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Flag of Solarais
Motto: Solarais shall stand forever
Solarais Map
Region The Confederacy of Systems
Capital Solarais
Official Language(s) Light emission
Leader The entity of Jiha
Population 62 000 000
Currency Solarit 
NS Sunset XML

Solaraisi History I

The Beginning

The nation of Solarais has its beginnings in a small diffusion of one light particle. This particle was named, by itself, Yukiri. It lived for almost 15 billion years, absorbing heat and light. However, it gained enough heat to need more than it could assilmate into itself. It then replicated. There were then 2 particles. Each growing larger, and more powerful. They replicated as well. After about 10 billion years of this process, another strange light diffusion hit one of the particles. This particles split into 22 parts. These parts were each a seperare entity, all all gained powerful thought. They then all tried to assilmate all heat and light on the planet, even trying with each other. Luckily, none managed to do so.


75 billion years on, one of the particles discovered how to mould its body, and some metals the elements had unearthed, into a space-faring vessel. It then colonised the next planet in the system, making it the most powerful clan. In time, all of the other clans learnt how to do this, and they reached for the starts. Another 55 billion years on, another clan discovered how to travel faster than light. This clan than achived dominance, making it the biggest clan of all.


In all eventualaity. the other clans discovered how to do this. They all colonised many planets, and became a massive star empire. Unfortunately, they had to go exceedingly far to find planets suitable to their races temperament.

Ships were built, and many warships were developed to fight one another. Eventually, though, no one clan ruled any one world, as they all shared.

Eventually, the population settled down into a steady growth rate, and no more worlds were sought after, as the Solaraisi could simply set up small worlds their had dragged out of orbit, near to the sun. Also, Jiha become the most powerful clan, as it made sure it had knowledge of everything the Solaraisi knew.

Solaraisi History II

The Humans Discovered

One year, the Jiha sent out a scout towards a massive sector of space it believed unclaimed. However, when it went to investigate the sector, the Jiha found that a strange new species of aliens lived there. They called themselves humans. The Jiha were quick to declare a trade embargo, making sure no other clan would know of this. They then found iteranant humans, or independant ones, and cloned them for their own uses.

However, the human government they had found was known as The Fedral Union. This government was quick to rush to the border of Solarais, and sanctions were placed. Jihw was not unhappy with this turn of affairs, as it made sure the border was secured. However, they sent a small force to make sure the border was safe.

War and Allegiances

In a stunning set of affairs, The Fedral Union attacked the fleet, destroyed the majority of it, and advanced towards the nearest border planet, a world named X-22. However, two other clans, Palim and Hegeroth, allied to provide defence for this world. A set of defensive mines made for warfare against other clans, was utilitised to stop the TFU fleet from advancing. Also, a numerous fleet was gathered there, preapring to destroy the TFU fleet.

However, at the same time, a nation named Skeelzania had put itself foward for the defense of Solarais. TFU also had help, from two nations named Facist Confederacy, and Coreworlds. Coreworlds attacked Skeelzania, which resulted in The Coreworlds-Skeelzania Conflict. Facist Confederacy soon left, and posed on real threat to the Solaraisi. The TFU fleet were badly damaged, and retreated to an outlying system colonised by Palim.

Peace Accords

After these set of affairs, the Jiha laid a peace treaty on the table to be discussed with TFU. The negotiations are still in place, yet both sides hope that the matter can be resolved peacefully.

Present Day

The Fedral Union failed to sign the peace accords, or retreat from Solaraisi territory. After this set of actions, the Fedral Union then started proclaiming it had a 70km x 55 km x 60km battleship with level 26 temporal technology. As these were clearly the actions of a madman, Solarais sealed the border to the Fedral Union. Nothing has come of it as yet, but hopefully the Fedral Union will stay within their own affairs.

Solaraisi Worlds

The description for these worlds in under development, and will not be available for another week or two.


(under each system, are the names and descriptions of each world)

Solarais Prime 
This world is the homeworld of the Solaraisi, and contains precious little except a burning core of a world. It is exceedingly close to the sun, and would be completely unnoticable to any standard sensor checks.
Solarais II 
The next world after the sun, this world is also inhabitied, although not very densely.
Solarais IV 
This world is a decent distance away from the sun, but it contains a massive amount of valuable materials, as this is where the first fleets were built from.
Goroina IX 
This is the only world which was colonized in the Goroina system, however, it contains a massive amount of a gas which can be utilitised as a planet-to-planet fuel, as it is plentiful and cheap.
Mining World G66M 
This world contained a small amount of materials, and was summarily used as a refueling base. However, some 10 million years on, another material as discovered. This material was also useful, and it could withstand vast pressure.
Solren IV 
Solren IV is a populated world, which has a massive greenhouse effect. As such, it is, suitable for Solaraisi to live on. It was once a great military world, but those days have now passed.
Tolrelna X 
This enigmatic 'planet' was constructed by a rogue particle of the Jiha consciousness, and it 'eats' other planets, stripping them of life, metals, and anything remotely useful. However, it was not imbued with FTL travel, and, once it had 'eaten' all the planets in Tolrelna, it sat there, energy and life dwindling alike.
Mochai V 
Mochai V is a strange world, known for its exceedingly erratic orbit. In one of its 'years' it spend about 40% of the time close to the sun, and is the perfect location for particles to grow in power, making them suitable for a space voyage. The other 60%, it spends far out, beyond two other planets, and it is a cold wasteland. This means spaceships are constantly arriving, as no one clan is willing to lose one thousand particles.
This planet, unnamed as yet, was home to a powerful race named the Murdai. The Murdai were large, unintelligent beasts, who eminated a large amount of warmth. As such, the planet was colonised, and the warmth taken from the beasts, killing every last one.
This planet is a small one, which constantly burns, due to its close position to the immensely hot sun. It has no other qualities.
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New Solren 
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New Alren 
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First Council 
First Council 
This world was so named, as the first Great Council was held here, with every clan appearing to say what they would. The only reason hey met here was because the planet had a strange gravimetric influnce, which stopped the particles gathering heat,vand trying to kill each other.
Outpost Beta 
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Morian -
Morian Prime 
Morian is a large world, and has many space stations and satellites surrounding it. It is the main military construction world of Solarais, and was used to pump out ships when TFU invaded.
Ethera IV -This is the main staging point for ships, as it contains the largest generator of refueling materials, and heat generators in the Solaraisi quadrant.
Fueling Post Delta 
This is a simple fueling post, for ships to use before they arrive at the frontier.
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Commencement (Formerly X-22) 
This world was the first to be attacked by the TFU fleet, and is protected with an insanely large minefield. It also has a large gatheration of fleeets, and is possibly the largest gathering of military vessels since the great clan wars (Information will be forthcoming).