Runla Hø

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Runla Hø (1958-), wife of Generalissimo Hurč Dlatkn, was born in the village of Hok and studied at the Hok School of Creammaking before marrying Dlatkn at the age of 18.

She has attempted to install herself as a mother figure for the Eyepatčians, as a sort of nicer alternative to Ubep's vitriolic Narga Txorkulag. She has made several speeches proclaiming the virtues of the Eyepatčian people. For public appearances she is usually seen wearing three to six differently-colored neckties fastened to her blouse.

Mme. Hø stands four feet, ten inches tall and wears round spectacles as well as a Hopi maiden-esque hairstyle with two protruding topknots.