Passport Harmonisation

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The "Missing" Resolution

Passport Harmonisation passed the UN General Assembly in February 2004, but following the move to Jolt it was no longer there.

What happened to Resolution 46(a)?

  • Was it swallowed by the mysterious Forum 7?
  • Did it violate British / Australian / US law?
  • Were the Mods sufficiently disappointed with having a proposal named after a wind-swept soda confection to quietly and discreetly remove it?

No one really knows. No one, except perhaps The Smoking Man.

Text of the Resolution

Passport harmonisation
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy Strength: Significant Proposed By: Stormymilkshake

As the peoples of the world learn more of other nations the urge to travel and broaden cultural horizons has naturally increased. Border formalities are hampered customs officials finding themselves increasingly baffled by the variety of personal identification each nation requires. A UN standardisation initiative would see world citizens issued with documentation which presents personal information in a single format, easing stress and delays at Customs and Immigration facilities. Tourism generates significant revenues alongside the cutural benefits and UN intervention would stimulate growth in this area of each nation's economy.

Each nation would be able to present its travel documentation in a manner and design which reflects its own culture and traditions as long as it contained the standard information.

Votes For: 16,174
Votes Against: 3,817
Implemented: Tue Mon Feb 9 2004

Additional Materials