Ruby Throne of the Celestial Dragon

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The Ruby Throne of the Celestial Dragon is the throne that is utilized by the Emperor of Allech-Atreus. The term is used in both a literal and figurative sense, as the physical throne is actually carved out of a huge ruby and adorned with and image of a shimmering dragon.

When used firguatively, the term refers to the divinely ordained power of the Emperor, or more simply, his legitimacy as the ruler of Allech-Atreus.

Acording to the Kam En In, the Imperial law code formulated by the Jeddawan Emperor, any decree that the Emperor issues while on the throne itself is automatically Imperial law, with no exceptions. The issuance of this command is called Rahi Er Kam, or "Law from the Ruby" This power is rarely used, and has been augmented by succeeding law codes to make it more difficult to use. Several conditions must be met for a Rahi Er Kam to be issued.

The throne itself was carved during the reign of the Lakarik Emperors from a single piece of immense Satalpatran ruby, and inlaid with golden dragons. The dragons were prized out by the Alastar Emperors for reasons unclear, but the cut grooves still show the images of the dragons.

The throne is considered a sacred artifact by the followers of Taam In Phar, and many ceremonies revolve around it. During the coronation of the Emperor, the throne is moved to the Temple of the Sapphire and placed upon the Grand Dais. The ceremony is affected, and the Emperor takes the throne. A huge litter carrying the throne and Emperor then proceeds from the temple to the central Imperial court hall (Hall of Imperial Glory), and is then placed upon the dais there.