Ollotarnon Alcaratare

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Ollotarnon i Úmanya Ollotarion carte Alcaratare Herú Hísilómë
Date of Birth
18 Hrívë 5114 (8 December 1954)
Place of Birth
Osit-in-Híisilómë, Hísilómë
Political Affiliation
Marduuk Party
Position in Empire
Governor-Consul-General of Hísilómë

Ollotarnon Alcaratare, is the Governor-Consul-General of Hísilómë, he was appointed to his post during the third Party Congress and has retained his position since.

Fun Facts

  • Drinks Banana Hísilómë (which would be a banana flavored champagne)
  • Enjoys the Northern Star Philharmonic Orchestra
  • Dislikes the Isenians