Pantocratorian Imperial usage of styles in correspondence

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The exact usage of styles in correspondence to or from the Emperor of Pantocratoria is a matter of significant care and protocol. There are several concerns: the subscription on the envelope, the form of address in the letter; the first line in which the correspondent is directly addressed; and the style used in the body of the letter to refer to the person. Even the amount of blank space between the first line of the letter and its body is subject to strict specifications.


The Emperor writes letters to foreign sovereigns who speak English and Greek in their own languages. He usually writes to the Pope in French, although he occasionally writes in Latin. To all other sovereigns, he writes in French, whether they speak French or not. To heads of state and government who are not themselves monarchs, the Emperor almost invariably writes in French. To private citizens, he writes in French by default, although if written to by a Pantocratorian citizen in Greek, he will respond in that language. Public letters and decrees are written in both French and Greek, although before Greek was reintroduced as an official language, they were only written in French.


The end of every letter from the Emperor is dated by the saint's feast day and the year of the reign in which the letter was written. The Emperor's name is signed by hand in purple ink in his letters ("By Our hand"), and in purple print in decrees, which are issued instead under his seal ("Issued under Our seal").

In French or English letters, following the Emperor's name, his title is printed in the format:

English: By the Grace of God, Emperor of Pantocratoria, Autocrator of the Romans, Caesar Augustus, King of France and Navarre, Equal of the Apostles, God's Vicegerent on Earth, et al French: Par la Grace de Dieu, Empereur de Pantocratorie, Autocrateur des Romains, César-Auguste, Roi de France et Navarre, Égale des Apôtres, Vicegerent de Dieu sur la Terre, et al

(occasionally some of the Emperor's other titles may be included before the "et al", such as Sebastocrator, or Grand Master of the Knights of the Order of the Pantocrator)

In Greek, the Emperor writes his name and title by hand, also in purple ink, in the format:

English: Andreus Capet, In Christ True Emperor and Autocrator of the Romans Greek: Ανδρέας Καπετ, πρὀς Χριστός πιστός βασιλεύς κοὑ Ἁυτοκρἁτωρ Ρωμαίων

(occasionally, if for some reason the Emperor is addressing a letter in Greek to another sovereign bearing the title "emperor", he might specify in his signature that he was "Emperor of Pantocratoria" instead)

Styles of Address

The Emperor styles many monarchs as siblings (brother/frère or sister/sœur), for instance:

The Emperor styles many other monarchs as cousins, for instance:

Since she is married to his son, Prince Andreus, the Emperor addresses the Empress of Lavenrunz, Aurora von Sachshausen, as his daughter. The Emperor also addresses Prince Joseph of Excalbia and Prince Brendan of Holista as his sons.

The Emperor is inclined in his styles of address to extend the status of "God's Vicegerent on Earth" from his full title only to the Emperor of Excalbia and the Empress of Lavenrunz, and is inclined to implicitly extend the status of "Equal of the Apostles" to the Empress of Lavenrunz, although he does not call her by that title. In a certain way, then, the Emperor recognises these two monarchs (and only these two) as his equals by employing one of his own titles to address them.