Repeal "UN Biological Weapons Ban"

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#202: Repeal "UN Biological Weapons Ban"

Category: Repeal
Proposed By: Karmicaria
Repealed: UNR #113
Status: Passed
Adopted: 2007.03.10
Votes For: 8,877
Votes Against: 2,960

Resolution Text

Description: UN Resolution #113: UN Biological Weapons Ban (Category: Global Disarmament; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The United Nations;

RECONGNIZING the intent of UNR#113 "UN Biological Weapons Ban";

NOTING that UNR #113 includes such things as the common cold and flu, but does not include non-contagious infectious agents such as anthrax, which enables nations to exploit this oversight and develop biological weapons using such non-contagious infectious agents;

CONCERNED that giving control of all biological research facilities to the military within member nations is excessive and would come at a great cost to the nations civil liberties and economies;

DISTURBED that the resolution severely hinders legitimate research of countermeasures to biological attack;

BELIEVING that the united nations can find better ways to convince non-member nations to refrain from using biological weapons through more diplomatic means than by severing and refusing alliances with them;

HEREBY repeals UN Resolution #113 "UN Biological Weapons Ban", in order to make room for more comprehensive legislation.

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