Sith Wars

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The Return of the Sith

The beginnings of the Sith Wars were primarily concerned with the return of the Emperor Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, from cryogenic suspension.

Quickly returning to full power, he retook the Imperial cloning facilities of Kaminos, and unlocked his dormant Sith army. Quickly building in power; fortifying a solid power base, the Sith began their plans to strike out against their hated blood enemy....The Jedi.

7 Years Passed; and the Fleet, the Empire, with its Sith warriors reawakened; became a reality. This awakening was not unnoticed however; many felt the disturbances caused by the Sith as they echoed through the Force; mostly notably Coreworlds.

With General Veers reawakened and the Sith Fleets regaining power, the Emperor was enlightened to a new development by the scientists of the Sith; an all powerful battle station....The Death Star

The Sith launched a brutal and protracted war against Coreworlds; resulting in the destruction of the world Juria. Using this to rally many others to its side; Coreworlds continued to fight bravely against the Sith who was joined by many new allies; such as the brutal Doomans of Doomingsland, and the Expansionist and zealous Chronosian Imperium.

Eventually Coreworlds was defeated; its fleets laid to waste, and its shipyards all but destroyed by the power of the Death Star. The government officially surrendered, and Andrew Masaki fled; becoming leader of the Rebel Alliance; which would prove a continuing thorn in the Sith's side.

The war eventually turned to other allies of Coreworlds, including Weyr and the Wick; and they were eventually subsumed into Unified Sith's control; and the 'Galactic Empire', the organisation which contained representatives from Sith, her allies and the conquered nations. The Galactic Empire continued to grow; despite the ever present threat of the Rebel Alliance, and the growing sympathies and ambitions of any number of 'New Republics'

The Death of the Rebellion was caused by many factors, but the catalyst was the PredAlien. This strange creature who serves Emperor Helldawg VI of Doomingsland was sent to kill the Masaki family and gather information for the Sith Senate. He had fought with Daniel and Andrew Masaki on several seperate occasions, nearly killing Andrew. The PredAlien's life was ended on the Corelian Ship ,Soverign, where the PredAlien met up with a wise Klingtonian soldier, the Soldier tossed a EMP grenade at the creature to disable its robotic parts. The PredAlien destroyed it with force lightning when the ship was rammed and exploded, The soldier had held off the creature until its death. Or so they thought...

Later that day Core Worlds surrendered, much to the dismay of Core Worlds allies, the allies where forced to retreat and were angered greatly. Thousands had died for nothing, not a stand-off, not a victory, nothing. Needless to say, the Rebellion is dead. But not in the normal sense of the word. Small whispers echo through national goverments, and the Rebellion is still remembered, ready to rise up and fight again...someday...

In the aftermath of the final defeat of Coreworlds, Daniel Masaki was offered leadership of the Empire's 'Black Order' a secret organisations of intelligence gathering and covert ops. Rumor has it that the PredAlien never did die, and now serves under the boy he'd once hunted as an operative in the Black Order.

Upon the formation of the Black Order, the Imperial Navy under the leadership of Grand Admiral Thrawn sought about to pull control from the emperor. In a bid for absolute power and control the Empire plunged into civil war, with Lord Vader, Emperor Palpatine and Grand Admiral Thrawn each fighting for Galactic dominance. Eventually, in a climactic battle above Coruscant Lord Vader rammed his Super Star Destroyer into the control sector of the Death Star, rendering the battle platform inoperable. In the resulting chaos the Imperial Navy surrendered and joined Grand Admiral Thrawn, the new leader of the Empire.

During the Civil war the colony of the Farstars sought to gain independence from the Empire, revolting successfully against the Imperial Governor Engleman, Grand Admiral Thrawn did not have the resources, nor the spirit to quell this new rebellion, instead he bribed the Farstars with equal representation in the Galactic Senate and military protection.

In the peaceful months that followed, the puppet Senate slowly pulled increasing powers away from the Imperial Navy to such an extent that the Empire was in fact a Republic. This, and heightened tensions between the Senate and Grand Admiral Thrawn led to the excommunication of Grand Admiral Thrawn and political transformation of the Galaxy from an Empire into a Republic.

The political change did not sit well with all member nations, causing the Chronosian Imperium and the Dark Empire of Doomingsland to leave the Empire, resulting in another Galactic Civil war. Due to the large amounts of clones being used these were subsequently dubbed the second clone wars.

Eventually, the Republic won the war however, it became all to apparent that is was simply another Sith plot to insure dominance of the Galaxy. The Republic was once again transformed into an Empire. What’s more it was transformed by none other than Emperor Palpatine himself, long thought to be dead. In the resulting conflict between Sith and Jedi, Daniel Masaki was captured and executed by firing squad, heralding the demise of the Jedi.

Upon Daniel Masakis attempt to kill the newly established emperor, the Galactic Empire sought to punish Coreworlds, resulting in the bombardment of the nations worlds by ion weapons, rendering all technological equipment useless. The Empire subsequently established a large Faster than light inhibitor field, isolating the Coredians from the rest of the Galaxy while plunging their worlds into a new stone age.

Several years after the war, the Coreworlds are now ruled by the Dark Lady of the Sith, Darth Nightshade. It has also been noted that rumors of her brother Daniel Masaki's demise has been exaggerated and the two former siblings, now split along ideological and galatigraphical lines soon head towards a conflict greater than ever seen before.

And the saga continues...

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