Noropian pine

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The Noropian pine (Pinus onabanus) is the most common tree in Noropia. It can grow from 120-150 feet in height with a trunk between 2 and 4 feet in diameter. Cones can grow from 5 to 12 inches in length. The Noropian pine grows quickly, usually reaching 40-50 feet inside of 20 years.

The Noropian pine usually has the rough and irregular conical shape represented on Noropia’s flag. It is an evergreen and coniferous tree whose needles occur in fascicles of five. It can be found throughout Noropia, in the Northrange, in the Noropian Gap, and in certain places along the Normarch.

The wood of the Noropian pine is very important to the Iansislean lumber industry. It is used primarily for home construction and pulp and the tall, straight trunks were historically favored as ship masts.