Royal House of Wasterin

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The Royal House of Wasterin is the reigning Royal House of the Grand Kingdom of Aerion. The Aerionian Royal Family belongs to the Royal House of Wasterin. It is the only Royal House Aerion has had. It claims legitimacy by descent from First Elder Wasterin V'i, founder of the first national government of Aerion, who furthermore it is claimed was descended from an as of yet unnamed Royal House from Northern Africa or Europe.

King Wasterin I claimed descent from First Elder Wasterin V'i, and therefore began the Royal House of Wasterin. It could be said that the House is one of the youngest of the Royal Houses of the world.

Many members of the Royal House of Wasterin, and many nobile families who were connected to the Royal House were killed by succeeding governments after the first monarchy of King Wasterin I fell.


Today there are less than 15 publically known surviving members of the Royal House of Wasterin. Others have survived, but have chosen not to make public their association with the Royal House due to persecution by previous governments and not wishing to be in the public eye.