Saturn City Main Commune

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Saturn City Main Commune, Segasaturn.
Location: Kurt Communes/ Eastern Segasaturnian Seaboard
City Commune Population: 60.9 Million (2003 Est.)
Main Transit System: Saturn City Transit Worker's Collective
Form of Government: Autonomous Anarcho-Communist Commune of the Anarchist Communes of Segasaturn
City Commune Sections: 7 City Commune Sections

Saturn City Main Commune, Segasaturn

{curently being re-writtened...}


The Saturn City Main Commune was founded by colonizers who conquered Segasaturn in the Late 1780's. It was used as the center of government during Segasaturn's Colonial years (1784-1978). During the colonial era, the popluation of Saturn City was orginally made up of the local colonial bourgeoisie,