Reformed Methodian Constitution

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After the events involving New Lofeta, BlobbDobb, Carpentolia and Haliboranje, the nation fell into anarchy as the regional court resigned. It is believed by some nations that these decisions where not made democratically and it was unfair for all the members of the regional court to abandon their duty to the region. A proposal has been made to the Methody Region about a new regional government.

A full copy of the reformed consitution will soon be available, but a basic sum up of it will be written here.

§ Preamble

states that the consitution is optional but must be followed by people wanting to engage in regional politics. Prevents nations from changing the constitution without regional approval. Natiosn may not vote with puppets.

§ Clause 1

Explains that the region runs on a Party system. Groups of 3-4 nations create a party, then nations vote on which party they support. Whichever ever party wins becomes the Regional Cabinet, whichever party is the best loser is the Shadow Cabinet. Small decisions are made by the Regional Cabinet. More Important decisions are made by the Regional Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet or sometiems even by the whole region.

§ Clause 2

Defines what is a big decision and what is a small decision.

§ Clause 3

Deals with corruption within the Parliament and warns of harsh punishment.

§ Appendices

Gives a list of regional crimes, explains some of the constitution words and gives a list of regional facilities.