for full-time workers.
  • We support the creation of a fund for workers which would pay a worker’s full wages and health insurance as well as necessary educational and/or retraining costs if that worker loses a job due to environmental transition, down-sizing, corporate dismantlement, or capital flight.
  • We support a 30 hour work week at no loss of pay, with six weeks annual paid vacation.


The National Socialist Party stands for a fundamental transformation of the economy, focusing on production for need not profit. Only a global transformation from capitalism to democratic socialism will provide the conditions for international peace, justice, and economic cooperation based on the large-scale transfer of resources and technology from the developed to the developing countries.

  • We support a minimum wage of $15 per hour, indexed to the cost of living.
  • We support a full employment policy as well as the provision of a livable guaranteed annual income.
  • We support the idea of financial and insurance institutions being socially owned and operated by a democratically-controlled national banking authority, which should include credit unions, mutual insurance cooperatives, and cooperative state banks.
  • We support a steeply graduated income tax and a steeply graduated estate tax, and a maximum income of no more than ten times the minimum.
  • We oppose regressive taxes such as payroll tax, sales tax, and property taxes.
  • We support increased and expanded welfare assistance and increased and expanded unemployment compensation at 100% of a worker's previous income or the minimum wage, whichever is higher, for the full period of unemployment or re-training, whichever is longer.
  • We support a program of massive federal investment in both urban and rural areas for infrastructure reconstruction and economic development.
  • We support tax benefits for renters equal to those for homeowners.

Human Rights

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer People

The National Socialist Party recognizes the human and civil rights of all, without regard to sexual orientation.

  • We support an end of all anti-gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBTQ) restrictions in law and the work place, the repeal of all sodomy laws, and the legalization of same-sex marriage.
  • We support plans for schools to adopt policies and procedures to address and prevent student violence and to ban discrimination against GLBTQ people throughout the educational system.
  • We support a federal ban on all forms of job discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

People of Color

The National Socialist Party recognizes the intimate link between racism and capitalism and demands the elimination of all forms of discrimination in housing, jobs, education, health care, etc. The National Socialist Party rejects the social construction of race and we commit ourselves to the eradication of racism.

  • We strongly support affirmative action, civil rights, and anti-discrimination laws and programs to end institutional racism.
  • We support the efforts of people of color to self-defense, self-determination, and to organize independently for their liberation.

People with Disabilities

The National Socialist Party recognizes the human and civil rights of all, without regard to physical or psychological differences. We deplore media stereotypes that focus on a person's disability rather than on their strengths and abilities, and the physical and social barriers that prevent the full participation by people with disabilities in vital spheres of life.

  • We call for full enforcement that all public and private buildings, facilities, and modes of transportation are accessible to disabled people, and every effort is made to employ persons with disabilities.
  • We oppose any effort to limit the protections of the Disableds by restricting the definition of who is considered a person with a disability.
  • We support full funding for a network of support for people with physical, mental, and developmental disabilities, including home assistance, recreation centers, guaranteed income, voting access, and quality control in residential facilities.
  • We support full funding of high-quality education and training programs for people with disabilities.


The National Socialist Party recognizes the right of seniors to a dignified life, free from economic hardship, social isolation, and discrimination in employment and credit. Sufficient income, housing, health care, medication, and access to social services must be guaranteed to all elders.

  • We support the Social Security system and it remaining entirely within the public sector, with funding derived from a steeply graduated income tax on all income, earned and unearned.
  • We support the right of retirement at age 55 with a minimum annual retirement income of $25,000, tax free, and protected from inflation by cost of living increases.
  • We support a cap on Social Security benefits so that no beneficiary receives more than three times the income of those receiving the minimum.
  • We support an increase in home service, including home-delivered quality meals and the provision of personal aid devices and physical therapy, so that older people can remain independent in their homes and community.
  • We support the funding of jobs and training for seniors who do not wish to retire.
  • We support the formation of senior centers that provide opportunities for social and recreational activities and community involvement.
  • We support a person's right to die with dignity in a manner of their choosing.


The National Socialist Party is a socialist feminist organization that recognizes that a struggle against habitual male dominance and patriarchy must go hand in hand with any struggle against capitalism. Therefore, we pledge our opposition to all forms of sexism, and demand equality in all aspects of life.

  • We support every woman's right to choose when, if, and how to have children, including the right to free abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy, without interference or coercion. Clinics providing abortion services will have the full protection of the law.
  • We oppose the performing of any medical research or medical procedure without a woman's full knowledge and consent.

We support local governments placing a priority on preventing violence towards women, with coordinated programs to educate, provide shelter for women and children, and vigorously protect women from their abusers.

  • We support the decriminalization of prostitution and demand that sex workers, just like all women workers, are guaranteed a full range of health, social, and legal services; and working conditions free from harassment, violence, and exploitation
  • We support 16 months paid leave to be shared by new parents or in its entirety by a single parent, and the expansion and full-funding of high-quality child care facilities.
  • We support comprehensive educational and training opportunities, comparable worth laws, and affirmative action for women.


