Parliament Building

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The Parliament Building is one of eight large buildings located in the Marble City in Tarana, the capital of the Resurgent Dream. As the name indicates, Parliament Building is the building which houses the Danaan Parliament, the legislative branch of the government. The building itself is located just north of the Royal Palace.

The structure is carved of the same marble as the rest of the Marble City, painstaking formed into a full building over the centuries. Some minor alterations have been made to allow Parliament the use of modern conveniences while at work. The building is divided into three parts. In the center is the grand entrance way and the chamber itself, above which hang the public galleries from which the people can watch open sessions. To the east are the offices of the Members of Parliament, the sitting rooms of the various parties, and the Cabinet Room. To the west are committee meeting rooms and two large rooms set aside for Parliamentary hearings.