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Nation: Cafundeu
Function: Capital of the State(Old Cities State); historical city; national army's headquarters
Population: 23,001,001(last year's estimative)
Leader: Mayor Hermann Pender; Governor Marcos Lapaz Serset

Penderia is the oldest city of Cafundeu. Nowadays it lost most of its economic importance, but still is one of the most important cities of the country, as it is the main city of the armed forces.

Penderia has lots of historical buildings, old and beautiful, lots of museums and schools. Because of that is considered the most cultural city of the country. It's also the place of Fort Pender, the most famous fortress of the country, and much visited by tourists.

The Pender family controls the politics in Penderia in the last 300 years.

Image(City Hall): 800px-Esta%C3%A7%C3%A3o_Jo%C3%A3o_Felipe.jpg