The National Socialist Party believes that the right of all children to nurturing, protection, and education by caring adults must be staunchly upheld, and that all Constitutional and human rights belonging to adults belong to younger people as well, and must be defended with equal vigor and determination

  • We support free, quality care and education for all children and young people, federally financed and community controlled through democratically elected local boards that will include youth members.
  • We support the rights of minors to be free of any kind of child abuse or neglect whether physical, mental, emotional, or sexual.
  • We oppose measures that increase responsibilities and penalties on youth ostensibly to curb crime.
  • We support the abolition of parent consent and notification laws for reproductive health services, including abortion.
  • We support the right to comprehensive sex education in school that includes birth control methods, STD protection, and information about being GLBTQ.
  • We oppose age-based curfew laws.

Human Needs

Arts and Culture

The National Socialist Party believes that art is an integral part of daily life, and should not be treated as a commodity produced by the activity of an elite group. All members of society should have ample opportunities for participation in art and cultural activities.

  • We support the formation of collectives, arts centers and schools, independent media, theaters and festivals to advance such cultural endeavors as music, poetry, prose, drama, dance, storytelling, visual art, and videography.
  • We support guaranteed incomes and grants for artists and performers.
  • We support making schools and workplaces available as cultural centers.
  • We support full funding of community and school arts programs for people of all ages.
  • We support full funding to keep libraries, museums, cultural centers, and historic sites open and accessible to all.
  • We support the preservation of literature, art, music, dance, oral traditions, and audio and video recordings that have arisen out of people's experiences: young and old, of all nationalities and colors, sexual preferences, working, un- and under-employed, and disabled.
  • We support the autonomy of artists of color, women artists, and disabled artists in their creative work..


The National Socialist Party recognizes the right of students of all ages to a free, quality education in a safe and supportive environment, and of all school employees to good wages, benefits, and working conditions.

  • We support full and equal funding of public education; for the restoration of a comprehensive K-12 curriculum, including art, music, world languages, and physical education; for an end to all public funding of private schools; and for free tuition and full-time teachers with full benefits.
  • We support public child care starting from infancy, and public education starting at age three, with caregivers and teachers of young children receiving training, wages, and benefits comparable to that of teachers at every other level of the educational system.
  • We suuportan egalitarian educational system with teaching methods that accommodate the wide range of teaching and learning styles, and that provides all students with the means to obtain the post-secondary education they desire. *We support a maximum of 15 students per teacher for grades K-12, and a maximum of 50 students per teacher at the college level.
  • We support full and unrestricted health education programs, including sex education, with curriculum input from parents, students, teachers, and health care professionals.

Health Care

The National Socialist Party stands for a socialized health care system based on universal coverage, salaried doctors and health care workers, and revenues derived from a steeply graduated income tax.

  • We support a national health program with full standard and alternative medical, dental, vision, and mental health coverage for all, publicly funded through progressive taxation and controlled by democratically elected assemblies of health care workers and patients.
  • We support a health care system that emphasizes preventive care, respects patients' privacy, gives special attention to the needs of the physically and mentally disabled, and conducts treatment and research unimpaired by sexism, racism, or homophobia.
  • We support the public ownership of the pharmaceutical industry.
  • We support the right to choose or refuse medical treatment, the right to die, and the right to assisted suicide.


The National Socialist Party recognizes the right of all people to high quality, low cost housing.

  • We support a vast increase in the construction of low cost, scattered site, community-based, high quality housing.
  • We support the organization of a housing rehabilitation program aimed at renovating and remodeling existing homes to bring them up to housing and safety codes, as part of a broader public works program.
  • We support an end to home foreclosures


The National Socialist Party calls for extensive public transportation in both urban and rural areas.

  • We support the creation of a fully funded high-speed national rail system with fares set low enough to be a viable alternative to the use of the automobile.
  • We support an end to the expansion of the interstate highway system.
  • We support government subsidized programs to expand safe routes for foot and bicycle paths.
  • We support pedestrian ways, accessible by mass transit, which exclude vehicles from the downtown area of cities and towns.
  • We support publicly funded development of renewable fuels.

Civil Rights

Legal justice

The National Socialist Party recognizes the right of all people to equal treatment under the law, and to a humane criminal sanction system based on prevention, mediation, restitution, and rehabilitation.

  • We support free, quality, legal and court services with skilled and experienced attorneys of choice for all.
  • We call for prosecution of the criminal activities of politicians, corporate managers, and other privileged individuals.
  • We support the use of prison labor to perform state services.
  • We support the decriminalization of drug use and the regulation of narcotics by doctors through the use of prescriptions rather than by the criminal justice system.
  • We support comprehensive community-based, client-controlled rehabilitation programs.
  • We oppose the death penalty.

Media and Intellectual Property

The National Socialist Party stands for the right of ordinary people to express opinions and communicate freely by vastly extending the public sector of all forms of mass media.

  • We support the breakup of large media companies so that no one company or individual owns more than one newspaper, radio or television station, or television channel.
  • We support government ownership of satellite and cable companies with revenues generated by these operations allocated to a publicly controlled fund to finance innovative visual and audio programming (including movies), over the air radio and television, and cable and satellite programming. The fund would also greatly increase the money going to community cable programming.
  • We support public funding of newspapers and magazines. Any non-profit organization that publishes a journal would receive public funding in proportion to its paid subscriber list.